University of Virginia Library



(Music composed and sold by Mr. Broad, Chapel-street, Fitzroy-square.)


[Sung in the Author's Pantomime of “The Great Devil.”]

Of all sorts of drops drooping spirits to cure,
A good drop of comfort's the best I am sure,
Some take their drop open, and some take it sly,
But the drop I like best is a drop in my eye.
Tol, lol, &c.
We all love a drop now and then, we do.


You delicate ladies pretend, you know,
As how they never get muzzy or so;
But they're all in their cups when the tea they touch,
And they now and then get a cup too much.
Tol, lol, &c.
My granny, because I've bad eyes, gave me
The genuine Eye Water; only see,
(Holds up a bottle or glass.)
But my hand shakes so, north, east, west, south,
I never can get it beyond my mouth.
Tol, lol, &c.
I'm a very dry creature, the people say,
Of course I must drink to moisten my clay;
And when it's too moist drink again you know,
For the more you drink the drier you grow.
Tol, lol, &c.