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Geology B1: General Geology: Principles of dynamical, structural and
historical geology designed to give a general survey of the forces operating
upon the earth, the phenomena of earthquakes, vulcanism, mountain making,
the form and structure of the earth, and its past history. Three hours of
lectures and six hours of laboratory. Laboratory fee, $3. Two lecture sections.


Page 53
Six laboratory sections. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.)

Professor Roberts and Assistants.

Geology B2: Applied Geology: May be taken by first-year students.—This
course is primarily for those who wish to obtain a general knowledge of the
place that geology occupies in our present day civilization, the relation of
geological phenomena and conditions to human activities. The course gives
first a resumé of the geological history of the earth and the present day
physiography. It includes a study of geological environmental factors and
their effect on the industrial development of the different regions of the
United States; a study of water supply; a study of the principal minerals,
methods of mining, cost, distribution, and the part they play in the industrial
development of the world; followed, at the end of the last term, with special
lectures on geology and engineering, geology and industry, etc. No laboratory.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Nelson.

Geology B4: Mineralogy: Open to all college students.—First term:
Principles of crystal structure and its relationship to the properties of minerals.
Second and third terms: Descriptive, physical and chemical mineralogy.
Three hours of lecture and six hours of laboratory. Laboratory
fee, $5. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 6 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor Pegau.

Geology B5: Elementary Mineralogy: Lectures and recitations with
laboratory work on the simple rock-forming and leading ore-forming minerals.
One two-hour laboratory period to be arranged. (B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor Pegau.