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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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84 Of one that is vnwilling to lend money.

When I but buy two suites of rich apparrell,
Or some faire ready horse against the running,
Rich Quintus, that same Miser, slye and cunning,
Yet my great friend, begins to pick a quarrell,
To tell me how his credit is in perill;
How some great Lord (whose name may not be spoken,)
With him for twenty thousand crownes hath broken.
Then, with a fained sigh, and signe of sorrow,
Swearing he thinks these Lords will quite vndoe him,
He cals his seruant Oliuer vnto him,
And sends to the Exchange, to take on vse
One thousand poūds, must needs be paid to morrow.
Thus would he blind mine eyes with this abuse,
And thinks, though he was sure I came to borrow,
That now I needs must shut my mouth for shame.
Fie, Quintus, fie, then when I speak deny me.
But to deny me thus, before I try thee,
Blush and confesse that you be too too blame.