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The later poems of John Clare

1837-1864 ... General editor Eric Robinson: Edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell: Associate editor Margaret Grainger

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There is a day a dreadfull day
Still following the past
When sun & moon are past away
& mingle with the blast
There is a vision in my eye
A vacuum oer my mind
Sometimes as on the sea I lye
Mid roaring waves & wind


When valleys rise to mountain waves
& mountains sink to seas
When towns & cities temples graves
All vanish like a breeze
The skyes that was are past & oer
That almanack of days
Year chronicles are kept no more
Oblivions ruin pays
Pays in destruction shades & hell
Sin goes in darkness down
& therein sulphurs shadows dwell
Worth wins & wears the crown
The very shore if shore I see
All shrivelled to a scroll
The Heaven's rend away from me
& thunders sulphurs roll
Black as the deadly thunder cloud
The stars shall turn to dun
& heaven by that darkness bowed
Shall make days light be done
When stars & skys shall all decay
& earth no more shall be
When heaven itself shall pass away
Then thou'lt remember me