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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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collapse section17. 
Sec. 17-18. Transferring or dipping milk; delivery containers; cooling; quarantined residences.
expand section18. 
expand section19. 
expand section20. 
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expand section22.1. 
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expand section33. 
expand section35. 
expand section36. 

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Sec. 17-18. Transferring or dipping milk; delivery containers;
cooling; quarantined residences.

Except as permitted in this section, no milk producer or
distributor shall transfer milk or milk products from one container
to another on the street or in any vehicle or store or
any place except a bottling or milkroom especially used for
that purpose. The sale of dip milk is hereby prohibited.

Milk and fluid-milk products sold in the distributor's containers
in quantities of one gallon or less shall be delivered in
standard milk bottles or in single-service containers. It shall
be unlawful for hotels, soda fountains, restaurants, groceries
and similar establishments to sell or serve any milk or fluid-milk
products except in the individual, original container in
which it was received from the distributor, or from a bulk
container equipped with an approved dispensing device; provided,
that this requirement shall not apply to cream, whipped
cream or half and half which is consumed on the premises
and which may be served from the original bottle or from a
dispenser approved for such service, nor to milk served at
hospitals and institutions, which may be served with one-quart


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containers packaged at a milk plant, nor to mixed milk
drinks requiring less than one-half pint of milk, which may
be poured from one-quart or two-quart containers packaged
at a milk plant.

It shall be unlawful for any hotel, soda fountain, restaurant,
grocery, hospital or similar establishment to sell or
serve any milk or milk product which has not been maintained,
while in its possession, at a temperature of fifty degrees
Fahrenheit or less. If containers of milk or milk products
are stored in water for cooling, the pouring lips of the
containers shall not be submerged.

It shall be the duty of all persons to whom milk or milk
products are delivered to clean thoroughly the containers in
which such milk or milk products are delivered before returning
such containers.

The delivery of milk or milk products to, and the collection
of milk or milk-product containers from, residences in which
cases of communicable disease transmissible through milk
supplies exist, shall be subject to the special requirements of
the joint health board. (Code 1959, § 17-18.)