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MARCH THE 15th 1619
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MARCH THE 15th 1619

The Right Honorble͠: Robert Earle of Warwick.

Sr Edwin Sandys Thr̃er. 
Sr Thomas Roe.  mr Iohn Wroth.  Capt Dani: Tucker. 
Sr Dudley Diggℯ.  mr Mau: Abbott.  mr Iohn Smith. 
Sr Thomas Gates.  mr Deputy.  mr Keightley. 
Sr Iohn Dauers.  mr Tho: Gibbes.  mr Nicho: Ferrar. 
Sr Fard: Gorge.  mr Robt: Ofley.  mr Bull. 
Sr Tho: Wroth.  mr Sam: Wrote.  mr Cranmer. 
Sr Iohn: Wolstenholme.  mr Dr Meddus.  mr Rogers. 
Sr Nath: Rich.  mr Henry Reighnoldℯ.  mr Essington. 
Sr Tho: Willforde.  mr Tomlynℯ.  mr Ditchfeilde. 
mr Recorder of London.  mr George Tucker.  mr Casswell. 
mr Alderm: Iohnson.  mr Nicho: Leate.  mr Swifte. 
Capt Sam: Argoll.  mr George Smith. 
mr Mellinge, Cr

The Courte beinge sett mr Thr̃er made knowne yt the George beinge
returned from Virginia had brought ɫres certefyinge allso of the


greate mortallytie wch hath beene in Virginia about 300:of the Inhab-
itants haveinge dyed this last yeare and that Sr George Yeardley
comittes the former §same§ error as formerly that hee dyrecteth all
his letters to the Counsell and not any to the Company; Butt for ye
people sent in the Bona Noua they are aryved in health are all live-
inge & p̳sper well applyinge themselvs wth the rest accordinge to
direcc̃on to the buildinge of houses tillinge of the ground plantinge
Silkgrass: Butt forasmuch as the Courte was wholly ignorant of the
State of the Colloney wch by the readinge of these [87] Letters now
come they might be enformed of, therfore itt was ernestly moved by
divers now present that they might be published to the Courte, butt
sundry of the Counsell thinkinge itt inconvenyent, till a full nomber
therof hadd first heard itt, wch was accounted seaven to gether, itt
was therfore deferred till the next Courte and in the intryme itt was
agreed that the Counsell should be desyred to meete vppon ffryday
afternoone att mr Thr̃erℯ house att two of the Clocke, and that Capt
Smith, and Capt Maddison then attend to make knowne their greiv-
ances wch they pretend done vnto them by Sr George Yeardley.
The George re-
turned 300:dead
The people sent in
ye Bona Noua ar-
riued well.
The readinge of ye
L̃res is referd
Capt Smith & Capt
Maddison to make
known their greu-

Then hee Com̄ended to the Considerac̃on and approbac̃on of them
three Things of mayne consequence—1: wheras fower shipps are lately
dispeeded and another wch wilbe readie to goe by the last of this
moneth wth Pasengers & Provisions as itt was delivered and allowed
in a Quarter Courte held the 17th of Nouembr last that therfore for the
better Care of preservinge them att their landinge and nourishinge
those wch shalbe sicke for preventinge so neer as may be ye like mor-
tallytie and for the prosicutinge of some well degested orders made
in their Courtes hee had framed the draught of a Charter, wch although
this Courte could not give a finall confirmac̃on thervnto, yett if they
now approved therof itt might be sent in this Ship to be putt in
Execuc̃on, & be confirmed in the next greate generall Courte.

3 things of mayne
consequence Com-
ended by ye Thr̃er
to y e Courte. 1:
The draught of a
Charter for nour-
ishinge those yt
are sicke.

That wch mr Alderman Iohnson now proposed that they would take
care how to dispose of the Ship and goods now returned for their
best advantage.

To dispose of ye
Ship & goodℯ re-
turned. 2:


Of difference betwixt the Northerne and So: Collonys.

The differences be-
tweene ye No: and
So: Colloneys. 3:
The Charter redd
and approued of.

ffor the first the Draught of the said Charter beinge extant itt was
agreed should be red wch done was very well approved and allowed
off referringe itt to the Quarter Courte for an example confirmac̃on
butt in the meane time agreed that the Coppie therof should be sent
for the Gouernor to putt in practize.

A Coppie to be
sent to ye Gou9nor.

The second beinge mr Alderman Iohnsonℯ Proposic̃on was comitted
to a Comittee to consider of, that is to say

Sr Thomas Smith.  mr Alder: Iohnson.  mr Cranmore 
Sr Thomas Wroth.  mr Io: Wroth.  mr Bull & 
Sr Io: Wolstenholme.  mr Deputy.  mr Caswell or so many
elℯ as pleased. 
Sr Nath: Rich.  mr Keightley. 
Alderman Iohn-
sonℯ Proposic̃on
referrd to a Com-
ittee & deuided in-
to 3 partℯ vizd

Devidinge the busines into three poyntes.

ffor the plantinge of English Tobacco that notwthstandinge vppon ye
Compa: yeildinge to an imposte, his Maty by a Proclamac̃on hath pro-
hibited the same yett Contrary thervnto itt is pryvately planted.

English Tobacco
priuately planted.

ffor the procuringe a mitegac̃on of the imposic̃on wch is conceyved
may be obteyned. [88]

mitegac̃on of ye
imposte [2]

For the Sale of ye Goods


All wch is referred as aforesaid, and are entreated to meete att Sr
Thomas Smithℯ house vppon Satterday morninge next att eight of the

To the third mr Thr̃er signified that the No: Collony intendinge to
replante themselvs in Virginia had petic̃oned to the Kinge and to the
Lords for ye obteyning a nue Pattent wch the Lords referred vnto
the Lord Duke, & the Lord of Arundell And the Lord of Arundell
delivered itt to him for to call the Counsell, vnderstanding of some
differrences about fishinge betwixt them, and if they could not deter-
mine of itt, that then to returne theire opinions to their Lops: wher-
vppon accordinglie haveinge mett, and as formerly disputed the buis-
ines they could not conclude therof, butt discented the one from the


other, that therfore accordinge to his Lops Command the Courte would
please to nominate some to give intelligence how the buisines betwixt
them doth depend, wch the Courte p̱ceivinge none to vnderstand the
cause so well as himselfe most ernestly besought him to take the
paines, wch hee beinge very loth and vnwillinge by reason of the
exceedinge multitude of the Companyℯ buisines depending vppon him
desyred to be excused, butt not prevaylinge hee was soe ernestly solic-
ited thervnto that hee could not gainesay itt, whervppon they associ-
ated vnto him Sr Iohn Dauers, mr Harbert, and mr Keightley to repaire
thither to morrow morninge at 8 of the Clocke.
The No Colony pe-
tic̃oned to ye Kinge
for a new Pattent

Hee allso signified of one mr[233] Kinge that is to goe wth 50 persons
wth him to Virginia there to sett on foote Iron Workes and that there
was Articles indented betwixt the Company and him, wch beinge red
was so well liked that they allowed of the same, and agreed that the
Seale should be thervnto affixed.

The Articles be-
tween mr Kinge &
ye Compa: touch-
inge ye Iron
Workes ordered to
be sealed.

And wheras the Ship before exprest to sett forward before the latter
of this monneth called the Frauncis Bona Venture, mr Treasuror
haveinge sealed the Charter party betwixt the owners and the Com-
pany; The Courte now did render thanks vnto him for the same and
have agreed to save him harmeless.

Mr Thr̃er thanked
for sealinge ye
Charter party for
the Bona Venture.

Sir Thomas Gates assigned one single Share to Edward Palauicine
gentleman wch beinge approved by the Auditors and now putt to the
question was confirmed vnto him.

Sr Tho: Gates one
Share to mr Palau-

A Comission unto [233] Maister of ye Frauncis Bona
Venture for the takinge op̱tunitie of winde and weather for Virginia
was now allowed. [89]

The Comission for
the Fra: Bona:
Venture allowed.


A blank space in the manuscript.