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400 In the Reign of Honorious Arcadius begining
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400 In the Reign of Honorious Arcadius begining

I instance first i'th' frisks shee tooke to bring
The Roman Monarchy to feel how sin
Hath brought her to her Counts. She falls therefore
Like to a Beast knockt down and all in Goare
On whom the Barbarous nations, Vandalls, Gauls
Goth, Huns and others hunger bitten fall
Like Birds and beast of Prey on Carrion cling
Some runing hence with this, some th'other Limb
Untill the LET be wholy tooke away
That prooves to Antichrists guilt horn delay
Till those tell horns upon this head do bud
That shall the necking Horn behinde them dub,
And with their horns tipt with rich Gems in gold
They stand his Lackie Boyes and's Stirrup hold.
Good Theodolius newly gone to rest
Ruffin Lieuetenant faithless in the East
Impery'ish smells: packs with the Goths, its Coast
T'invade. He'd fish in muddy waters most:
To hang the Empire on his hooke, but the same
Hangs in his gills, him drew up when he came
Before his Host to meet Arcadius
Entring Constantinople, Ruffinus
Smelt ranck of treason, on him Justice set
Before Arcadius makes another step.
At th'Emp'rours feet th'Italian Souldiers Cut
His head and right hand off: and up them put
And hang over the Gate for all to see
That Justice gives to Traitors such a fee.
Now Gildo doth in Affrick too devise
To flanker for himselfe the Empires thighs
And for the same doth seventy thousand raise
His brother Mascezels deare Children slayes
Cause he unto the Emperour did show
The treason. Now Honorious doth stow
Five thousand Christian souldiers on him, stout
Which Gildo's seventy thousand quickly rout.
Gildo doth take the Sea but when to shoare
He would, had's throat split open by an oare.


But Mascezell full flesht here with, in pride
Would have Imperiall Collops for him fride,
But now he sought to live upon such fish


His Souldiers servd his head up in a dish.

The Scythick Huns in hunting of an Hart
Did finde a Peephole never found by Art
Out of their nest beyond Meotis fen
Unto a better soile and better men
Through which as through a Mase they Croud and strive
Like swarms of Bees come poothering from their hive,
O're into Europe, and about this time
Did wast the Thracian Countrey with their line.
And now Isaur'ian Theeves in troops infest
As far as Haran: Phenice they molest.
Gainas the Goth Captain of horse and foot
Under Arcadius, making his sute
To gain a temple for his Arian Crew
Within th'Imperiall City, onward grew
Into Rebellion, when denide, did Call
His Countrey men the Goth out, and did fall
Upon the Empire, tooke all Phrygia
And yet at Chalced on his Oath did lay
Not to Conspire against the Emp'rour life.
Yet on he goes mentaining secret strife.
He seeks Constantinople how to fire
T'ore run the Roman Empire doth aspire
(God hangs a dismall Commat o're the town
That reacht from heaven to Earth nigh streaching down)
Gainus by night his barb'rous Villains sends
To burn th'Imperiall Palace which God tends
A mighty troop of Angells in hugh shapes
Of men in sparkling armour fright his apes
They run away supposing that they were
An host of Roman Souldiers placed there.
But Gainas knowing such there could not bee
The following night sent others out that hee
Might do the feate not once nor twice, but they
Do finde this mighty troop them frights away.
He goes himselfe and findes the matter true
And deeming's them but Roman souldiers flew
Unto his Wiles doth feign himself possest
By Satan: doth betake himselfe as best
To Saint Johns Church to pray and with him's men
Who closely sent in Vessells arms which when
The Porters stop, they slay the Porters all
And now the City on his men do fall
Within the Walls. The Traitor leaves his prayers
And flies: the Western Empire t'Catch prepares


But still befoold he flies through Thrace and fell
Into the Roman Souldiers hands who quell


Him and his barbarous troop whose bloody Crimes

Have blotcht the golden Leaves of those good times.
Now Stillico a Vandall, king at Arm,
Under Honorius whose sunshines warm
This starved snake swops with the Goths to bring
Th'imperiall Wreath about the brows to cling
Of's son Eucherius whose sister was
Honorius his Emperess alass.
He trucks with th'Emperour no more to pay
The stipend to the Goths the which the day
Of need compeld him to, them to insense,
Then draws the Sweves, Burgs, Alans, Vandalls thence
By Golden promises for to infest
The Bancks of Rhine and France too to molest.
Hence Rhadagaise puts on his scythick steels
With Goths two hundred thousand at his heels
Resolve he'l cut the name of Christian off
And all the Roman blood to's gods he'l Quaff.
Thrace and Illyricum, Norice, each place


Nigh Italy his sword and fires deface

Doth enter Epennine and pitch his tent
At Fesulee. Rome trembles at this sent,
Calls to her aide Uldine and Sarus Dukes
Of Huns and Goths, so out goes and enhooks
Up Rhadagaise and's hosts within the Jaws
Of the Felulian streights, untill their Maws
Coy Cupboard, having nought at all to eate
But Rocks, Pikes, Swords, or Arrows for their meate,
The proude Blasphemer flies; yets quickly caught
And made a mocking-stock Chain'd up then brought
And honour'd with an halter, and his traile
Are Captivde to enrich their foes by sale.
Such as escapt fled to Alaricus
I'th'east, who from Constantinople rush
Did, and did Thessaly, Illyricum
And to Ravenna all destroy and num.
And nigh Potentia Honorius treats
Him, and with him a sacred League Compleats.
Constraind thereto because now France and Spain
The Sueves and Vandalls and their mates had ta'en.
But Stillico contrary to this League
When Alerick his hosts to France did leade
Fell on his reare and dreadfull slaughter made
For which he's slain and's son, but alls not paid


Alaricus returns, revenge is sweet,
And bits untill his very teeth do meet.
His fire and sword through Italy do prance
And Rome shall take a turn too in this Dance.
He hears a Voice say, Goe Destroy thou Rome
He'd in the Siege (some say) two years consume


Then takes it, makes it under's sword and Flames

And Plundrings fall, save such i'th'temples came
Now fill'd with spoiles he and his host out goes
Within the Week and flood like overflows
Sweeping down all before him far and neere
Through Campany, Lucania, Brutia, steers
For Sicily or Affrick, but the winde
Did surly proove, set him an other minde
And Wintering at Consence with his host
His Corps did suddenly Exile his Ghost
And was with mighty wealth Epitaphizde
In Basence streams, so let such Wens be sisde.
When brave Chrysostom fetch from Excile saw
What Dancings and what stage playes then did draw
In poyson to infest mens souls to wast
Their time and souls Christ here in much disgrac'te
And flam'd against these things and hence again
Was banished, God sent a dismall flame
That turnd the Temple and the Costly Work
Of Court and Courtly structures unto dirt.
Such mighty Haile stones God now tumbled down
Scarce ere such in Constantinople town
Beheld, and on the fourth day following
Eudoxia her passing Peale doth ring.


At Utica the Earth a lowing fell

Seven dayes together now as stories tell.
But as some say about ten years before
A dreadfull Earth Quake was, the Skies all ore
Seem'd all like flaming fire, a sad presage
Of the sad times approaching on the stage
So also When Chrysostom first was sent
An Excile a dread Earthquake did endent
The hearts with feare. Constantinople now
Calls John again to hold the Gospell plow.


Burgundians the tract of France neer Rhine

Do by a mighty hand bow to their line.
Athulph succeedeth Alarick the Goth,
His Kingdom buds at Barcina (poor froth)
Spain nots a nest of Vandals, Alans, Sueyes
And Goths. Brittan the like game Cuts and playes,
Doth Gratian Crown, who murder'd, Constantine
Doth Clap his bum in th'throne of a low line.
Then Constans son unto Bittannicus
Of Monk is Cesarizde, and soon there rush


Into it Scots and Picts and sore its stresst


It shews to Rome but little is redresst.

France through Fare is of all these rabble crew
The which the north tracts on the Empire spew.


She stirs her stumps, makes Varamund her king,

They'l pluck the Beast a pieces lime from lime.