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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes
4 occurrences of psalter
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Psalme. LXV.
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4 occurrences of psalter
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Psalme. LXV.

The Argument.

For foyson thankes to God: the letter doth aforde,
the sprite for that the church encreasth: by dews of his swete worde.

Te decet.


Al laudes be due to thee: O God in Zyon hil:
with harty vowes: of thāks to thee, all Salē shal we fil


Which hearst requests so light: in faith made fast to thee
all men for this: to thee ful glad, shal come in eche degree.


Ungodly dedes preuaild: on me so lowd they cryde:
but thou our sins: wilt purify: as oft we haue if tryed.


O blest is he in all: whom thou doost chose and take:
in thy courtes he: shall dwel full fed: where he al ioy shall make.



O God most drad in ryght, heare vs thou art our health:
To them that dwell: by sea or land, thou art theyr onely wealth.


Which mountains didst prepare: by theyr own strēgth to rest,
So gyrt he is: with fortitude, of all the worthyest.


Which swagth the ragyng seas: wyth all theyr roring dinne
So all vprores: of multitudes: to stowage he doth winne.


And they that furthest dwel: in earth thy signes shall dread:
Theyr goinges forth: at nyght & morne: thy laudes shall duely spread.


Thou vewst the earth for good: thou makest it rich in store,
Gods fluds be ful: men food thou geuest: thou framdst the earth therfore


Her forowes thou doost moyst: thou breakst the clods in two:
Thou makest thē soft: wyth rainy drops: her fruites thou blest euen so.


Thou crownst the earth full whole: wyth thy riche gentlenes
thy cloudes as waynes: do cary showers, they drop fat plenteousnes.


Theyr fatnes eke distilth: on desert pastures wyde:
The little hils: depe wet by them: shal ioy on euery side.


The playnes wyth flocks bespred: the vales wt wheat ful clad,
Thus shal reioyce: and mercy sing: for fruitefulnes so glad.