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Hymn 2.

[Author of faith, to Thee I cry]

Author of faith, to Thee I cry,
To Thee who wouldst not have me die,
But know the truth and live:
Open mine eyes to see Thy face,
Work in my heart the saving grace,
The life eternal give.


Shut up in unbelief I groan,
And blindly serve a God unknown,
Till Thou the veil remove,
The gift unspeakable impart,
And write Thy name upon my heart,
And manifest Thy love.
I know the work is only Thine,
The gift of faith is all Divine;
But if on Thee we call,
Thou wouldst the benefit bestow,
And give us hearts to feel, and know
That Thou hast died for all.
Thou bidd'st us knock, and enter in,
Come unto Thee, and rest from sin,
The blessing seek, and find;
Thou bidd'st us ask Thy grace, and have,
Thou canst, Thou wouldst, this moment save
Both me, and all mankind.
Be it according to Thy word,
Now let me find my pardoning Lord,
Let what I ask be given;
The bar of unbelief remove,
Open the door of faith and love,
And take me into heaven.