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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 75.

[VVe of a River now will sing]

Joh. 7. 30. He that believeth, out of his Belly shall flow Rivers of living water.

[The First Part.]

VVe of a River now will sing,
A Stream that sweetly runs;


And praise the high and glorious King,
That he the Channel turns
This way, to us in these dry Isles,
I'th' solitary place,
Sweet streams of water doe rise up,
God doth pour forth his grace.
This makes our Wilderness rejoyce,
It Sion doth make glad;
And Saints to sing with chearful voice,
That mourn'd, and were so sad.
This River sweetly soaks the Earth
VVhere-e're its streams do run,
And plenteously he will pour forth
His waters e're he's done.
This River, O 'tis very deep,
The bottom none can know;
Fresh always doth its waters keep,
And yet they over-flow.
Its Banks they are God's holy VVord,
That is his lasting bounds;
Oh! where God doth his Name record,
There are these waters found.
Over these Banks it will not go,
Nor ever break them down;
VVhoe're they be who make a breach,
They shall be overthrown.


The Second Part.

This River when it swiftly runs
With an impetuous stream,
It drives the Soul to Jesus Christ,
O there's no stopping them:
Trees that are planted by its side
How sweetly do they grow?
Like Willows by the Water-course
And Drought such never know
This River brings things from afar.
The best Navigation
Is in this River to set out,
'Twill bring us to Salvation.
That Soul which doth imploy himself,
And work herein each day,
He shall be rich eternally,
And a bless'd Scepter sway.
The Waters of this River are
Excellent good to drink;
If thou dost taste, thou wilt no more
Upon your sorrows think.
No Wines so rare, ne're cou'd compare
With these Waters besure;
And such who do drink of them too,
Ah! he shall live for ever.


Sing to the River, River of God,
Let Sion much rejoyce;
O sing ye Saints with one accord
To Christ with chearful voice.