University of Virginia Library


In fair Constantinople flew
Justinian's Colours, Red and Blew.
Both Marks of a Rebellious Crew,
Never to their Master True.
Italy spred her Fatal Signs,
To Popes and Cæsars, Guelphs and Gibellines,
Both the Republicks Countermines.
White and Black Standards display'd,
The difference of Minds betray'd,
Italy could ne're keep her self a Maid.
For besides the Goths and Vandals Rapes,
From Natives she made hard Escapes.
Witness the Ravishers Concelieri,
From whence sprang the Bianchi & Neri?
None of these fine Instinctû Cleri,
Florence, Pistoria with Sects Referti.
Buon del monti, and Uberti,
Albizi also, and Ricei,
Donati, Corchi, Cavalleri.
Besides the Cursed Ammoniti,
Outlaws, Tories and Banditi.


Clergy and Popular Elections,
Fill'd all with Factions and Sections.
Michael di Lando, Wool-comber, in a Jeer,
(Like Massanello,) made Gaufalonier.
A handsom Medium to find,
Go over Pont Asinine.
Tell me, I pray, what rugged Storm,
Tore the first Matter from the first Form.
Tell me Seriò, non Joco,
An ultima Sphæra sit in Loco.
Resolve me, if you can, with a Wannion,
How the Load-Stones force is quell'd by an Onion.
Tell me 'twixt I and you alone,
If Allom be a Juyce, or a Stone?
Watch and see, without Dispute,
If a Thrush do Birdlime Mute.
If a Coy-Duck, that Thief in Nature,
Be not to the Common-wealth a Traitor.
In all your Born, did y'ever know,
If Horns well planted will grow?
Have Fishes Lungs, or do they breath,
Or sleep, the Waters underneath?
If Lampreys and Vipers breed,
Which must be the prevailing Seed?
Dic mihi, an Anima Mundi,
Sicut Corpus, be in Formâ Rotundi?
Take all in Naturalibus puris,
Ubietas convenit omnibus Creaturis.
Conjunctorum est Solatium
Sed Abstrabentium est Mendacium.


Of a Square or a round Man,
Aristotle or Plato, who's the Profound Man?
If a free, voluntary Choice,
For Middle or both Ends gives his Voice.
And if it be a Mixt Action,
Is it not a perfect Faction?
Of Sympathy and Antipathy, the True Reason,
Was never found yet in its Season.
'Twixt Something and Nothing there can be no Middle,
Pigs playing on Organs sute well with a Fiddle,
I lack Sphynx to unfold ev'ry Riddle.
If Syrens and Tritons be Fishes Mute,
Neptune and Thetis are so without Dispute,
As for Æolus, he's a rugged Brute.
The true old Purple can never be found,
The Philosopher's Stone is hid under-ground,
False Phænomena's abound.
Philosophers can't agree,
By what Species we see.
Fee Counsel, to tell which is most fitting,
By Intra or Extra-mitting,
But let the Parliament be sitting.
Amicitia inter Binos & Bonos,
Inter malos, nec Amor, nec Honos.
An purè Nihil cadat sub Conceptu,
An Absolutum sit sine omni Respectu.
Nothing dries sooner than Tears,
Nothing betrays sooner than Fears.
Swine upwards can't lift up their Eye,
Cast them on their backs, they silent lye,
Amaz'd to see the glory of the Skye.


Court old Madam Trickmedainte,
Especially Madam Governante.
Charles the Fifth, so great a Man,
And Parma's Prince, deny't that can.
Neither of them, more wise or good,
For dying in a Capuchin's Hood.
Aristotle's Question does reflect,
Why Health, as Sickness, don't infect.
In Felony and Treasons Case,
A Staff has the power of a Mace.
Areopagites, like wise Peers,
Demurr'd Doubts for a Thousand years.
When Greek Physicians shall learn Arts,
Says Cato, they will kill all Hearts.
Pythagoreans were lost in Slumbers,
When they reck'ned Souls all Numbers,
I believe they were all Fumblers.
The Musicians strein high,
Call the Soul Harmony.
Search all the Planets Houses, to know,
Who rob'd a Thatch Cottage here below.
Find who is Lord of the Ascendant,
Let him be Superintendant.
Garcæus of the Meteors hit it,
If't had been a Hair h'had split it,
No Body could better fit it.
A noise i'th' Air precedes a Storm,
Then good Angels strive to prevent Harm,
Some for Cold weather, some for Warm.


When first Matter was in her Prime,
No body so much as talkt of Time.
When Occult Qualities had no Bottoms,
Then men began to think of Atoms.
Matter, Form, and Privation,
Principles of the whole Creation.
But Mercury, Sulphur and Sal,
Have turn'd them out for good and all.
Why Learned men more copious are,
Quintilian answers at the Bar.
The Learned chuse the Best from needless Stuff,
The Unlearned take all rough and enough.
We read of Subterranean Sprights,
That work in Minerals all Nights.
But 'twas no better than Play,
For nothing was found done next day.
To save Court Ladies, the Plot was laid,
Nero to practice on Acte his Maid.
He is a Scholar of a wise Reach,
That learns and is able to Teach.
Vulcan took Pett at the Athenian Schools,
Told them they should be all Fools.
But Pallas blest them with a Charm,
That their Folly should do them no harm.
At Siege of Thebes in the Bæotian Fields,
All Captains bore their painted Shields.
Only Amphialus a white Flag bore,
Of Valiant Acts that had the greatest Score.
Cæsar was not for his own Ends,
Died rather than suspect his Friends.
The Gods, because of higher Fames,
Call all things by their proper Names.


Xanthus the Gods call Scamander,
And so our poor Wits come to wander,
We scarce know a Goose from a Gander.
A Fly the Poet commended more,
Than a Nemean Lion, or a Calidonian Bore;
What would he ha' done for Calirrohe his Whore?
Caligula courted with a round Sum,
Demetrius in scorn he turn'd his Bum.
If he will tempt me to Aspire,
No less will do't than his whole Empire.
Ten Talents to give, might suffice a Commander,
But Thirty's a Gift for Alexander.
Jove plac'd the Gods upon their Settles,
According to their several Mettals.
That is, as Lucian scoffs, Πλουτινδην,
When by right it should be Αριστινδην.
Tully was pernicious to Rome,
Demosthenes was Athens Doom.
In the whole Imperial Line,
The Best and Learnedst was Antonine.
Πολλων ανταξιος αλλων,
And that's a sign of no small one.
Ships split oft on Rocks of Dice,
More dangerous than those of Ice,
Pardon a Gamester if he venter twice.
Lucian's Cobler proudly dreams,
Of no less than Golden-streams.
What if it were the Golden-stone,
'Twou'd make us all, that Thing alone.
Whose Primitive Tradition reaches,
As far as Adam's first green Breeches.


Ancients and Novelists bely us,
Nil dictum, quod non dictum Prius.
Who finds in Canonick Ruth,
The nearer Antiquity, the nearer Truth?
'Mong all the Nocturnal Apparitions,
I meet Enthusiastick Visions.
Take some in their proper Seasons,
They are but Misprisions of Treasons;
But be sure look not for true Reasons.
Offices first, soon swell into Merit,
'Tis love in the Flesh, that was love in the Spirit,
So Vices come Vertues to inherit.
Champerty, Mayhem, Prison Rumpers,
Burglary, Infangthef, Withernam, Bumpers!
Of Villanies I have seen such store.
That I'm resolv'd to see no more.
Before I could discern them well,
I was forc't to go down lower than Hell.
There's King-killing and Ranging,
O're Land and Sea, Laws and States changing.
There may be some Interludes,
Allaying Everlasting Feuds.
But Ecclesiastick Wars never fail,
None offers to cut off the Entail.
Heliogabalus would be the Sun,
Married Urania the Moon.
Cornelius Agrippa, says the best Hero's,
Were Bastards, Kings, and Cavalero's.
Hercules kill'd the Lion Brood,
That fell from the Moon in the Nemean Wood.
Tantalus play'd an ugly Feat,
Roasted his Sons for the Gods to eat.


Ceres was cheated under his Bowre,
Pelop's Shoulder to devour.
The rest in horror fled,
But restor'd him from the Dead,
An Ivory Shoulder they decreed,
For ever to that Noble breed.
Palamedes while Troy besieg'd was,
Invented Chess, Latrunculorum Tabulas.
Apollo, that brave Titan,
Of Gods the most a Gentleman.
We never find him changing his Hue,
To haunt after a Whorish Crue,
His Muses were Chast, give 'um their due.
Mercury, Moly did procure,
Witches that Herb can't endure.
Jupiter is painted without Ears,
Regards not Mortals Cries nor Tears.
The Phœnicians Gods of Old,
Were laden with Purses of Gold.
Dæmons took their Lodging Hole,
All together in the North Pole.
The good and gentle Genii,
In the milder South Pole lye.
Omne malum ab Aquilone,
What's worse than a Northern Nebulone?
Goths, Vandals, Huns, Lombards, Heruli,
Turks, Tartars, Normans, all unruly.
Vulturs, all Females, breed behind,
Conceive by the North and South Wind.
A Lion Fever-sick we are assur'd,
Certainly by an Ape is cur'd.


The Rhincerote with one Horn,
Is the true Unicorn.
The Female Viper in Coition,
Destroys the Male without Suspicion,
Of Treason, 'tis but Misprision.
Ericthonius found Coaches meet,
To hide his Dragons Feet.
Yellow Beards the Hebrews wore,
Because the Golden Calf they did adore.
Diogenes Plato's Man did mock,
Homo est Animal Bipes, a Cock!
At the Antipodes what's a Clock?
Plato's Soul was once in Euphorbus,
Circa Minutias sapere, est Græcus Morbus.
Frustrà sapit, qui sibi non sapit,
Frustrà rapit, qui sibi non rapit,
He was safe from the Guns, that lay hid in a Saw-Pit.
Sententiaries, Casuists,
Fall foul together with Clubs and Fists.
Summists, Dictionarists, Index-Rakers,
Muggletonians and Quakers.
Ordinary Interlineary Glossators,
Postillers, Conciliators,
Are not Wisdoms Administrators.
Spanish Empire, from East to West,
Larger than Romans, and all the rest,
You may choose Blindfold, bad's the Best.
Artemisia made a Tomb of Stones,
But drank up her Husbands Bones.


Paracelsus pretended high,
Towards Immortality:
Made Homuncio's, rais'd from Dead,
Among Coachmen and Hostlers bred,
Himself at Thirty buried.
Procopius Arcana Historia,
Invented and kept Lyes in Memoriâ.
Branded justly ever after,
For a base Traytor to his Master.
Alexander made his way,
Dragooning over India.
Tom Coriot footed it two thousand Miles,
Besides Way-bits and Kentish Styles.
The King of France with twenty thousand Men,
Went up a Hill, and so came down agen.
Cartez made Animals, Machins and Gins,
Moving by Screws, Elaters and Springs.
Old Wizard Druis stampt the first Print,
In the Samian, Sophist's Mint.
Souls Transmigration from Men to Men,
And so to Beasts and back agen.
Actæon's Dogs without Controll,
Might eat up his Body, and drink up his Soul.
From Bardus, Druis Boy came Sects,
That Sang Diurnals and Gazets.
Agathyrsi in Aristotle's time,
Sang Laws in the Streets, when they were in their Prime.
So others did, as is pretended,
'Fore ever Letters were invented.


Their Musick Rules then Νομοι sounded,
That now for Laws are expounded,
So Words and things are oft confounded.
The bare presence of a Bard,
A Navy sayling could retard.
One Brackman had power to command,
Whole Armies to march or stand,
So wise Men by Superstition are Trepan'd.
Let him that has a mind to Travel,
In Wales, see if he can find a Navel.
The Natives from the Center running all,
Themselves Borderers call.
If this be true, then to this day,
It must be Terra Incognita.
Latin was Goth'd and Vandal'd, Hunn'd, Herulide,
And every Language debauch'd beside;
Only the Welsh has no Affinity,
With Strangers, but keeps her Virginity.
The Gentry by the Hills secure,
Possess their ancient Blood pure.
What think ye, may they not be Welsh Rats,
Whose young, as soon as born, are big with Brats?
Need provide store of Cambrian Cats.
The Fool did his Downfall create,
By sawing the Bough on which he sate.
The famous Hero's, that dy'd in Wars,
Mounted up to the Fixed Stars.
So the great Saviours of Nations,
Shine in Celestial Constellations.


Trust to no man, Fool or Wise,
Most things are in a Disguise.
What think y' of th' Inventors of counterfeit Cases,
T'impose on the World with brazen Faces?
But if you would be truly Wise,
You must your own Judgment Exercise.
Roman's scorn'd Kings should go before 'um,
But the Gods reserv'd to themselves Regem Sacrorum.
Tho no Kings allow'd for the Forum,
Yet they kept Fecial Reges Armorum.
Hyena's change, like Sister and Brother,
Males one year, Females another.
They must needs rise very soon,
To see Elephants worship the Moon.
Hippocentaurs try'd their Forces,
The first that backt and pac'd Horses.
The Bull of Marathon did roar,
When baited by the Caledonian Boar.
If Fanaticks were set to work,
They would quickly bring in the Turk.
Ransack all the Druggists Stalls,
There are more Poysons than Cordials
Rifle the World from Head to Tail,
What Species yet did ever fail?
Natur a nunquam fecit Saltum,
Nil asperius Humili, cum surgit in Altum.
Millions of years, if you stay,
The Mountains will be all washt away.
Ordinary depths of Sea and Sand,
Answer ord'nary heights of Land.


As high as are the lofty Mountains,
So low are the vast Ocean's Fountains.
Campania, a Paradise for Store,
The same with Terra di Lavadore.
How is it with some Criminals,
Where all Parties are Principals?
All have there due, Nego Majorem,
For Major suspendit Minorem.
Set a Fool in a Glass to spy
The left Testicle of a Fly.
Muscipula voids Issue from her Chaps,
Into Water, and then up them laps.
The sleeping Dolphin never winks,
But from Top to Bottom sinks.
But pray what should the Lion ail,
When sleeping, he wags his Tail.
Mahomet's Horns, would you did know,
Were made of Half Fire, half Snow.
A cloudy Pearl in a Dove's Paunch,
Comes forth the Siege, with an Orient glance.
A Spanish Cock-Chick, I can tell,
That was heard to crow in the Shell.
To deprive men of the benefit,
The Root is cropt, call'd Devil's Bit:
Therefore give him a Dose of Aloes and Gall,
In his Cup squeez Toads, Cuts and all.
Young Neanthus was torn by Hounds,
For playing on Orpheus Harp Jarring sounds.
Elian's Frogs-Head of Flesh and Blood,
Drew after it a Body of Mud:
Hel tell you, he saw it, 'twas no Lye,
From Naples to Puteoli.


Historians a Lye can't choak,
The Druids Religion came from Abram's Oak.
Was not Aristotle an Ass,
For breaking his sleep with a Bowl of Brass.
Homer dy'd like an Owl, in a Fret,
For not unfolding the Fisher-mens Net.
A Beaver in Hunters sight, for the Nonce,
To hinder their gain, Bites off his Stones.
Four Ages, of Gold, Silver, Lead and Brass,
Was th' Invention of some doating Ass.
The Hop takes the Suns course best,
By winding on Poles, from East to West.
'Twas no less than the Oil of Gold,
That fed th' Everlasting Lamp of old,
For Lyes we're all bought and sold.
Tygers the Africans did annoy,
Which not being able to destroy;
By solemn Act they all Decree,
No Tygers should in Nature be.
Tom Nash, his Pasquil and Marforius,
The Counter Scuffle more Censorious:
These answer'd Martin-Mar-Prelate better,
Than Whitgift's Admonition Letter.
Aurelia Allobrogum, the more's the Pity,
Contends with Rome to be the Mother City.
Compare which of them hath done least good,
Observe which of them hath shed most Blood.
Paris Mattins, Sicilian Evensong,
The Powder-Plot, the Parliament Long.
This Presbyterian Association,
The Dissenters Assassination.


Nero, Sirnamed Tiberius,
Got the Nick-name of Biberius:
Licinius Muræna, so Iclept,
'Cause for a Lampry's death he wept.
The Luxurious Roman Squire,
Will see his Fish expire,
And drest immediately at the Fire.
Of Prodigies Rome's Stories tell us,
Croco sparsa Domus of Metellus.
Accipenser serv'd up at a strange rate,
With Garlands and loud Musick in state.
A Horse, a Consul and Priest was made,
A Man, a Woman, the Roman Trade.
Romans were famous to the Skyes,
Greeks were renowned for Lyes.
Too near a Wolf take heed how you come,
If you see him first, he'l strike you dumb.
From hence conclude Lupus in Fabulâ,
Or write it down for a Lye in Tabulâ.
Moles have no Eyes, Elephants no Joynts,
They sleep leaning on Trees, false Points.
Pelican for her Young makes holes in her Breast,
'Tis as true as all the rest:
For she has a broad Flat Bill,
And could not do't though she had a Will.
Our Bodies are weak, Ergo, for Fornication,
The Gloss says, there's no Deprivation.
We're all now of less Age and Stature,
Ergo, there is a decay in Nature.
Sun draws near th' Earth an Hundred and Thirty Degrees,
In time the Tropicks are like to Freeze.


Mountains decay, Stars fail,
Some already downwards hang their Tail.
Cassiopeia's new Star is long since retir'd,
Comets above the Moon much admir'd.
Venus has chang'd her Colour, Bigness and Shape,
Sol drinks all Vapours, Stars for Thirst gape.
But what if the Dragon or great Bear,
To our Horizon should draw near,
'Twould put us all to a Bodily Fear?
Besides Retrogradation, Trepidation, and Libration,
Fright Mortals with a General Transmutation.
Sayling more speedy from East to West,
Confirms the Truth of all the rest.
Harpaste, Seneca's Wives Fool,
At Noon, stumbled at a Joyn'd Stool.
Blind, as she was, her Reason mark,
She complain'd the Room was dark.
Precise Plato held a Community,
'Twixt Men and Women with Impunity.
Lycurgus made all his Laws for War,
If for Peace 't had been better far.
Solon cancell'd old Debts, the more,
Under pretence of doing good to the Poor.
Aristotle, for poor mens helps,
Bids drown their Children, like Whelps.
Cœlum vetus est Paganum,
Da novum nobis Christianum.
Ordeal Law, by Fire and Water,
The like by Duels or Manslaughter,
Of Truth found out no such matter.


Lypsius de Potoribus & Esoribus,
Should add, De Orbis Raptoribus.
Consult Joannes de Temporibus,
Cave, Annibal est præ Foribus.
Where Beauty and Wisdom are fixt,
They are good single, but better mixt.
Fair Vertue shines with greater Grace,
When adorn'd with Beauties Face.
Παχεια γαστηρ λεπτοτατονου τικτει Νοον,
Κακου κορακος, κακον Ωον.
Homer's Iliads in a Nut-shell lye,
The Rhodian Ship was hid by a Fly.
Vitellius had two Thousand Fishes,
And ten Thousand Birds serv'd up in Dishes,
To Gluttons with Cranes-Throats, if they had their Wishes.
Six hundred Ostriches for Heliogabalus,
An Ox for Hercules, if not Fabulous.
Smydrides rested from all Fears,
Saw no Sun-rising for Twenty years.
There is, I think, no great Wit,
But of some mixture does admit,
Of Madness, now and then a fit.
Penelopes Geese eat the Wheat in her Hall,
She dream't the Eagle kill'd them all
The Thief is born under Mercury's Planet,
Under Venus, the Letcher can't withstand it,
Murderer under Mars, if you understand it.
Mahomet's Doctrine of the Bow-string,
Sad Notes upon the Hangmans Low-string.


Mark Antony and Cleopatra his Mate,
Strove t'outvye in Charge and State.
Antony's Supper, of vast Expence,
Th' Egyptian Queen did Recompence.
She call'd her Slave to fetch a Cruse
Of Vinegar, as for common use.
Took a Pearl pendant from one Ears tip,
Dissolv'd, and turn'd it o're her Lip.
O 'twas a costly Vain-glorious swallow,
From t'other Ear a second was to follow:
But that the Judge stay'd her,
Saying, Madam, y' have won the Wager.
The Jewel sav'd, they did divide,
To adorn Venus in her highest Pride.
Jewels of such invaluable Worth,
Th' Orient ne're before or since brought forth.
Clodius, Æsop the Tragædian did such a Feat,
But 'fore they died wanted Meat.
Attalus to Seneca commended a Bed,
Where was no Print from Foot to Head.
Made him, rather than please his Gusts,
To feed on Herbs and hard Crusts.
The Pompeians, the Night before
Pharsalia's Fight, did Sing and Roar.
Casting Dice with unlucky Hands,
For Romes Honours, Houses, Lands.
The next Day, they all fell or fled,
Divide no Lions Skin 'till he be dead.
Wherefore was Famous Machiavel,
Condemn'd by Churchmen to the Pit of Hell?
'Twas, because of the Pope he ne're spake well,
Therefore Curse him by Book, Candle and Bell.


Drink up the Morning-Star, and if you ben't a Clown,
Be bold to drink th' Evening-Star down.
Martin the Cryer, calls Witches away,
The Owls screetch, the Dogs bay,
Toads croak, and Catamountains play.
Snatch Flesh, Foam the Night-Ravens Maws,
Wolves Hair from off Mad-Dogs Jaws,
Seize the Ass out of the Lions Paws.
Hiena's, Basilisks, Mandrakes,
Vipers, Adders, Serpents, Snakes.
Take Horned Poppy, Cypress Brooms,
Wild Fig-Tree, that grows on Tombs.
Cast up dead Ashes and Sand,
The Moon and Stars you may Command.
Darkness, Devils, Heav'n and Hell,
Must be subject to your Spell.
I call you Once, I call you Twice,
Headlong ye come if I call you Thrice.
Make your Cross Dances Hip to Hip,
Back to Back, Heel to Heel, Trip.
Charm all the sorts of deadly Drugs,
Carry the Devils by the Lugs,
Sting 'um with Insects and Bugs.
In Cradles suck Childrens Breath,
And gripe the old Nurses to Death.
Full fourteen years the Maid of Mewrs,
Fasted, liv'd by the smell of Flowrs.
Καλως και σοφως, Sus bene olet,
Quod oculus non ridet, Cor non dolet,
The Parasite is Fee'd, Offa monet.


'Twas Tully's unsavoury proud Encomium,
O Fortunatam, natam, me Consule Romam.
Dioclesian, Brother to Sun and Moon,
His Name's up, may lye a Bed till Noon,
Give the Baby Pap in a Spoon.
All Clients that come or go,
Have the Honour to kiss his Toe.
Ev'n grave Augustus had his Frisk,
Acted Apollo, very Brisk.
Clad his Guests in Antick Dresses,
In state, like Gods and Goddesses.
Dominus Deus noster Jubet,
Domitianus, quicquid Lubet.
Numen Vestrum, Perennitas Vestra,
Saluted so in the Orchestrâ.
Augustus's Statue, Cheek by Joll,
Jussel'd Jupiter in the Capitol.
Of Scaurus's Theatre, Fame Thunders
As of one of the World's Wonders.
Caligula's Bridge, three Miles long,
From Putzol to Biuly, very strong.
Tables of Murine, Onyx Stone,
Cups of Crystal, Pearls, all one.
Such was the Luxury of old,
Even to Stool-Pans of Gold.
Bibitur in Conchâ, says Strabo,
Vitreo bibit Ille Priapo.
Cœlatures, Bosses, Emblems of Apri,
Stantes extrà Pocula Capri.
African, Citron Trees for Tables,
Sustentatque tuos, Aurea Mensa Dapes.


Patinarum Paludes, They had their Wishes,
To swim up to the Ears in Dishes.
Gallus Cestius to Supper Invited,
By Tiberius, was Delighted.
With Rarities overbaited,
By naked Maids that on them waited.
Ganymeds, Exolete Carpet Knights,
Bearded, overgrown Catamits.
To Ravish all in Dignitatibus,
An Office erected A Voluptatibus.
Apricius, so Rich and Proud,
For's Kitchin Nine Millions allow'd.
At last, after all his Carving,
Poys'ned himself for fear of Starving.
Ingeniosa Gula, Ransacks Air,
And Earth and Sea, for Bills of Fare.
New farrowed Sows Paps,
Italian Mushrooms, Fools Caps.
To cool their Wine Egyptian Snow,
Samian Cakes Baked slow.
Cocks-Treddles, Guilt-heads, Livers.
Fool, Florentine that Quivers,
A whole Goat slic'd, and stew'd in shivers,
Fesula's, Peacocks Brains, blended,
Phœnicopter's Tongues, the World's well amended.
At this rate it may soon be Ended,
The Worms will be well Befriended.
Six Thousand Lampreys Cæsar bought,
For Triumphs better Fed than Taught.


Oysters the biggest, of the Lake Lucrine,
The best Rellish were Rutupine.
The true Shoar they can Primo Deprendere Morsu,
Green Finn'd, and as big as a Horse-shoe.
Lucullus had a deep swallow,
Call'd Tully and Pompey to sup in Apollo.
Minerva's Buckler, call'd Vitellius's Platter,
For Belly, not Brains, full of rich Matter.
Whole Patrimonies vast and stable,
Wholly consum'd at one Table.
Hyppocrates had a tedious Walk,
From Pole to Pole in a day to stalk.
They that nourish Jealousies and Fears,
Their Office is to carry Guts to the Bears.
Sparrows tread Eight times in an hour,
Pigeons draw Venus Chariot Bowre.
Phydias's Scambre, Grass-hopper, Bee of Brass,
Rarities, with Archimede's Sphere of Glass.
A single Raisin-Stone,
Was the death of poor Anacreon.
Empedocles in Ætna's Smoak,
Like a Fool, himself did choak.
Euripides dy'd in Disgrace,
Eat up by the Curs of Thrace.
The Eagle gave Æschylus a Spell,
Dropt on his bald Pate a Tortoise Shell.
Arcadian Nonasius Waters,
Could be contain'd in no other quarters;
But only in an Asses Hoof,
The coldest Creature that is, by proof.


At the famous Battel of Tours,
Thousand Saracens fell in few hours.
Ebroven Major Domo in Clothair's Raign,
Got first the Power Soveraign.
Charles Martell, next of the same place,
Won the Crown from Chilperic's Race.
Hugh Capet descended from the Book,
By the Sword the Scepter took,
For the true Right you may go look.
Gauls were the ancient Colonels,
Druids brought Learning from their Cells,
I wonder who the Devil invented Spells.
If our Senses first deceive us,
Of all true Science they bereave us,
No certainty can be of Skill,
Nor no true Liberty of Will.
Η πειρα σφαλερη, Experience
In a Quack, is a great Offence,
From whence all Mistakes commence.
Diverse Occurrences have diverse Respects,
And some come to miss by their Neglects,
'Tis hard to know which makes the true Effects.
Apollo pray'd to Cease,
A lasting Plague that was in Greece.
His Answer was very hollow,
To double the Altar of Apollo.
Fools are always plump and fair,
The Reason is, they take no Care.
Τα μη καλα, παλαπεφανται, we find,
True, because Cupid is Blind,
Plutus is just so in his kind.


Fools go before, and Wise behind,
Gold more than Wisdom most men mind.
At the unlacing of a Buck,
Ceremonies us'd for sake of Luck.
A Gentleman, no Butcher, on his Knees.
His Hat off, lays the Beast on the Lees.
A Cutter for the purpose, that parts
The Entrals by Mysterious Arts.
All in deep silence, as a Sacrificer,
Divides, and Inspects, and is never the wiser.
The Greek in empty Theatre sits Laughing,
The German in full Flagons quaffing.
Fools, Ideots, unconcern'd in all things.
Wise men take a care in small things.
Chymists bewitch'd spend all in Profundis,
Quia mutant Quadrata Rotundis.
Charles Martel, a Gospel Propagator,
The first Tithe Impropriator.
Cain began the first Duel,
Goths and Vandals alike Cruel.
A Wise man only is secure,
Tho the most harm he endure.
The most unworthy to see Day,
Feel the Sun's brightest Ray.
He that looks round about all things well,
Is likest the most Truths to tell.
In Words to sport, in Sentences to sleep,
Is, with sober Learning, to play Bo-peep.
Many Curious Arts, Tonanti Sono,
But the true Wise man cryes, Cui Bono?


Great Volumes run a great way,
Λιαν τεχνικα, ουδεν χρησιμα.
A great Cry, and a little Wool,
Danaid's Tubs are never full,
A Spider's Web curiously wrought,
Proves at last good for nought.
There are more Things than Words, I dare say,
And Words are doubtful every way.
Therefore a Wise man minds the Scope,
Lets himself down Precipes by a Rope.
And still distinguishes with Care,
That in all things he may come off fair.
Hair-brain'd Fools mind Sport and Drinking,
But ne're regard Study or Thinking.
Therefore they never understand,
Because they ne're had their Wits at command.
Let Truth be what it will, Pleasure and Gains,
Are the only Objects of their Pains.
Flashes of Fancy they most mind,
Therefore their Reasons are never true nor kind.
And if they can of Oratory blow the Bellows,
Among Sots, they count Selves, and are counted brave Fellows.
Thus I, a poor Witch, can Faults sit and spye,
And if I complain, they tell me, I lye.
Alas! I am a poor ignorant Female Soul,
And how dare I Learned Men controul?
Tho I have got little, but Meat, Drink and Clothing,
I have not been so long in the World for Nothing.


Women that have their Tongues at Command,
May order their Brains, if they will understand.
Women may learn, as well as Men,
To Read, and Meditate, and handle their Pen.
But these Fops and Sots, whom I so justly Rebuke,
Ne're gave their minds to handle a Book.
Drink, Roar and Whore, or plod upon Dirt,
Or in Pride and Bravery flirt.
Not minding Souls or Body's Health,
Uncapable to serve the Common wealth.
Devouring the Fruits of the Ground,
Doing of good can ne're be found.
I like not these unlucky Generations,
That follow nought, but the World's Fashions,
The sooner these Varlets go off the Stage,
The sooner we hope for a Civiler Age.
These things have mov'd me to so much Rage,
To see so few to Vertue engage.
And now I shall be call'd a Wolf or a Bear,
They'l force me to shed many a Tear:
But they shall know I keep this Resolution,
To hold Truth, and stand Persecution.
Mine is the Fate of Priests and Kings,
To do Good, and suffer Evil things.
Base Rascals, Rail, and hurt what you can,
I'le still take the part of an Honest man.
You make my Heart ake, you make me Sweat,
I scorn you, I scorn you, be you never so Great.
I am an Old Witch, is all your Note,
You'l make me go in a Thred-bare Coat.


The Law is against Witches, I confess,
But they may tax your Baseness nevertheless.
It may be left upon Record,
You ne're deserv'd a Witches good Word.
Still you bawl, I'm a Witch an be hang'd,
Still I cry, you are Rogues an be Damn'd.
But I'le give you the slip, and Repent for the Nones,
And leave you to the Devil to pick all your Bones.
Money, my Hearts, if you have any,
Broken or Whole, for a Parting Peny.