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Oh never despair, for our hopes oftentime
Spring quickly as flow'rs in some tropical clime,
Where the spot that was barren and scentless at night,
Is blooming and fragrant at morning's first light;
The mariner marks when the tempest sings loud,
That the rainbow is brighter the darker the cloud,
Then up! up! Never despair!
The leaves which the Sybil presented of old,
Tho' lessen'd in number were not worth less gold;
And tho' Fate steal our joys, do not think they're the best,
The few she has spared may be worth all the rest;
Good fortune oft comes in Adversity's form,
And the rainbow is brightest when darkest the storm,
Then up! up! Never despair!


And of old, when Creation was sunk in the flood,
Sublime o'er the deluge the Patriarch stood;
Tho' destruction around him in thunder was hurl'd,
Undaunted he looked on the wreck of the world;
For high o'er the ruin hung Hope's blessed form,
The rainbow beamed bright thro' the gloom of the storm:
Then up! up! Never despair!