Accredited School Scholarships: |
Abrams, Robert Calvin |
Baltimore City College, Baltimore, Md. |
Banks, William Smith |
St. Christopher's School, Richmond, Va. |
Brazier, John Bunyan, Jr., |
Shenandoah Valley Academy, Winchester, Va. |
Clifton, Ernest Smith |
Florence High School, Florence, S. C. |
Clinton, William Cornelius |
Marion Institute, Marion, Ala. |
Dulaney, Paul Summers |
Western High School, Washington, D. C. |
McCutcheon, James Raymond, Jr., |
Staunton Military Academy, Staunton, Va. |
McGinness, William Scott |
McCallie School, Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Morris, Laszlo Daniel |
Landon High School, Jacksonville, Fla. |
Nelson, Alfred William |
Blue Ridge Industrial School, Bris, Va. |
Nottingham, Arthur Mason, |
Oak Park and River Forest High School, Oak Park, Ill. |
Orrick, Albert Lewis |
Episcopal High School, Alexandria, Va. |
Prince, Charles L. |
Cheraw High School, Cheraw, S. C. |
Richards, William Coolidge, |
Ocean Springs High School, Ocean Springs, Miss. |
Roper, Leighton Parks |
Norfolk Academy, Norfolk, Va. |
Smythe, David Mynders |
Memphis University School, Memphis, Tenn. |
Towson, Robert Fenn |
Donaldson School, Ilchester, Md. |
Yentis, David |
DeWitt Clinton High School, New York, N. Y. |
Alumni Scholarships: |
Adams, John Edwin |
Lynchburg, Va. |
Berger, Spencer Sitzman |
Flint, Mich. |
Clark, Charles Wesley, Jr. |
Clarksdale, Miss. |
Cochrane, Rexmond Canning |
Brooklyn, N. Y. |
Conley, Reginald Geary |
Silver Spring, Md. |
Dannenbrink, Louis Charles, Jr. |
Atlanta, Ga. |
Drissel, Virgil Homer |
Washington, D. C. |
Evans, Sherwood John |
Allentown, Penna. |
Everett, Grover Woodrow |
Washington, D. C. |
Fenner, Harry Wolcott |
Norfolk, Va. |
Forster, Melancthon Graham |
Memphis, Tenn. |
Fritz, Herbert Sanford |
Mount Vernon, N. Y. |
Fritz, Laurens |
Pelham, N. Y. |
Gasque, Charles Walter, Jr. |
Savannah, Ga. |
Goldstein, Robert |
Washington, D. C. |
Hoffman, Samuel Augustus |
Huntington, W. Va. |
Howard, John Hines |
Washington, D. C. |
Jones, Carroll Payne |
Atlanta, Ga. |
Koltun, Abraham |
Richmond Hill, N. Y. |
Langford, Gerald |
Savannah, Ga. |
Lee, St. George Tucker |
Concord, Mass. |
LeHardy, Bertram Barrett |
Savannah, Ga. |
McCallie, Spencer Jarnagin, Jr. |
Chattanooga, Tenn. |
McMahon, George Robert |
Huntington, W. Va. |
Orr, Paul Eugene, Jr. |
Little Neck, L. I., N. Y. |
Ostrow, Eugene Edward |
Woodside, L. I., N. Y. |
Pechin, Edward Johnson |
Baltimore, Md. |
Phillips, Edward Hamilton |
Charles Town, W. Va. |
Robinson, Frank Leslie, Jr. |
Cismont, Va. |
Ryan, Thomas |
Lavallette, N. J. |
Seward, George Chester |
Louisville, Ky. |
Speakman, Cummins Elliott, Jr. |
Smyrna, Del. |
Spiker, Franklin Armstrong |
Dormont, Penna. |
Tamm, Quinn John |
Butte, Mont. |
Tompkins, Christopher Robinson |
Richmond, Va. |
Wager, Eugene Edward, Jr. |
Ellensburg, Wash. |
Wallace, Sebon Rains, Jr. |
Chicago, Ill. |
American Chemical Society Scholarship: |
Recknagle, Bernard Westerman |
Ithaca, N. Y. |
Armenian Students' Association of America Scholarship: |
Hristoff, Peter Ksenofontov |
Sofia, Bulgaria |
Bayly-Tiffany Scholarships: |
Barksdale, Early |
Sutherlin, Va. |
Bennett, Claude Dudley |
Danville, Va. |
Berkeley, Edmund |
University, Va. |
Bowles, Richard Boxley |
Clifton Forge, Va. |
Cabell, Thomas Edmund |
Buffalo Station, Va. |
Cabell, William Daniel |
University, Va. |
Carter, Walter Scott |
Charlottesville, Va. |
Dawson, Laurence Ambrose |
University, Va. |
Elliott, John Page |
University, Va. |
Ergenbright, Richard Granville |
Staunton, Va. |
Gehrke, William Charles |
Norfolk, Va. |
Gibson, Joseph Patterson, Jr. |
Chaptico, Md. |
Glasgow, Ralph Allen |
Roanoke, Va. |
Gravely, Harris Gray |
Danville, Va. |
Hardesty, Alfred Monroe Tebault |
Berryville, Va. |
Hayden, William Solomon |
Rokeby, Va. |
King, William Charles |
University, Va. |
Lantz, Walter Dewey |
Salem, Va. |
Low, Joseph Hawkins |
Welcome, Va. |
McCoy, Hulburt Christopher |
Norfolk, Va. |
McCutchen, Kenneth Benson |
Charlottesville, Va. |
Montgomery, Colin Tassie |
Warrenton, Va. |
Northington, Oscar Fitzallen, Jr. |
LaCrosse, Va. |
Parker, Arthur Bowen, Jr. |
Onancock, Va. |
Poindexter, Miles, II |
Lynchburg, Va. |
Richardson, Jesse Francis |
Cape Charles, Va. |
Roberson, Henry Clay |
Wise, Va. |
Rogers, Orlin Woodrow |
Dry Fork, Va. |
Rooke, Kermit Vinson |
Ante, Va. |
Shaffer, Harry Paul |
Alexandria, Va. |
Smith, Alfred Littlefield |
University, Va. |
Snead, John Peyton, Jr. |
Washington, Va. |
Sowell, Benjamin Luther |
Buenos Aires, Argen. |
Sturgis, William Joshua, Jr. |
Nassawadox, Va. |
Tenney, Walter Davidson |
Norfolk, Va. |
Tucker, Henry St. George, Jr. |
Richmond, Va. |
Van Landingham, Will Hearn, Jr. |
West Point, Miss. |
Waddell, John Neal |
Cape Charles, Va. |
Watkins, Virgil Gray |
Kents Store, Va. |
Weber, Frederick Palmer |
Smithfield, Va. |
Wenger, Clarence Windom |
Leedstown, Va. |
Wimbrow, Vernon Augustus |
Oak Hall, Va. |
Woltz, Charles Killian |
Owens Sound, Ontario |
Woodside, John Martin |
Alexandria, Va. |
Louis Bennett Scholarship: |
Ferrell, Linn Bernard |
Salem, W. Va. |
Valentine Birley Scholarship: |
Storm, Edward Daniels |
Frederick, Md. |
J. Thompson Brown Scholarship: |
Brown, Robinson Watson |
San Antonio, Tex. |
Thomas Pinckney Bryan Memorial Scholarship: |
Orrick, Norwood Bentley |
Washington, D. C. |
Henry Coalter Cabell Scholarship: |
Gravely, William Henry, Jr. |
Martinsville, Va. |
George Cameron Memorial Scholarship: |
Myers, Douglas Gee |
Petersburg, Va. |
Isaac Cary Scholarships: |
Elliott, Warren Grice |
University, Va. |
Oppenhimer, St. Julian, Jr. |
Richmond, Va. |
Philip Francis duPont Scholarships: |
College Department: |
Adams, John Edwin |
Lynchburg, Va. |
Auldridge, Robert Lee |
Mill Point, W. Va. |
Baker, Stuart Watkins |
Hallsboro, Va. |
Barringer, John Martin, Jr. |
Flint, Mich. |
Bashaw, John Manning |
Providence, R. I. |
Beck, Marvin Channing |
Baltimore, Md. |
Behrens, Paul Everett |
Timberville, Va. |
Belitt, Ben |
Lynchburg, Va. |
Bennett, Claude Dudley |
Danville, Va. |
Bergen, Robert Chase |
Ocean Grove, N. J. |
Berger, Spencer Sitzman |
Flint, Mich. |
Billman, John Henry |
Brooklyn, N. Y. |
Blackburn, Cleveland Versal, Jr. |
Richmond, Va. |
Bleecker, Richard Waymouth |
West Chester, Penna. |
Bouldin, Dennis Mays |
Martinsville, Va. |
BoZorth, John Clyde, Jr. |
Mt. Holly, N. J. |
Brewer, Ward Wallace |
East Hartford, Conn. |
Brodie, Walter Scott |
Roanoke, Va. |
Bryant, Raye Cleemons |
Whittles Depot, Va. |
Buchanan, John Chalkley |
Honey Camp, Va. |
Burger, Ray Edward |
Covington, Va. |
Cabell, Richard Aylett |
University, Va. |
Cannon, Clarence Vernon |
Ayden, N. C. |
Cardwell, Vincent |
Hampton, Va. |
Carwile, Howard Hernes |
Madisonville, Va. |
Clement, Allen Bledsoe, Jr. |
Altavista, Va. |
Clifton, Ernest Smith |
Florence, S. C. |
Coleman, Samuel |
Hollis, L. I., N. Y. |
Coles, George Minor |
Charlottesville, Va. |
Cooke, William Harris |
Cartersville, Va. |
D'Alonzo, Constance Anthony |
Wilmington, Del. |
Dandridge, Edmund Pendleton, Jr. |
Nashville, Tenn. |
Davidson, Walter Pitt |
Norfolk, Va. |
Davis, John Haywood |
Lorton, Va. |
Davis, Robert Hill, Jr. |
St. Louis, Mo. |
Dawson, Laurence Ambrose |
University, Va. |
Dawson, Samuel Cooper, Jr. |
Alexandria, Va. |
Day, Richard Whiteside |
Richmond, Va. |
Demarest, David Richard |
Ridgewood, N. J. |
Dennis, Wilbert Chalmer |
University, Va. |
Dickinson, George Nelson, Jr. |
Roanoke, Va. |
Dickson, Waverly Walters |
Wake Forest, N. C. |
Dinwiddie, Stanley Womack |
Charlottesville, Va. |
DuBose, John Pendleton |
Westbury, L. I., N. Y. |
Duer, Thomas Marshall, Jr. |
Baltimore, Md. |
Dutcher, Howard Jackson, Jr. |
Norfolk, Va. |
Edgar, William John, Jr. |
Brooklyn, N. Y. |
Eldridge, Carey DeWitt |
Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Evans, Upshur Quinby |
Danville, Va. |
Evans, William Dunbar, Jr. |
Saluda, Va. |
Eversole, Joseph William |
University, Va. |
Fenner, Harry Wolcott |
Norfolk, Va. |
Ferneyhough, Grigsby Colville |
Richmond, Va. |
Fitzell, Robert Gordon |
Baltimore, Md. |
Fogel, Julius |
Lynchburg, Va. |
Ford, Malcolm Judson |
Pendleton, Va. |
Forney, George Douglas |
Gettysburg, Penna. |
Forster, Melancthon Graham |
Memphis, Tenn. |
Gaston, LeRoy Clifton, Jr. |
Mobile, Ala. |
Gehrke, William Charles |
Norfolk, Va. |
Gibson, Blair Weaver |
Altoona, Penna. |
Gibson, Joseph Patterson, Jr. |
Chaptico, Md. |
Gill, Robert L. |
Charlottesville, Va. |
Goodman, Martin William |
Covington, Va. |
Graham, Thomas Adolf Goeth |
Austin, Tex. |
Griffitts, James John |
Albany, Ga. |
Gundersheimer, Herbert Nathan, Jr. |
Baltimore, Md. |
Hackley, Alexander Erwin |
Amissville, Va. |
Hallett, Horace Spurgeon |
Newport News, Va. |
Harper, Forest Gilkeson |
Staunton, Va. |
Harris, Osmyn Milton, Jr. |
Newport News, Va. |
Harrison, Carrington |
Danville, Va. |
Hebble, Jacob Grant, III |
Newport News, Va. |
Heins, Paul |
Arlington, Va. |
Henderson, Linwood Roger |
South Boston, Va. |
Hening, Edmund Waller, Jr. |
Richmond, Va. |
Hickson, James Forbes |
Lynchburg, Va. |
Hobbs, William Alexander |
Norfolk, Va. |
Hoffman, Samuel Augustus |
Huntington, W. Va. |
Holden, Edwin Chapin, Jr. |
Baltimore, Md. |
Honick, Leonard |
Newport News, Va. |
Hopkins, William Edward |
Charlottesville, Va. |
Howard, John Hines |
Washington, D. C. |
Hristoff, Peter Ksenophontov |
Sofia, Bulgaria |
Hughes, Louis B. |
Elmira, N. Y. |
Janney, Werner Lutz |
Lincoln, Va. |
Jenkins, James Iredell, Jr. |
Norfolk, Va. |
Johnson, Albert Edward |
Merrick, N. Y. |
Johnson, Thomas Griffin |
Norfolk, Va. |
Johnson, Wilbur Hulvey |
Staunton, Va. |
Johnston, Joseph Shackford |
Bedford, Va. |
Jones, Arthur Wynne |
Hampton, Va. |
Jones, Carroll Payne |
Atlanta, Ga. |
Jones, Donald Francis Morris |
Bronxville, N. Y. |
Kendall, Paul Murray |
Philadelphia, Penna. |
Kibler, William Sumpter |
Stanley, Va. |
King, Harry Stuart |
Pearisburg, Va. |
King, Jere Clemens, Jr. |
Birmingham, Ala. |
Klaff, Daniel David |
Baltimore, Md. |
Klinefelter, Harry Fitch, Jr. |
Baltimore, Md. |
Kramer, Philip |
Newport News, Va. |
Laibstain, Herman |
Norfolk, Va. |
Langford, Gerald |
Savannah, Ga. |
Lee, St. George Tucker |
Concord, Mass. |
LeHardy, Bertram Barrett |
Savannah, Ga. |
Lewis, Ralph Deming |
Alexandria, Va. |
Lindgren, Carl Albert, Jr. |
Norfolk, Va. |
Love, Selby Vogt |
Louisville, Ky. |
McClintock, Edwin Clare, Jr. |
Clarendon, Va. |
MacDonald, Edmund Frank |
Arlington, N. J. |
McGavock, Cecil Billups, Jr. |
Max Meadows, Va. |
McGregor, John Burton |
Afton, Va. |
McGuire, Ollie Roscoe, Jr. |
Clarendon, Va. |
Manuta, Morris |
Brooklyn, N. Y. |
Martin, Henry Francis Beaumont |
Danville, Va. |
Mathews, Charles Gardner, Jr. |
Lewisburg, W. Va. |
Meehl, Alfred Edloe |
Hopewell, Va. |
Moore, Richmond, Jr. |
Richmond, Va. |
Morgan, Myron Irving |
Wolfeboro, N. H. |
Morriss, John Dabney |
Staunton, Va. |
Moseley, Robert Todd |
Richmond, Va. |
Musselman, Robert Metcalfe |
Keswick, Va. |
Myerley, Carl Herbert |
Danville, Penna. |
Nelowitz, Jack David |
Alexandria, Va. |
Nelson, Alfred William |
Bris, Va. |
Nelson, Robert Burwell, Jr. |
Winchester, Va. |
Newton, Lewis B. |
New Canton, Va. |
Nottingham, Arthur Mason |
Cleveland, Ohio |
Obear, Henry Norwood |
Winnsboro, S. C. |
Owen, John Keller |
University, Va. |
Pace, Oscar James |
Troy, Va. |
Pence, Richard Franklin |
Roanoke, Va. |
Poindexter, Julius Carl |
Rocky Mount, Va. |
Pullinger, Richard Colby |
East Stroudsburg, Penna. |
Raisig, Lewis Miles |
Inwood, L. I., N. Y. |
Reese, George Goethals |
Roanoke, Va. |
Reither, Joseph Oswald, Jr. |
Lynbrook, N. Y. |
Reuss, Carl Frederick |
Richmond, Va. |
Ridley, John Alexander |
Waverly, Va. |
Riggin, Alfred Cleveland, Jr. |
Norfolk, Va. |
Robbins, Edwin Harvey |
Irvington, N. J. |
Roberson, Henry Clay |
Wise, Va. |
Rogers, Orlin Woodrow |
Dry Fork, Va. |
Rotter, Sanford Louis, Jr. |
The Plains, Va. |
Rountrey, William Coates |
Altavista, Va. |
Rusmisel, Roy Raymond |
McClung, Va. |
Ryan, Thomas |
Lavallette, N. J. |
Sackett, Henry Moseley |
Lynchburg, Va. |
St. Clair, John Craig |
Pearisburg, Va. |
Saunders, Raymond Clark |
Leesburg, Va. |
Schetty, Robert Austin |
Montclair, N. J. |
Schofield, James Wister |
Richmond, Va. |
Seward, George Chester |
Louisville, Ky. |
Shapiro, Irvin Theodore |
Emporia, Va. |
Silverman, Irving |
Brooklyn, N. Y. |
Simon, Lawrence Wyndham |
New York, N. Y. |
Smith, Benjamin Warfield |
Baltimore, Md. |
Smith, Joseph Winfree, Jr. |
Fredericksburg, Va. |
Smith, Ralph Ernst |
Portsmouth, Va. |
Smith, Robert Knox |
Montclair, N. J. |
Smith, Rufus Wilson |
Smithfield, Va. |
Smith, Turner Taliaferro |
Rosslyn, Va. |
Solnick, Hyman |
Brooklyn, N. Y. |
Springall, Walton Herbert |
Dallas, Tex. |
Stallings, Ray Hightower |
Greensboro, N. C. |
Starke, William Wallace, Jr. |
Norfolk, Va. |
Sterner, Carlton Roland |
Pottsville, Penna. |
Stewart, Augustus Morgan |
Huntsville, Ala. |
Steyn, Jacque Arndt, Jr. |
Bridgeport, Conn. |
Stine, Edwin LeRoy, Jr. |
Winchester, Va. |
Strohmenger, Frank Joseph |
Irvington, N. J. |
Sutton, Guy Forrest, Jr. |
Staunton, Va. |
Sweeney, Paul Lee |
Rosslyn, Va. |
Sykes, Roy Louis |
Norfolk, Va. |
Tabor, George Leroy, Jr. |
Cherrydale. Va. |
Taliaferro, Windsor Langborne, Jr. |
Wollaston, Mass. |
Tarulis, Seaver Alexander |
Stamford, Conn. |
Thomas, Robert Edward, Jr. |
Covington, Va. |
Thompson, Philip Bok |
Naugatuck, Conn. |
Thornton, William Norman, Jr. |
Courtland, Va. |
Tindale, Thomas Keith |
Brockton, Mass. |
Tingle, Elias Henry |
Frankford, Del. |
Towle, Joseph Currier |
Philadelphia, Penna. |
Trik, Aubrey Stanley |
North Wales, Penna. |
Tronic, Jesse James |
Worcester, Mass. |
Tucker, Henry St. George, Jr. |
Richmond, Va. |
Tunstall, Hugh Nelson Page |
Norfolk, Va. |
Underhill, Gary Madison |
Richmond, Va. |
Virts, Charles Clifton |
Leesburg, Va. |
Waff, Charles Manly, Jr. |
Morehead City, N. C. |
Wall, Paul Beauchamp |
Danville, Va. |
Wallace, Sebon Rains, Jr. |
Chicago, Ill. |
Warwick, Temple |
Richmond, Va. |
Watkins, Virgil Gray |
Kents Store, Va. |
Watson, Melvin Ray |
Lynchburg, Va. |
Watts, John Augustus |
Norfolk, Va. |
Wayland, Clifford Henry |
Alexandria, Va. |
Wayland, John Walter, Jr. |
Harrisonburg, Va. |
Weber, Frederick Palmer |
Smithfield, Va. |
White, Marion Lawrence, Jr. |
Suffolk, Va. |
Whitmore, Edwin Burwell Jones, Jr. |
Petersburg, Va. |
Wilburn, Raymond Neikirk |
Roanoke, Va. |
Williams, Murat Willis |
Richmond, Va. |
Wilson, Robert Archer, Jr. |
Richmond, Va. |
Woltz, Charles Killian |
Owens Sound, Ontario |
Worsley, Thomas Blanchard |
Columbus, Ga. |
Wright, Joseph George |
Newport News, Va. |
Yentis, David |
New York, N. Y. |
Education Department: |
Adams, Dorothy Browning |
Charlottesville, Va. |
Baber, Emma Frances |
Cartersville, Va. |
Baugher, Ruby Virginia |
Stanardsville, Va. |
Baylor, Harry Edgar, Jr. |
Staunton, Va. |
Bowman, Canon Raymond |
The Hollow, Va. |
Graham, Ocie Rachael |
Hamilton, Va. |
Kean, Mattie Pendleton |
Trevilians, Va. |
Neale, Mildred Elizabeth |
Bealton, Va. |
Savage, Willie Hortense |
Portsmouth, Va. |
Smith, Katharine Peachey |
Biscoe, Va. |
Walker, Robert Newton |
Johnstown, Penna. |
Nursing Education: |
Johnson, Callie Margaret |
Norfolk, Va. |
Meredith, Bessie Montague |
Scottsville, Va. |
Randolph, Mary Walker |
Charlottesville, Va. |
Engineering Department: |
Babb, Andrew Bird |
Winchester, Va. |
Baber, John Edwin |
Louisa, Va. |
Ballard, William Leonard, Jr. |
Charlottesville, Va. |
Bowles, John Waddell |
Roanoke, Va. |
Buchanan, William James, Jr. |
Greenwood, Va. |
Cadot, Henry Meade |
Richmond, Va. |
Carson, James Samuel |
Perryville, Md. |
Carter, Gordon Keith |
Charlottesville, Va. |
Carter, Walter Scott |
Charlottesville, Va. |
Conn, Ellis |
Newport News, Va. |
Copeland, Edward Virgil |
Round Hill, Va. |
Davis, Howard Roper |
Norfolk, Va. |
Doswell, Stonewall Jackson, Jr. |
Staunton, Va. |
Edwards, Howard Berryman |
Sweet Briar, Va. |
Ellis, Earl Thayer |
University, Va. |
Featherer, Frank Allen |
Pennsville, N. J. |
Follin, Ernest Randolph, Jr. |
Clarendon, Va. |
Gard, Walter Sumner |
Chevy Chase, Md. |
Hahn, Charles Archie, Jr. |
University, Va. |
Halstead, Woodrow Jennings |
Buell, Va. |
Hammond, Harry Martin |
Winchester, Va. |
Hancock, John Beverly, Jr. |
Richmond, Va. |
Hayden, William Solomon |
Rokeby, Va. |
Hunt, John Griffiths |
Clarendon, Va. |
Jones, George Raymond |
Washington, D. C. |
Lewis, Hunter Feilding, Jr. |
Richmond, Va. |
Lionberger, Samuel Lewis |
Roanoke, Va. |
Lucas, John Wilson |
Petersburg, Va. |
McNaught, John Moses |
Portsmouth, Va. |
Miller, Luther Samuel |
Charlottesville, Va. |
Mizroch, Jacob |
Norfolk, Va. |
Morris, Laszlo Daniel |
Jacksonville, Fla. |
Palmer, Aubrey Edwin |
Crystal Hill, Va. |
Payne, William Walker |
Ballston, Va. |
Pereda, Eugene Falero |
Gurabo, P. R. |
Peterson, Thomas James |
Wenonah, N. J. |
Pike, Frederick Philips |
Washington, D. C. |
Rosenberger, Richard Coe |
Winchester, Va. |
Savage, Seth Alonzo, Jr. |
Portsmouth, Va. |
Scantling, George Randolph |
Cobham, Va. |
Semones, Charles Howard |
Indian Valley, Va. |
Smiley, Samuel Dixon |
Charleston, W. Va. |
Smith, Christopher Quarrier |
Charleston, W. Va. |
Spaulding, Morril Boughton, Jr. |
Washington, D. C. |
Stowe, Robert Sutton |
Fairfax, Va. |
Tiffany, Harold Boyce |
Norfolk, Va. |
Watkins, Benjamin Franklin |
Richmond, Va. |
Watkins, Joel Hill, Jr. |
Charlotte C. H., Va. |
Williams, John Randolph |
Richmond, Va. |
Law Department: |
Aldhizer, George Statton, II |
Broadway, Va. |
Beauchamp, Irving Alonzo |
Castlewood, Va. |
Broun, Edmund Fontaine, Jr. |
Charleston, W. Va. |
Burke, William Wood |
Appomattox, Va. |
Butler, Rix Pierce, Jr. |
Norfolk, Va. |
Coleman, John Randolph, Jr. |
Charlottesville, Va. |
Coles, Robert, Jr. |
Charlottesville, Va. |
Cooper, George Wallace |
Warrensburg, Mo. |
Corstaphney, Robert Wesley, Jr. |
Newport News, Va. |
Dame, William Page, Jr. |
Christchurch, Va. |
Dupree, Edwin Darius, Jr. |
Pine Bluff, Ark. |
Early, Richard Nimrod |
Ruckersville, Va. |
Feldman, Benjamin Randolph |
New York, N. Y. |
Fricks, Lunsford Dickson, Jr. |
Seattle, Wash. |
Harrington, Daniel Francis |
Butte, Mont. |
Hooper, Asbury Steele |
Selma, Ala. |
Howland, Wallace |
Philadelphia, Penna. |
Hunt, Alexander Bruce, Jr. |
Roanoke, Va. |
Hurt, John David |
Epps, La. |
McLester, Judson Cole, Jr. |
Ashland, Ky. |
Moore, William Lloyd |
Church Hill, Tenn. |
Morgan, Nathan Wolfe |
Roanoke, Va. |
Morgan, Roy Leonard |
Charlottesville, Va. |
Parks, John Emory, II |
Wilmington, Del. |
Powell, Bolling Raines, Jr. |
Birmingham, Ala. |
Sheppe, Charles Joseph |
Amherst, Va. |
Shufflebarger, Thomas Garnette |
Cove Creek, Va. |
Skinner, John Cochran |
Charles Town, W. Va. |
Summers, George |
Snowville, Va. |
Sutherland, Roby Kinzer |
Pulaski, Va. |
Wilson, Richard Thweatt, Jr. |
Richmond, Va. |
Medical Department: |
Cabaniss, James Lawson |
Bedford, Va. |
Derieux, George Henry, Jr. |
Tappahannock, Va. |
Derrick, Walter Ansell |
Pulaski, Va. |
Grossman, William |
Petersburg, Va. |
Hess, George Alfred |
Bridgewater, Va. |
Hurt, Jethro Meriwether |
Blackstone, Va. |
Johns, William Allen |
Farmville, Va. |
Kilby, Walter LeRoy |
Peola Mills, Va. |
Pilley, Marvin Nelson |
Lexington, Va. |
Porter, Jesse James |
Louisa, Va. |
Staley, Hugh Otto |
Rural Retreat, Va. |
Thompson, John A. Moorman |
Stevensburg, Va. |
Turner, Vernon Atwill |
Bristol, Va. |
Waddell, William Edgar |
Lexington, Va. |
Watson, Robert Fletcher |
University, Va. |
Weaver, Delmar Franklin, Jr. |
Orange, Va. |
Wright, Fletcher Johnston, Jr. |
Petersburg, Va. |
Service Scholarships: |
Bancroft, John, III |
Geology |
Baylor, Harry Edgar, Jr. |
History |
Belitt, Ben |
English |
Berkeley, Edmund |
Biology |
Berkeley, Francis Lewis, Jr. |
English |
Bosher, Robert Semple |
English |
Burnett, Thomas Edison |
Physics |
Cole, James Webb, Jr. |
Chemistry |
Dennis, Wilbert Chalmer |
Geology |
Dickson, Waverly Walters |
Biology |
Gill, Robert L. |
Chemistry |
Goldberg, Milton Chauncey |
Mathematics |
Harrington, Daniel Francis |
History of Art |
Howard, John Hines |
Biology |
Jackson, William Anderson |
Geology |
Johnston, Joseph Shackford |
Geology |
Jones, Donald Francis Morris |
French |
Jones, Robert Brinkley, Jr. |
Mathematics |
Kelley, Dennis Stafford |
Mathematics |
Langford, Gerald |
English |
Llull, Gabriel |
Spanish |
Marchese, Joseph Carmel |
Italian |
Marshall, Hudson Snowden, II |
French |
May, Oscar Worth, Jr. |
Biology |
Morgenroth, Herbert Leslie |
French |
Nelson, Robert Burwell, Jr. |
Biology |
Ryan, Thomas |
Biology |
Sirich, John Black, Jr. |
History |
Tamm, Quinn John |
Geology |
Tindale, Thomas Keith |
Biology |
Tingle, Elias Henry |
Geology |
van de Kamp, Leonie Augustine-Met |
French |
Worthington, William Bowman |
English |
Richard Eppes Memorial Scholarship: |
Zimmer, William Louis, III |
Petersburg, Va. |
William C. Folkes Scholarships: |
Apperson, William Eugene |
Madison Heights, Va. |
Arthur, William Barney |
Altavista, Va. |
Rosenberger, William, Jr. |
Lynchburg, Va. |
Yates, Munford Radford |
Lynchburg, Va. |
Daniel Harmon Scholarship: |
Friedman, Ernest |
Norfolk, Va. |
D. J. Hennessy Scholarship: |
Boyle, John Joseph |
Butte, Mont. |
William A. Herndon Scholarships: |
Claiborne, Thomas Sterling |
Greenwood, Miss. |
Sowder, Wilson Thomas |
Rocky Mount, Va. |
William E. Homes Scholarship: |
Baker, Samuel Rice |
Montgomery, Ala. |
James Rufus Humphrey Scholarship: |
Jacobson, Jake |
Portsmouth, Va. |
McCormick Scholarship: |
Callis, Edward Garland |
Louisville, Ky. |
Doctor Edward May Magruder Medical Scholarship: |
Magruder, Roger Gregory |
Charlottesville, Va. |
Miller Scholarships: |
Ocheltree, Joseph Lindsey, Jr. |
Norfolk, Va |
Tindale, Thomas Keith |
Brockton, Mass. |
Webster, Clark Gibbons |
Stanley, Va. |
Porto Rican Scholarship: |
Llull, Gabriel |
Adjuntas, P. R. |
Chester D. Pugsley Consular Scholarship: |
Caldwell, John Rea |
Washington, D. C. |
The Rector and Visitors, and McIntire Special Scholarships: |
Bittinger, Charles Lewis |
Gerrardstown, W. Va. |
Bowen, William Thomas |
Appalachia, Va. |
Dixon, Montague Uriah |
Norwood, Va. |
Fry, Wesley |
Charlottesville, Va. |
Maury, John Minor, Jr. |
Charlottesville, Va. |
Nelson, William Seddon Cabell |
Winchester, Va. |
Rinehart Scholarship: |
Bowden, John Newton |
Red Hill, Va. |
Bartlett Roper Scholarship: |
Manson, Joseph Richard |
Petersburg, Va. |
Thomas Fortune Ryan Scholarships: |
Jones, Edward Valentine, Jr. |
First Congressional District |
Baker, William Hodges |
Second Congressional District |
Nelson, Charles Morris |
Third Congressional District |
Jarman, William Dabney |
Fourth Congressional District |
Watkins, William Randolph |
Fifth Congressional District |
Wolff, Herman |
Sixth Congressional District |
Payne, Charles Franklin |
Seventh Congressional District |
Jackson, Harold Maurice |
Eighth Congressional District |
Sutherland, Marvin McTyiere |
Ninth Congressional District |
Butler, Thomas Moore |
Tenth Congressional District |
Isabella Merrick Sampson Scholarship: |
Robinson, John Hunter |
Cismont, Va. |
Doctor William Seldon Memorial Scholarship: |
Jones, Jean Barksdale |
Petersburg, Va. |
Seven Society Alumni Medical Scholarship: |
Ethridge, Clayton Bernard |
Washington, D. C. |
Sarah Ann Seward Memorial Scholarship: |
Cantor, Israel Bernard |
Petersburg, Va. |
Simon Seward Memorial Scholarship: |
Young, Edwin Morrison |
University, Va. |
James H. Skinner Scholarships: |
Berkeley, Edmund |
Roanoke, Va. |
Burks, William Francis |
Amherst, Va. |
Cooper, Francis Marion |
Towson, Md. |
Davison, Treadwell |
Richmond, Va. |
May, Oscar Worth, Jr. |
Raleigh, N. C. |
Simpson, Thomas Porter |
Knoxville, Tenn. |
Tarplee, Cornelius Caleb |
South Jacksonville, Fla. |
Warburton, Ronald Sinclair |
Susquehanna, Penna. |
United Daughters of the Confederacy Scholarships: |
Cook, Eugene Davis |
Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Geilfuss, Charles Rudolph |
Baltimore, Md. |
Gentry, Fenton Allen |
Chattanooga, Tenn. |
Hill, Theophilus Hunter |
Newburgh, N. Y. |
Mauldin, William Mark, Jr. |
Rock Hill, S. C. |
Miller, Allen Clinton, II |
Quincy, Cal. |
Wannamaker, Thomas McIver |
Cheraw, S. C. |
Woods, John Mitchell |
Charleston, W. Va. |
Virginia Division of United Daughters of the Confederacy Scholarship: |
Saunders, Elizabeth Lewis |
Blacksburg, Va. |
Virginia Law Review Scholarship: |
Orrick, Norwood Bentley |
Washington, D. C. |
Virginia State Medical Scholarships: |
Cooley, Robert Nelson |
Rural Retreat, Va. |
Harrison, John Hartwell |
Danville, Va. |
Herrell, Wallace Edgar |
Marshall, Va. |
Hundley, Joseph Leigh |
Callands, Va. |
Mayo, Lemuel Edward, Jr. |
Portsmouth, Va. |
Turner, Algernon Keeling |
Danville, Va. |
Virginia Public High School Scholarships: |
Copeland, Edward Virgil |
Round Hill High School, Round Hill, Va. |
Davison, Charles Marshall, Jr. |
John Marshall High School, Richmond, Va. |
Gravely, Richard Pleasants, Jr. |
Martinsville High School, Martinsville, Va. |
Hickam, Benjamin Franklin |
Lincoln High School, Lincoln, Va. |
Lightner, Thomas Ashton Lynn |
Haymarket High School, Haymarket, Va. |
Lloyd, Robert |
Manassas High School, Manassas, Va. |
Mundy, William Starke, Jr. |
E. C. Glass High School, Lynchburg, Va. |
Pace, Oscar James |
Palmyra High School, Palmyra, Va. |
Pence, Richard Franklin |
Jefferson Senior High School, Roanoke, Va. |
St. Clair, John Craig |
Pearisburg High School, Pearisburg, Va. |
Sandler, Herman Jack |
Petersburg High School, Petersburg, Va. |
Scantling, George Randolph |
Lane High School, Charlottesville, Va. |
Slaughter, Thomas Clawson, Jr. |
Reedville High School, Reedville, Va. |
Smith, Rufus Wilson |
Smithfield High School, Smithfield, Va. |
Sutton, Guy Forrest, Jr. |
Lee High School, Staunton, Va. |
White, Marion Lawrence, Jr. |
Suffolk High School, Suffolk, Va. |
Willis, James Garnett |
Culpeper High School, Culpeper, Va. |
Zimmer, William Louis, III |
Petersburg High School, Petersburg, Va. |
Virginia State Teachers' Scholarships:[1]
1 Ambler, Frankie Preston |
Lynchburg, Va. |
1 Bedinger, Neal Anderson |
Hampden-Sydney, Va. |
1 Bell, Mary Hamill |
Roanoke, Va. |
1 Bing, Charles Edward |
Free Union, Va. |
1 Boitnott, John Wesley |
Bridgewater, Va. |
1 Bradshaw, Katherine Rochelle |
Ivy, Va. |
2 Coleman, Sadie Terry |
News Ferry, Va. |
2 Dameron, Willmore Master, Jr. |
Mila, Va. |
1 Dellinger, Martin Luther |
Edinburg, Va. |
1 Dollins, Elise Mae |
University, Va. |
2 Edgar, Frances Ring |
Winchester, Va. |
1 Hillman, Lesslie Wise |
Corburn, Va. |
1 Hollingsworth, Milton Coffelt |
Woodstock, Va. |
1 Lackey, Anne Page |
Staunton, Va. |
1 LaPrade, John Lovelace |
Republican Grove, Va. |
2 Luttrell, Alfred Marshall |
Winchester, Va. |
1 McGehee, William Overton, Jr. |
Kent's Store, Va. |
2 Maddox, Maribeulah |
Charlottesville, Va. |
4 Maupin, Gabriel Nicholas |
Free Union, Va. |
1 May, Gladys Whitehead |
Richmond, Va. |
4 Mumma, Elbert Lawson |
Keysville, Va. |
2 Muntzing, David Kesler |
Stephenson, Va. |
2 Quick, George Elliotte |
Faber, Va. |
1 Reese, Sylvanus Gordon |
Lawrenceville, Va. |
2 Ring, Irene Graham |
Winchester, Va. |
1 Sale, Arthur Dewey |
Corbin, Va. |
1 Shaw, Agnes Moon |
Charlottesville, Va. |
2 Smith, Katherine Pocahontas |
Charlottesville, Va. |
1 Spilman, Elizabeth Hamilton |
Culpeper, Va. |
2 Walker, Alexander Waddell |
Ivy, Va. |
2 Weber, William Eldridge, Jr. |
Smithfield, Va. |
1 Wright, Lundy Arthur |
Birchleaf, Va. |
1 Yowell, Russell Weaver |
Banco, Va. |
Samuel Watts Scholarship: |
Coin, Isadore Curtis |
Portsmouth, Va. |
Richard Henry Whitehead Scholarships: |
Hobbs, Leland Floyd |
Norfolk, Va. |
Meriwether, Lodwick Sterritt |
Lynchburg, Va. |
Saunders, Elizabeth Lewis |
Blacksburg, Va. |
Jesse Parker Williams Scholarship: |
Young, Joseph Edgar, Jr. |
Greensboro, N. C. |
Woodrow Wilson Scholarship: |
Krebs, Albert Ulysses |
Birmingham, Ala. |
Lieut. Robert Hancock Wood, Jr., Aviator (U. S. A.) Scholarships: |
Bailey, Harry Cecil Clay |
Ethel, W. Va. |
Scantling, George Randolph |
Cobham, Va. |
Samuel Baker Woods, Jr., Scholarship: |
Orrick, Norwood Bentley |
Washington, D. C. |
Wickliffe Yulee Memorial Scholarship: |
Johnson, Albert Edward |
Merrick, N. Y. |
College Fellowships: |
Buchanan, Eva Hamilton |
Converse College, Spartanburg, S. C. |
Ellesor, Martha Vance |
University of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. |
E. I. duPont de Nemours Fellowship in Chemistry: |
Taylor, Robert Joseph |
Louisville, Miss. |
Philip Francis duPont Fellowships: |
Research Fellowships: |
Atwood, Elmer Bagby |
English |
deGruchy, John Allan Garfield |
Economics |
Drake, Leonard Chapman |
Chemistry |
Fifer, Carson Lee |
Surgery |
Freer, Ruskin Skidmore |
Biology |
Hess, Margaret |
Biology |
Jarman, Arthur Merritt |
Education |
Kinard, Fredrick William |
Biochemistry |
Kiracofe, Edgar Stuart |
Education |
Lyman, Dean Belden |
English |
McEwen, Harold Douglas |
Surgery and Gynecology |
McIntosh, Clifton Brooke |
Spanish |
Meriwether, Lodwick Sterritt |
Psychiatry |
Moir, William Maryon |
Pharmacology |
Northington, Oscar Fitzallen, Jr. |
English |
Starr, Leland Edson |
Bacteriology |
von Elbe, Guenther |
Chemistry |
Senior Fellowships: |
Armentrout, Mary Travers |
History |
Bradley, Charles Dunklin |
Physics |
Carter, Jeanette Seeds |
Biology |
Davis, Thomas |
Physics |
Givens, James Wallace |
Mathematics |
Heimann, Eugene Alfred |
Economics |
Henneman, Richard Hubard |
Psychology |
Jones, Robert Epes |
Latin |
Morris, Charles |
English |
Phippins, Calvin Hall |
Education |
Preer, George Thomas |
Philosophy |
Schumacher, George Alexander |
English |
Yuen, Kechee Chaoching |
Chemistry |
Junior Fellowships: |
Blanco, Ada Antonia |
Biology |
Boaz, Anna Louise |
Mathematics |
Buchanan, Eva Hamilton |
Latin |
Coons, Elmer Thomas |
Sociology |
Denslow, Theodore North, Jr. |
Greek |
Dix, William Shepherd, Jr. |
English |
Dunstan, Paul Lane |
English |
Fulford, Hunter Lansing |
Economics |
Gardner, Malcolm Everett |
History |
Gresham, Foster Bagwell |
English |
Henricksen, Gerhard Chester |
Economics |
Hollingsworth, Roberta Lois |
Spanish |
Hudgens, David Cecil |
Rural Social Economics |
Hutcherson, Dudley Robert |
English |
Lankford, Francis Greenfield, Jr. |
Education |
Porter, James Melville, Jr. |
Psychology |
Rose, Thornton Turner |
German |
Strange, Louis Cleburne |
Geology |
Taylor, Lucy Ann Gilmer |
Biology |
Womer, Henry Frain |
Political Science |
Service Fellowships: |
Banks, William Gerard, Jr., B.A., M.A. |
Geology |
Bode, Donald Denby, B.S. |
Chemistry |
Bowman, Harry Guy, B.S., M.S. |
Economics |
Broun, Edmund Fontaine, Jr., B.A. |
Political Science |
Carbone, Edward, B.S., B.A. |
Economics |
Chiles, James Album, Jr., B.A. |
Physics |
Colonna, Edward Angelo, B.A. |
French |
Coney, Neill McLaurin, Jr., B.A. |
Commerce and Business
Administration |
Coons, Elmer Thomas, B.A. |
Sociology |
Cope, James Howard, B.A. |
Physics |
Corson, John Jay, III, B.S., M.S. |
Commerce and Business
Administration |
Crowell, Elmer Clyde, B.S. |
Commerce and Business
Administration |
Davis, Roy Bryan, B.S. |
Chemistry |
Denny, Victor Lysle, Jr., Ch.E. |
Chemistry |
Eastwood, Andrew Jackson, B.A., M.A. |
Economics |
Faris, Burt Froment, B.S. |
Chemistry |
Feldman, Benjamin Randolph, M.A. |
Political Science |
Fink, Carl Keister, B.S. |
Chemistry |
Fishburne, Elliott Guthrie, B.S., LL.B. |
Commerce and Business
Administration |
Flowers, John Wilson, B.S. |
Physics |
Gates, James Edward, B.S. |
Commerce and Business
Administration |
Gilbert, Chauncey McLean, B.S. |
Biology |
Gwathmey, Allan Talbott, B.S., S.B. |
Chemistry |
Hammond, Lewis Machen, B.A., M.A. |
Philosophy |
Heimann, Eugene Alfred, B.A., M.A. |
Commerce and Business
Administration |
Henricksen, Gerhard Chester, B.A. |
Commerce and Business
Administration |
Hollingsworth, Roberta Lois, B.A. |
Spanish |
Hootman, James Albert, B.S., M.S. |
Physics |
Howard, Frank Leland, B.S. Com. |
Commerce and Business
Administration |
Hunsberger, George Ephraim, B.A., M.A. |
Economics |
Hutcherson, Dudley Robert, B.A., M.A. |
English |
Justice, John Lyttleton, B.S. |
Chemistry |
Lytton, Marion Randolph, B.S. |
Chemistry |
McCue, John Cyrus, Jr., B.S. Com. |
Commerce and Business
Administration and
Mathematics |
Marshall, Alpheus Royall, B.A., M.A. |
Commerce and Business
Administration |
Miller, Edwin DeWitt, B.A., M.A. |
Biology |
O'Keeffe, John Jeter, B.A. |
Economics |
Palmer, Fred Shank, B. S. Chem. |
Chemistry |
Palmer, John Woodward, B.S. |
Physics |
Palmer, Susie Chilton, B.S. Ed., M.S. |
History |
Pinkerton, Robert McLean, B.S. |
Physics |
Porter, James Melville, Jr., B.S. |
Psychology |
Price, Whitfield, B.A. |
Chemistry |
Puckett, William Thomas, Jr., B.S. Math., M.S. |
Mathematics |
Quarles, Richard Wingfield, B.S.E. |
Chemistry |
Roberts, Cortelyou John, B.S., M.S. |
Commerce and Business
Administration |
Schembor, Frieden, Ph.D. |
Astronomy |
Shockey, Howard Halley, B.S. |
Chemistry |
Smith, Dudley Cozby, B.S., M.S. |
Chemistry |
Smith, John Joseph, B.A. |
Economics |
Smith, William Elliott, B.S. |
Chemistry |
Stump, Alexander Bell, B.S., M.S. |
Biology |
Taylor, Raleigh Colston, Jr., B.S. |
History |
Tennis, LeGrand, B.A. |
French |
Tyson, William Robert, B.A. |
Chemistry |
Varner, Wallace Brown, B.A., B.D., M.A. |
Psychology |
Wade, Thomas Leonard, Jr., B.S., M.S. |
Mathematics |
Weedon, William Stone, B.S., M.S. |
Philosophy |
Wilder, Frank Nahum, B.S., M.S. |
Chemistry |
Williams, Roy Marcellus, B.S. |
Economics |
Wisner, Frank Gardiner, Jr., B.S. |
History of Art |
Womer, Henry Frain, B.A. |
Political Science |
Wood, Alvin Graydon, B.A., M.A. |
Spanish |
Wyllie, John Cook, B.A. |
English |
Elizabeth B. Garrett Fellowship: |
Ayres, Henri Phillip |
Brooklyn, N. Y. |
Bennett Wood Green Fellowships: |
Clarke, Samuel Harvey |
McKenney, Va. |
Stinespring, William Franklin |
University, Va. |
Captain Craig Woodrow MacDonald Memorial Fellowship: |
Wade, Thomas Leonard, Jr. |
Axton, Va. |
John Y. Mason Fellowship: |
Tatem, Benjamin Thomas |
Charlottesville, Va. |
George W. Merck Fellowship in Alkaloid Chemistry: |
Czerwin, Edward Peter |
Berwyn, Ill. |
The Rector and Visitors Fellowships: |
Smith, George Wellington |
Mifflintown, Penna. |
Spalding, Branch |
University, Va. |
William Cabell Rives Fellowship: |
Matthews, John Carter |
Lumberton, N. C. |