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FABLE XLVI. The Country Fidler:

Or, Unseen, Unknown.

A Country Scraper, who at Weddings play'd,
And was, beyond his Merit, prais'd and paid;
Proud of his Parts, wou'd needs himself prefer
To grace the Consort at the Theater:


But there (when he a Tune or two had play'd)
His Impudence, and want of Skill betray'd:
And the affronted Audience, in a Rage,
Hiss'd the pretending Blockhead off the Stage.


‘So some grave Doctors, who in Schools dispute,
‘And, in conceit, ev'n Bellarmine confute;
‘When they in Paul's or Westminster appear,
‘Make but a dull and awkward Figure there.
‘Learning, without brisk Parts to set it forth,
‘Like hidden Treasure, is but little worth:
‘And the rich Soil, while it conceals the Gold,
‘Is in no more esteem than common Mould.