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Her Government.


Her Government.


We know, Great Love, thy gentle sway,
Thy sovereign Word we all obey;
Kings at thy sacred Feet lay down their Crowns,
And triumph to be Vassals to thy Frowns;
Great Alexander wish'd to be
Conqu'rour of Worlds, but Slave to thee.


So great's thy share, thou claim'st a part
In the most rigid Stoick's Heart:
And tho' he disallows thy Deity,
The Tythes of all his Fruits he pays to thee:
But we, as old Rome us'd to do,
Own thee our Queen and Goddess too.



Tribute to thee, as free we pay,
As Indians Homage to the Day:
Tax on, great Love, in taxing still be kind,
Pray ease our Purses, to enrich our Mind:
Like Martyrs we're in Love with Pains,
We kiss and reverence our Chains.