University of Virginia Library


There are four prizes offered each session by the university for
literary work and investigation.

The Linden Kent Prize is offered by the Linden Kent Memorial
School of English Literature for the best essay on an unexploited
Virginia author.

The Bryan Prize, established by William Jennings Bryan, is
awarded the best essay upon any topic connected with the theory
of government.

The Colonial Dames Prize is awarded the best essay on any
Colonial Virginia subject.


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The Charles Minor Blackford Prize in the Department of Law
was established through the liberality of Mrs. Susan Colston Blackford
of Lynchburg, Va., in memory of her husband, the late Charles
Minor Blackford, a distinguished alumnus of the Law School. An
annual prize of fifty dollars in cash is awarded for the best thesis
on some legal or sociological subject. The competition is open to
all students of the Law School and the award is made by a committee
of three competent persons, not connected with the university
and annually selected by the Law Faculty.