University of Virginia Library



“Go thou to her, O Rose,
And bear this word from me,
Tell her,—‘By every wind that blows
I send my love to thee.’”
The mighty winds go by
On their unerring quest;
I hear their strong wings as they fly
From sea to mountain crest.
The jocund winds go by,
Like children mad with glee;
They toss the shrinking leaves on high;
They gayly mock at me!


The moaning winds go by
Sobbing from pole to pole;
Sleepless I hear their bitter cry—
Their wail of want and dole.
The winds of God go by
In fathomless unrest;
The north winds to the south reply,
The east winds to the west.
All winds of God go by!
It matters naught to me;—
They bring not from the earth or sky
One word of love from thee!