University of Virginia Library




[Quhan verray vereyit I vas vith vreting of verse]

Quhan verray vereyit I vas vith vreting of verse,
And lang tym haid musit my metir till mend,
Profoundlie perturbit, paine throch did me perse,
Sen sentenles saying so schortlie var send
Vith rawing ruid rakles roch railling reherse
To ane prence preclair peirles Improperlie pend.
Syn said I, “sic scribling Quhy sould I so scherse?
Sum purpois mair prudent var meit till intend.”
So I papir And pen again spedelie tuk,
Not, Sir, till vneis ȝow,
Bot mening to meis ȝow,
Vith feir to displeis ȝow,
Beginnyng this buik.



fair vranie, the mychtie muse celest,
Me thocht appirit in my truiblit rest
Maist miscontent, And did me reprehend
for pithles poems to my prence so pend.
“Thy ryms,” (Sayis scho), “ar resonles and ruid,
Syn vith no constant sentence dois concluid.
Quhow dar thow than sic dytment dull derect
To my renownit scholer cheif elect?
Beliwis thow his godlie blissit braine
Vill tak delyt of thy fantastick vaine,
Quhilk hes sic fectles friuolteis don fram
That skairse his grace vill gaȝe vpon the sam?
And gif his hienes ons thy lyns reiect,
Ilk ane about sall giwe the monie gect:
from hand till hand thy minschit metir meed
Than sall be catchit full of fortouns feed,
And all sall say thow hes misspent thy time
In ruid rehersall of ane raggit rym:
So thow thy thanks and trauels both sall tyn,
furthschawing dulnes of thy basse Ingyn.
Bot gif thow haid my heawenlie counsell socht,
Thow sould vnto his maiestie haif brocht
Sum sentence sad compoist in statlie style,
As I haif causit cunnyng men compyle.”
“Helas, Madam,” said I, “my spreit ȝe perse
Vith dolor deip be ȝour extreme reherse.
The onlie cause quhilk meed me to compois
To ȝow Inteirlie sall I now disclois.
Abowe all thingis erdlie being bent
His celcitude synceirlie to content,


I lang reuoluit in my secret thocht
Quhow my desyre mycht till effect be brocht;
Quhilk sen my pouer mycht navayis furthschaw,
I tuik conceit at leist sum lyns to draw
As I best could, that his maist sacred skill
Ȝit mycht consawe ane part of my guidwill.
And this I humylie in my mynd deid meine,
Not for na vordie vark that in me beine,
Bot traisting suir his kinglie courtas hart
My Indeuoir vold tak in to guid part,
As Artaxerces kyndlie did resawe
Handfull of vattir quhilk the puir man gawe,
Or that renownit mychtie thankfull king
The radische ruit quhilk on did till him bring;
for prencelie spreits regards the Inwart thocht
And not the valeur of the present brocht,
So that thair gloir awansit moir dois ring
Be veill accepting of ane sempill thing,
propynit frilie from ane ȝelus hart,
Than gouldin gifts estemd be greattest part:
for he quho of his small thing gifis all
Sould be accompt als vordie liberall
As thay quho of thair great aboundant Stoir
Bestows ane part: So I quho hes no moir
Bot litill leirning hes don it prepair
Vith nales feruent And continewall cair
Than sort of thois quho distributs at vill
King Cresus pois Or queine Mineruas skill:
for I hawe scherst all hirns of my Ingyn
Vith quhat I mycht or could for to propyn
The sam maist humilie to My natiwe king,
In quhom all royall gratitud dois spring.
Quhy do ȝe than, helas, vith reuthles teine
My mynd manase quhilk dois maist meiklie meine?
No vonder thocht I vexit be vith vo,
Sen that ȝour speitche seueirlie schoirs me so.
I soucie litill all my trauels lost,
And cairs no thing for tanting Momus bost,


Bot all my greif is gif my king reiect
My sempill versis to his grace derect;
Quhairin ȝour counsell I haid don desyre,
Var nocht I durst navayis so hich aspyre;
Ȝour curious cunning And my sempill spreit
To correspond me thocht vas navayis meit,
I dark as nycht, And ȝe as tuynkling star
Or phebus brycht Surmonting me als far.
Bot now sen I ȝour glorie great dois sie,
Of pitie spair my pansiwe spreit supplie
for till eschew his maiesteis desdaine,
Quhilk vold perplex me vith profoundest paine.
Ten thowsand tyms I rather burne my buik
Than ons deserwe his miscontentit luik.”
for Iust excuse Quhan I thir vordis spak,
The mychtie Muse than did this ansuir mak:
“Sen thow declairit hes the verray trewth,
I quyt thy mis And of thy cause hes reuth,
Not doutting bot his excellence preclair
Sall na les mercie on thy mateir Spair,
for thow reclams to his maist prencelie Spreit,
Quhilk vill appaise thy hoip in euerie quheit;
To quhois correction giwe thy former buik,
Quhilk be Inspection of his luifing luik
In euerie blob sall beutifeit appeir,
As Tytan fair maks Scinthea Scheine cleir.
And gif thow vold his celcitude content,
Now schers sum sacred Subiect till Inuent
But all delay; Althocht thy Skill be small
God vill the help gif for his grace thow call,
Quhois maikles mycht may mak thy spreit to pas
Aloft abowe the forkit hich pernas.
Go to and scharp than all thy sensis blont,
Contending ons to clym the holie mont.”
Thus I awalkit, And did so pretend
To pleis My Godlie king, Quhom god defend.



As litill lark Althocht hir vings be small
Dois hich presume to mont vp in the air,
So vold I flie Bot ȝit I feir ane fall.
Hoip bids mak to, “Stand still,” sayis dull dispair,
Ȝit clym I sall, But not vith mundan cair
for gaine of gould Or onie vorldlie gloir.
I vill ascend the vay to lyf preclair,
And first vill help of Charetie Imploir,
Nixt be the fair humiliteis guid loir
My course to labor sall derectlie tend,
Syn veretie and constance sall restoir
Me frie of vyce: Than think I weill to end,
for quhan experience hes me teitchit plaine,
Be hoip I sall felicitie attaine.
This is the summe that I intend to dyt,
God grant me grace to bind it vp perfyt.



My sempill pen, Quhilk heirtofoir did sport,
Sprent vp vith speid, prepair the to report
Mair pithie purpois prudent and perfyt.
His maiestie vill the preserwe from tort:
Than vnder schaddow of his vings resort,
And Indeuoir his hienes to delyt,
for quhois guid plesour now awance thy dyt
Vith sum sentencius mychtie mateir meit,
To be reuisit vith his pregnant spreit.
I pas from ballads of poetick braine,
And from fantastick facill sayings vaine,
from Sonets als, And euerie friuoll verse;
Both myrrie ryms And roundels I desdaine.
Sum Semlie Subiect sueitlie till explaine
Vith Holie Dauid Instantlie I scherse:
Than, Sone of Dauid, help my ruid reherse,
And vith thy Sacred spreit My spreit Inspyre,
Quhilk thow send doune in toungs of flammyng fyre.
In this maist plesand spring tym of the ȝeir,
Quhan euerie branche all blomit dois appeir
Vith lustie leifis greine And blossoms quhyt,
Now quhan the birds on bussis maks sic beir,
And purifeit is the firmament maist cleir,
And all the ground annamelit perfyt
Vith holsum herbs And flouris of delyt,
Now quhan Apollo brycht dois vp ascend,
To scherse out trew felicitie I tend.


Soon be Aurora haid the heawens ourcled
Vith celest air from blak Nocturna sched
Throch percing purpur barmkin of the sky,
To this effect I bownit from my bed,
And me preparing thence derectlie sped
Quhair this foirsaid felicitie did ly,
Quhilk place precelling quhan my eis did spy,
Maist bent I vas vith ane deliberat hart
for to persew hir presence in that part,
Quhilk circuat vas vith christaline preclair,
Gilt all vith gould, And glansand vonder fair
Amyds ane plaine depaint vith emeraud greine,
Quhair flora valkit in the temperat air
In syndrie hewis recent brycht and rair,
Cled in hir cleir And cumlie vestment cleine,
The quhilk all balmie browdrit mycht be seine,
Braid busching out, And vith parfume repleit
As synomom, Ciuet, Or Amber sueit.
fresche fontans sprang beneth the christall vall,
Quhilk be appirans Paradice I call,
And throche the sam transparant did appeir
Both fruitfull treis, And tender plantis tall,
And euerie flour and herb both great and small.
The port vas keipit of this clostuir cleir
Be the chast virgin Charitie synceir,
Quha audience gawe vith visage fair and meik,
Quhan so to hir I did this purpois speik.
“O lustie ladie, I inlaik the loir
Thy dew deseruit vertew to decoir,
Quhais persone percis euerie godlie spreit,
Quha dois conduct ws till eternall gloir,
Quha rings renounit endles euirmoir.
Quhow sall my speitch salute thy semblance sueit,
O heawenlie dam, vith holines repleit?
Blist splendor brycht thy beutie dois dispars,
Repouser both of auld Saturn And mars.


“Thocht I vith toungs of men And angels spak,
Nocht haifing ȝow I var als far to lak
As sounding brase Quhilk hes no toyne perfyt,
Or cymball bois that dois bot tinkling mak:
Thocht all my guids I to the puir did suak,
But ȝow it not auails to me ane myt:
Thocht all I knew And prophesie could dyt,
Ȝea, and be faith mycht mychtie montans muif,
Ȝit vas I no thing gif I laik ȝour luif.
“Ȝour luif is courtas godlie and synceir,
Ȝour luif from all Inwy is purgit cleir,
Ȝour luif is not prouockit to desdaine,
Ȝour luif in suffering long dois perseweir,
Ȝour luif reiosis to sie treuth appeir,
Ȝour holie luif from anger dois refraine,
Ȝour luif not seikith out ȝour proper gaine,
Ȝour luif in meiknes all things dois Induir,
Ȝour luif belewes veill and hoipis suir:
“Ȝour luif, Madam, dois neuir fall away,
Thocht toungs do cease And propheseis decay.
faith, Hoip, And ȝe now Instantlie dois ring,
Bot ȝe ar cheifest of the thrie I say:
Thay both sall end Bot ȝe sall last for ay.
Ȝour onlie luif And blissing may me bring
Vp hich till heawen to god eternall king,
The flamme of luif, Quharfra ȝe do proceid;
And quhom bot ȝow I may not knaw indeid.
“long haif I beine beraweist vith desyre
for to persawe ȝour presence and Impyre:
long vishit I inspection of this place:
far haif I past and craifs no vther byre
Bot heir till entir, Quhilk I do requyre
In to maist humill maner at ȝour grace,
Imploring oft the fauor of ȝour face,
That I may sycht this plesand part abrod,
Perfyt proceding from the hiest God.


“for sen that ȝe his tender dochter deir
Apoyintit is for proper portar heir,
The sam but dout maist suirlie is deuyn,
The quhilk also apertlie dois appeir
Be lustie luisteur of the vallis cleir,
Transending far my foibill dull Ingyn.
Of courtassie vnto my sute Inclyn,
That be this passage in I may repair
To scherse out firm felicitie maist fair.
“My ȝelus hart hir absence dois lament,
Hir for to sie my branis all ar bent
In hir maist peirles palice of commend;
Hir figure deip is in my brest Imprent,
No thing bot scho my thochtis may content,
To hir alon dois all my trauels tend;
And sen heirin scho dois hir plesours spend,
In all delyt duelling both nycht and day,
O semlie virgin, Spair me patent vay.
“And I awow sall euir stedfast still
till recognose thy fauor and guidwill
Vith humyll seruice suir at thy command,
And neuir sall my part Ingraitlie spill;
Gif plesith the my ardent sute fulfill,
I salbie oblist vith perpetuall band,
Thy subiect man, quhill I may gang or stand,
And vith my verse And prois in euerie thing
Thy praise Immortall I sall say and sing.”
Quhan I haid so accomplist my request,
The godlie maede douce Charitie degest,
Vith pitie perst in part quhair scho did stand,
No longer vold hir comlines arrest,
Bot soone awanst hir self vith visage trest,
And cacht me hartlie vith hir tender hand
In signe that scho contentit of my band,
Syn me recueillit vith ane courtas kis,
And luifinglie to me pronuncit this.


“My trustie freind, thow velcum art to me,
And I reiois thy courage for to sie
So bent to pas in to this painfull pairt.
Be veill assuird thow sall hawe my supplie,
And dalie prayers for to confort the,
That schrink of sorrow nether suerwe nor smart
The Interpryse of thy magnanime hart,
Quhilk of ane nobill nature dois appeir,
Sen it dois pouse and animat the heir.
“Thir proper ports to all ar patent plaine,
Al tendith heir felicitie to gaine,
All suts to sie hir semlie visage fair,
Ȝit nane resortis quhair scho dois remaine
Except be trauell, deligence, and paine,
for scho in to hir palice dois repair,
As vermell rois maist fragrant and preclair
Vith thornis scharp Incloissit round about,
Quhilk all desyrs Bot few vill pull it out.
“Tuo forkit pathes heir thow may persawe,
The one quhairof I counsell the to lawe;
Thocht it hawe ampill port and passage plaine,
It ledith strecht to the Infernall grawe:
This vther rod derectlie sall the hawe,
Quhair thow may fair felicitie Attaine,
Bot in the sam first thow most suffer paine:
Thy paine at last sall plesour syn procuir,
The one vill pas, the vther ay Induir.
“It is ane dour And Rycht difficill vay,
So vexing all that dois the sam assay,
Quhill multituds ar forsit to reteir,
Quhois pithles spreits for dolor dois decay
And feiblie feilȝeis at the first effray,
So that thay lois felicitie synceir,
for to the end thay may not perseueir,
Bot bak thay bend Quhowsoon thay torment find,
As feckles caff hence tossed vith the vind.


“Thay place thair hand the pithie pleuch to steir,
Syn luiks behind tham as ane tilar sueir,
Thay luif no laws Bot sic as lyks thair lust,
Bawld ar thay not Althocht thay brag and beir,
Thay dar not saill Bot quhan the sky is cleir,
Thair sensuall sensis may of no thing gust
Bot present eis, Quhilk maks tham be outthrust
from plesand palice of perfyt repois,
Quhair hants the firm felicitie formois.
“Quho dois in doubill dailling tak delyt,
Quho hes thair hart fulfillit vith dispyt,
Quho vnto Bachus Sacrifice dois mak,
Quho lyks the luif of ladie venus quhyt,
Quho knows no God Bot gould, and dois bakbyt,
Quho Seruing Mars vill limit lawis vrak,
All sic I say adrich dois draw abak
And may navayis the narrow rod ascend:
To plutos doungeon dounwart all thay tend.
“It is the bontie of ane mychtie spreit,
Vith monie guidlie qualiteis repleit
In vincusing voluptis ewell and vaine,
That for to pass this passage is maist meit.
One of this sort, in hoip to supe the sueit,
As I suppois, vill patientlie tak paine,
And from all friuoll filthines refraine,
To sie this heawenlie ladie at the last,
Quha than sall beild tham from all bittir blast.
“As flamme of fyre dois mak the gould to scheine
Brycht purifeit and plesand to the eine,
Or as the perfyt gardner dois prepair
To sned his fruitfull treis and mak tham cleine,
Ewen so the passing pilgrime most susteine
In this his irksum voyage cluddie cair
To purge his spreit peruers and mak it fair,
Quhilk sould preferrit be in euerie thing
To corporall eis or mundan mirth maling.


“Gif vther uayis thy naturall Inclyn,
find sall thow not felicitie deuyn.
Awance heirfoir thy hart agains the hill,
Stand stabill Stout, lat not thy courage tyn,
Hold forduart rycht and thow sall sie hir syn,
Quha panis past vith plesours sall fulfill
Ten thousand vayis, And gratifie thy vill
Vith grace aboundant in till euerie sort
Moir amplir far than speitche may plaine report.
“Thow dalie dywers daingers sall Induir,
Heirfoir to Christ commit thy corps in cuir,
for subtill Sathan at his vtter mycht
Sall Soone assay to mak thy steps vnsuir,
And vglie vyce also vill the alluir
for to becum hir curssit catiwe knycht,
Extending force, Gif thow repulse hir slycht.
Than is the tym to purches hich commend,
for that assault sall all the mateir end.
“The vordie valiant cheiftan of renoune
Vith boudin brest vilbe maist boldlie boune,
Quhan he beholds the feild in haȝard stand,
Be keine combat to gaine the laurell croune.
force of his fois than stoutlie till baet doune
He hardelie Imployes his dochtie hand.
Do thow the lyk, And keip to me thy band,
So god I hoip sall for thy help prouyd
In painfull pathe, And be thy gratious gyd,
“Quhair fair Humilitie vill the meiklie meit,
To quham addrese the for Scho is discreit.
And from the vther peruerse path eschew,
Thocht it hawe ampill port And plesand streit.
Dame voluptie vith proud pernicious spreit
Vill Rander the persuasions anew
Till entir thair amongs hir troup vntrew,
Of quham bewar.” Than did I fordwart go
Vith luifing thanks to hir quha teitchit so.


And both the pathes I persauit lay
Ewen as my ladie Charitie did say:
The foirsaid Dames tuo also did stand
At euerie entres in thair best array.
Bot voluptie to tak me in hir vay
first stretchit out hir stalwart statlie hand.
“Ȝoung man,” Sayis Scho, “cum heir at my command,
for trewlie long I hawe expectit ȝow,
And ȝe ar hartlie velcum to me now.
“To pas my plesand pathe And ampill port
I neid navayis ȝow feruentlie exhort,
Sen ȝe may spy tham vith ȝour proper eine,
So brawe and brod, all plinissit vith sport,
And als of lustie gallands great resort,
Vith dam delyt vpon my tender greine,
Quhois garments gay And continances keine,
Vith velthie vay quharin thay glaidlie gang,
Declairs ȝe heir felicitie may fang.
“This vther narrow rod adiacent heir,
Quhilk full of paine And perrell dois appeir,
Accordis not for men of great degrie.
Both bair it is of ludging and guid cheir
And hes forlaittit bein this monie ȝeir.
No nobill hart may dalie dolor drie,
Quhilk is thairin, Bot from the sam dois flie,
Sum sempill sauls exceptit thairto boune,
from vorldlie veill and gloir deiectit doune.”
Than nixt the fair Humilitie did say,
Quha loulie stuid at strict and narrow vay,
“Sir, gif ȝe crawe felicitie preclair
And vold eschew perpetuall decay,
Thair entir not, Bot heir cum, quhair ȝe may
find fouth of all contentment eftir cair.
Quhan paine is past my path vill plesour spair,
Vnto the quhilk it dois derectlie tend:
That vther way mischiwouslie sall end.


“‘In entir at Strict passage,’ Christ dois say,
‘for port is vyd, And lairge also the vay,
Quhilk tendith to destruction but dout,
And monie thairto dois thair courss array,
Because the entres is so strait and stay,
Quhilk leeds to lyf: And few dois find it out.’
Than be not ane of that vnhappie rout,
Sen that I hawe forwarnit ȝow now heir
Vith verray vordis of Our saluiour deir.
“Discourage not, Bot in the lord confyd,
To pas this path than rycht he vill ȝow gyd,
Quhair ȝe sall suir ȝour harts desyr iniois,
Gif ȝe vith patience his guid plesour byd.
Quhat may resist, he being on ȝour syd?
Than feir no thing force of all vorldlie fois,
Bot in this sentence lat ȝour spreit repois,
‘Thocht monie troubils on the rychtious fall,
God sall him veill delyuer from tham all.’”
Quhan that thir ladies so haid done concluid,
Sum part amaȝit in to dout I stuid.
As tossed schip abyding stormie blast,
Vith vindie vawes valtring on the fluid,
Quhill that the prudent perfyt pylot guid
In skilfull sort fast dois the ankir cast,
So satlit I: Syn firmlie at the last
The narrow Rod to pass I did decreit
Be Inspiration of the holie spreit.
So thrimbling throch that port I did Inclyn
low to Salute Humilitie deuyn,
Quha me resauit luifinglie thairin
And gawe me als ane exquisit propyn,
Quhilk vas ane pretious Diamant maist fyn,
Quhairbie I cheiflie helpit vas to vin
The Interpryse quhilk I haid don begin;
for cleirlie clein it schynit brycht abrod,
Conforting me to pas the narrow rod.


from quhence I cam to monie vilsum vayis
Vith painfull perrels plinist and effrayis,
Ȝit me behuifit tham till owergo:
Than to ane forrest rycht my vay arrayis,
Quhair as I suffert vonderfull effrayis,
for at my entrie I vas vexit so
That trimbling all I schuk for deedlie vo:
Ane Serpent louse agains me lansit fell
Moir horrible than Cerberus in hell.
As bittir Boreas dois his bubs blaw out,
Or as Neptunus in his raidge dois rout,
This serpent so meed hiddious noyes and beir;
lyk crewall Hidra bendit he about,
Quhilk vincust vas be Hercules the stout,
And heedis nyn he groslie did vpsteir,
To me resembling, quhan he did appeir,
As that maist vickit beist all venemit,
Quhair on the huir of Babilon did sit.
This serpent vyle vith sembelans seueir
Me to deuoir maist Gredelie cam neir,
As houngrie lyon furious and fell,
Bot Charitie my luiflie ladie deir
Gawe me ane potion quhilk I suppit heir.
The bittir beist than mycht no moir rebell;
In Snoring Slummer schortlie be the smell
Of this my drink He rummissit as slaine,
And left to me the passage patent plaine.
Be singis suir I did perfytlie knaw
That this vas he quho Subtilie did draw
Ewe and hir man from paradice of blis
Be the dissoluing of the lordis law,
As leirnit Moyses dois vnto ws schaw.
O happie thryse vas I that passit this
false cursit serpent, Cause of all our mis,
Be vertew of the foirsaid bruuage meed
Of Christis bluid, doun treder of his heed.


Quhan this deformit beist I passit so,
Again I schortlie vrappit vas in vo,
for I arryuit In ane sinteir small,
Quhair elresche esks vas creulland to and fro,
Teids, Scorpions, And vornies monie mo
Than I be name may rychtlie clip or call:
And suddanlie thay me assautit all,
Bot I resistit thair pestiferus byt
Be vertew of my diamant perfyt,
Quhairin vas grawen be the holie spreit
The law of god delectabill and sueit,
Quhilk from mont Sinay doune he did derect.
As lamp of lycht it meed my foibill feit
Eschew the bowllin beists quhilk I did meit:
Sprong from the former Serpent foull Infect,
Thir meschant members of his sinfull sect
My sensis all haid suffocat vith smart,
Var nocht this Iewell closit nixt my hart.
Quhan throch thir perrels I haid frilie gone,
Sum eisment of my pains I did suppone,
As pansiwe pilgrime in ane noysum nycht,
long vauering in vidernes alone,
Dois hoip for confort of his former mone
Quhowsoone Aurora dois vpwarp hir lycht:
So noles plesand vas it to my sycht
The situation of ane duelling place,
Quhilk I persawit rycht befoir my face.
Be Inquisition Soone I knawledge gat
Quhow labor meed his residence in that;
Than but delay vith spedie paise I vent
In great desyre for till arrywe thair at,
Blyth that I so eschewit haid combat
Of bailfull bittir beists agains me bent.
At port I cry, “O labor, mak patent,
for it behuifs me for to pas be this,
Gif I approtche the vishit part of blis.”


This being said, Than labor me beheld
Vith skronklit front And all his foirheed beld,
And full of yre did seime his aufull ie.
Me thocht his persone pitie all expeld,
Quhilk vas robust And of the erth it smeld;
His hardnit hands vorne viddrit did I sie
But one kynd of gentill gesteur frie.
Vith egar voce And continance seueir
He Ruidlie spak this sequent purpois heir.
“O sempill poet, vith thy sklender skill,
I am abaishit of thy feruent vill,
Quhilk hes the pousit to this painfull part.
Thy tender nature I suppois sall spill
Thy Interpryse, Quhilk thow may nocht fulfill
Except ane space thow suffer vith me smart,
Quhilk vill Impesche the pleasour of thy hart,
Nocht hantit vith my troubilsum annoy,
Bot nurisit in daintines and ioy.
“Thy crispit hair quharin thow dois delyt
It most conuert thin Slipperie and quhyt,
And all the beutie of thy visage cleine
Asfeadit flour thow sall forgo and quyt;
proud primping of thy persone so perfyt
In to my presence may navayis be seine.
Virk man thow veill And litill sleip susteine,
for science rairly is in silkis cled
Nor Ȝit fund out in soft and downie bed.
“In Velthie Sort thow sall nocht drink and eit,
Bot vith great trawell sall obteine thy meit,
No yidilnes in the vill I allow,
Guid occupation sall vphold thy steit,
No guerdon treulie vill thow of me gaeit
Bot in the suetting of thy bailfull brow,
So gif be me thow pas, Prepair the now
In euerie thing for till obey command,
To plant, to beild, And for to toyle the land.


“Thy Ȝouthfull ȝeiris Insolent but thocht
Sall to my veak vnweildie age be brocht,
Induir thow sall both hounger thrist and cauld,
And quhan my troubill thus hes to the vrocht,
Sum prudent pithie precepts man be socht
from leirnit vittie vreatters of the auld,
To mak thy spreit both prompt perfyt and bauld,
As it becums to reull vith resone rycht,
And nocht according to thy vill and mycht.
“So gif thow lykis heir till entir In,
Pryd not in power of thy mychtie kin,
Bot lowlie beir thy saell agains the vind.
Obey my bidding busselie but din,
Both heir and thair to go to cum and rin,
And tak in patience quhat I on the bind.
I neid no moir to say, for thow vill find
Be ampill pruif my torment and diseis,
Gif so to pas be me it dois the pleis.”
Quhan that this eildit man haid spoikin so,
Deip vas I than confoundit all vith vo,
In mynd reuoluing my maist cairfull cace,
Quhow it behuifit ether be him go,
Or to desist my former purpois fro.
In paine perplexit pansit I ane space,
Syn randrit me vnto his ackuart face,
As valiant souldart seing no remeed,
Bot flie vith scham or fecht vnto the deed.
To do him seruice I my vits applyit,
And at his call vas radie quhan he cryit.
I restles ran from place to place vith speid,
I vrocht, I brocht, I vatchit and espyit.
Both to and fro I vas vith troubill tryit,
And nane haid pitie of my dalie deid.
Syn leirnit authors amplie did I reid,
Quhilk sort of seruice I estemit sueit,
No paine thairin vas till Impesche my spreit.


Bot so vas vext this vofull corps of myn,
Quhill it is vorne Incapabill of pyn,
As mychtie montan that be bittir blast
Hes all the erth aff skruifit, schawing syn
The flintie fronts quhilk vill navayis declyn;
So stablit dour becam I at the last,
Sic pruiff and perrels haid my person past,
Quhill mundan mirth mycht skairslie mak me smyll,
Or cair consume me vith his cankert fyll.
My agill ȝouth And euerie coustume lycht
Vith pesand age vas grawe and sadlie dycht,
The griwous dolor quhilk I did Induir
Haid so diminist all my vigor vycht,
Quhill bruisit bons appirit to the sycht
Throch skrimplit skin vpon my bodie puir:
Quhilk panis all most patientlie I buir,
for till obtein contentment in the end,
Quhairtill my lyf perturbit still did tend.
Quhan eildit labor haid perfytlie seine
My miserie My troubill And my teine,
Contentit vas he of the great diseis,
Quhilk in his seruice I haid done susteine.
Sayis he, “my freind, sen thow so long hes beine
My thrallit man, thy mone I mynd to meis;
To plesand part, quhilk veill thy spreit sall pleis,
I vill the schaw the perfyt passage plaine
for recompans of all thy passit paine.
“Quho schrinkis nocht suping the egar sour
The liquor douce deserwes in balmie bour,
Quho clyms the mont sall find discens againe,
So eftir cair sall cum the Iofull hour
To stabill sort quho stoutlie stands in stour:
No perfyt plesour pourchest is but paine.
Tak confort than, for I assuir the plaine
This thy submission vnto my Impyre
Sall now awance the to thy harts desyre.”


So schawing me quhat vay that I sould go,
I fordwart past, Nocht frilie fred from vo,
for melancolius vas my mirthles mynd.
As cairfull catiwe cum from doungeon tho,
Quhair sorrow sad haid vmbeset him so,
In preson lang quhilk haid his persone pynd,
Quhill all his corporall forces far declynd
In him he finds, vith former fauor lost,
So gaȝit I as grislie elresche gost.
Syn to my self in sorrow said I so,
“Och vretchit vycht, quyt owerworne vith vo,
Quho confortles in cair consumyng still
Dryfs out thy dayis distressit to and fro,
Void of releif vith meikill greif I go,
My langor lets the lustis of my vill,
Quhilk liklie is my loththid lyf to kill;
Thocht hoip ane quhyll hes done the sam prolong,
I feir at last to sing the suanlyk song.”
Bot schortlie thus replyit I againe,
“Quhy do I so for vorldlie vo complaine,
Sen God I knaw dois vork vnto his awne
All for the best? Than sould I nocht desdaine
At his guid plesour for to suffer paine,
for thocht vith baill I bie all owerblawne,
He vill nocht lat me vincust be dounthrawne,
Bot in the myddis of all deedlie dout
Vill find ane vay for to reliwe me out.
“He veill dois cuir the vofull vondit soir,
from pouertie he gifithe velthie gloir,
He brings to graif, And hich exalts againe,
Ȝea, thocht he kill, he vill to lyf restoir.
In his great mycht And mercie euirmoir
My trust heirfoir sall stedfastlie remaine,
for eftir paine Be him I sall attaine
Sic trew contentment as vill neuir faill,
And in my cause triumphantlie preuaill.”


Vith fixit purpois permanent and bent
Than to concluid my voyage fast I sprent;
Sen I had passit irksum labor so,
No troubill, thocht I, could stay my Intent,
And in my brest maist deiplie vas Imprent
Hir famus fame for quhom I thollit so.
from path to path vith spedie paise I go,
Quhill till ane path obscuir I cam at last,
Quhilk quhan I endit lycht of day vas past.
Bot palle Lucina, blanchit nychtis queine,
Suift in hir spheir so lustelie did scheine,
That euerie part appirit patent plaine,
Quhair I approtchit, to my restles eine.
So be inspection socht I till hawe seine
Sum proper place, quhair as I mycht remaine,
for to repois vith sleip my bruisit braine,
And till eschew nocturnall vapor vak,
Quhilk mycht contagious maladie contrak.
Ane blomit trie vith leifis thiklie cled
I did persawe, And thair beneth me sped,
Quhilk close me couerit from the percing air,
Quhair frisit fog did serwe me for ane bed,
And smell of flours my feiblit sensis fed;
The bonie birds abowe me meed repair,
As litill vatchis on the branchis fair.
So heir I sleipit, Nocht my vill to pleis,
Bot as of resone mycht my nature eis.
Syn vp I dressit the nixt morrow brycht,
Soone be the bemes matutine gawe lycht,
lyk siluer strems, schedding the clouddis dark,
Moir cumlie cleir than christeline cleine dycht;
And in my vay againe Returnit rycht.
Skairs vas vpsprung as ȝit the chirming lark,
Quhan in the left vay marching I did mark
Of peruers peuple ane aboundant sort,
In vitious liwing making game and sport.


for on ane mychtie montane I did stand,
Quhair I behold mycht all that bailfull band,
Quhilk haid past in at plesand passage plaine.
Sum dansit vith his luif in till his hand,
Sum huirdit gould, And Sum did conques land,
Bot onie soucie of vnlesum gaine,
Sum velie var, Sum vickit, And Sum vaine,
And on ilk syd thair vay vith vals vas set
To hold tham in As fische in the hois net.
To velthie Bachus blyth And venus lycht
Thay sacrificit at thair vtter mycht.
Sum space I spaird tham to perfytlie spy,
And it appirit plainlie to my sycht
That all thair plesour in this vorld vas pycht.
Thay eit, Thay drink, Thay lach, Thay play, Thay ly,
Thay sueir, Thay courss, And ay “capout” thay cry,
And all thair tym Impertinent Imployis
In trifling teils, In tanting triks And toyis.
Thair nosis vas of color rubie fyne,
Veill littit vith the strongest mychtie vyne,
Thair bodies grose And dedicat to rest,
fat fowsum fersit as maist filthie suyne.
Sum all the day did dalie sit and dyne,
Sum in the nycht vnto thair solace drest,
And all fulfils thair lust as lyks tham best.
This companie, thocht I, vill neuir sie
The fragrant firm felicitie vith me.
Thay pas nocht bie the happie path of grace,
Bot moir and moir thay cum to cairfull cace.
Thir peuple ar of epicurien sect,
Quho dois esteme that thay all blis Imbrace
Till Interteine thair corporall eis ane space;
Thay soucie nocht thair saulis to neglect,
Gif thay thair sensuall appetyts erect,
for thay prepois thair mundane mirth befoir
The gratious gift of euirlasting gloir.


Thay condiscend in to thair brutall braine
That efter death No pleasour dois remaine,
And thocht thay grant ane God quho creat all,
Ȝit thay suppois it is ane mateir vaine
To think that he the giltie vill desdaine,
Or ȝit the richtius to his kingdome call;
Of erth say thay his soucie is bot small,
He onlie reuls in heawene as lyks him best,
And dois dischairge his pouer of the rest.
Behold this diwelische dolorus degres
And sentence mad, Quhilk thay do all profes;
As beists but reson beistlie is thair sens,
for Iudgementles is all thair cair expres
Thair blisles bodies delicat to dres,
And euerie perfyt pleasour pas thay hens
To liwe in lycht licencious Insolens.
for conscience cause than, thocht my vit vas small,
I schouttit loud this harrang to tham all:
“O folische fleschlie And most schamles sort,
So suelling in ȝour sensuall solace schort,
Obscuir ȝe liwe, And laiks the lycht deuyn.
Ȝour nochtie naturs coustumat to tort
No God cognoscis, Bot ȝour game and sport
Ȝour sensles sensis onlie dois Inclyn
To valk in velth vachting the vychtest vyn,
Vith euerie protigaletie repleit,
But all regarde to the suppressit spreit.
“Ȝour erdlie corps, Quharof ȝe hawe sic cair,
Vnto ȝour saull ȝe sould nocht mak compair.
The one most die And putrifie in dust,
The vther is celestiall preclair.
O folis, than Refraine ane space and spair
The curst conceittis of ȝour carnall lust:
Prepair ȝour spreit perfyt vith resone Iust,
And eit and drink ȝour lyf till Interteine,
And liwe Nocht So To eit and drink, I meine.


“In friuoll folies Quhy hawe ȝe delyt
Moir than in firm felicitie perfyt,
Quhilk is ane trustie tresour suir celest?
Quhy do ȝe so hir qualitie dispyt,
Quha may ȝour trauels vith ane blink requyt
In randring ȝow perpetuall blissit rest?
This Iofull Iem abowe all Iowels best
Is nocht apoyntit for the vitious sort.
Heirfoir amend, I hartlie ȝow exhort.
“To hart quhair constant Innocence dois ring,
Resisting stronglie euerie vickit thing,
Scho represents the beutie of hir face.
Than, sen that ȝe maliciouslie maling,
Nane may, alace, ȝour thrallit spreitis bring
To hir precelling happie peirles place.
Heirfoir considder Now, quhill Ȝe hawe space,
Quhow far ȝe varie from the rychtius vay,
And ȝit returne, thinking to die sum day.
“Rycht soir lament I ȝour enormall fack,
Quhilk fleis all vertew And dois vyce contrack,
for certanlie, as liefs the hiest God,
His Iudgement Iust vill vengens on ȝow tack,
Except repentance in ȝow hold aback
The griwous falling of his massie rod.
His mercie great, I grant, abounds abrod,
Quhilk gif ȝe sute, Returning to his grace,
Ȝit he vill led ȝow from that haples place.
“for luif of him, the onlie fontane fair
Of euerie grace, Quho hes sic liquor rair,
That teisting it than sall ȝe thrist no moir,
He weill vill frie ȝow from all erdlie cair,
And heauenlie giftis lairgelie on ȝow spair.
His mychtie mercie may ȝour mis restoir.
Sute for support than at this king of gloir,
Quho did conuert the vater in to vyne;
He vill refresche ȝow vith his grace deuyne.


“Affirm no moir in leudnes of ȝour thocht
That God regards nocht quhat on erth is vrocht,
for all is formit be his holie hand,
That his great glorie may to lycht be brocht.
He is the lord quho hes our saulis bocht,
He is the lord quho reullis at command
The fyre, The air, The vater, And the land,
The heawens, The planets, And all spreits abowe,
And things humaine be him alone dois mowe.
“All he guuernis vith his sacred skill,
And all in all he all is stabill still,
Perfyt, Almychtie, Infeneit, and plaine,
Quho dois the Godlie vith his blissing fill,
And doune confoundis euerie vickit vill,
So that the vitious sort he dois desdaine,
And sall reuard the rychtius againe
Vith glorius guerdone of eternall rest,
Quhair thay sall sie his gratius face celest.”
Vnto this foirsaid epicurien sect
Quhan I my purpois so haid done derect,
It nothing percit in thair stonie hart.
Thay all my speitche Nocht onlie did reiect,
Bot gawe me also monie tanting gect.
Say thay, “ve vill nocht suffer vith the smart.
Go hens and preitche in to sum vther part.
Our former lusts we vill navayis eschew
for onie startup teitcher of the new.”
As fyn phisitian, quho perfytlie sies
Quhat deedlie dolor the diseisit dries,
And dois guid consell for his helth apply,
from his fantastick folie frilie flies,
Gif that the patient in na sort aggries
His holsum precepts for till vnderly,
So passit I the great corruption by
Of thir peruersit peuple ewill Infect,
Quho cairles did thair deueteis neglect,


And blaming thair most obstinat Intent,
In to my Iournay forduart furth I vent,
Vith feruent ȝaill my Interpryse till end.
for sen Sic noysum trauell heiranent
To me occurrit, I the moir vas bent
for to concluid my voyge vith commend,
As pinglit horse most suyftlie dois contend
Vith louss doune heed for till Import the gloir
Throch myrie glar, Seing the mark befoir.
So in my passage passit I but stay,
Quhill till ane blomit frondiss bocage gay,
I did arrywe, quhair birdis blythlie sang
On prettie sproutis of this paintit spray;
Vith glittring glance in lemand fresche array
The perlie drops of dew lyk opals sprang,
fair vas the feild, furth flurist far and lang,
In smokie sops the suawe soft souber air
Vrocht vaporit vobs abowe this park preclair.
Ane lodge silvestrine heir did seimlie scheine
Amids the blossoms of the giltit greine,
Quhair fair Renounit Veritie did duell,
That cumlie dame, Most purifeit and cleine,
Quha spyis perfytlie vith hir heawenlie eine
All thingis plaine, And euir dois precell
Vith victorie abowe all spreits of hell,
Quho vold confound hir vith false forgit leis,
Bot soone vith schame Scho suaks tham on thair kneis.
Vith detfull, dew, and reuerent regaird
for to salute hir honor I prepaird,
And courtaslie scho meed me mutche supplie,
for gratious gifts scho on my person spaird,
And vith hir voce most eloquent declaird
The verray vay, Quhair I did vish to bie.
Than Ioy and bliss aboundit vnto me
To sie this dam so luifinglie Inclyne,
Syn sueitlie saying from hir lips deuyne;


“My efald freind, I knaw thow dois Intend
Thy Interprys now prosperuslie till end
In passing to the happie part of blis.
Thow dochtelie hes done thy self defend
Agains the serpents vyll, And lang depend
On irksum labor till obteine thy vis.
Lairge paine and trauell hes the brocht be this,
So thow deserwes deulie for thy hyre
The sycht of fair feliciteis Impyre.
“Bot all thy vrgent bussie sute and vo,
Thy Inuart ȝeill, And perrels past also
No thing auails, except I suirlie find
Thy hart affixit firm be me to go,
Nocht suerwing ons my vprycht statuts fro
for onie blastis of contrarius vind.
So gif perpetuall band vith me thow bind,
Quho hecht to name puir Veritie Synceir,
Strecht sall thow sie felicitie maist deir.
“Vith foirfathers vmquhyle I did remaine,
Bot now so monie beirs me at desdaine,
Quhill I am causit solitar reteir,
In priwie place heir sadlie to complaine,
Quhair Nane bot God hes pitie of my paine
To sie out pousit so my color cleir
from court And merkit, for gif I appeir,
The nochtie nobils me commands to flit,
In feir my sycht vnsicker mak tham sit.
“The craftie merchant Syn InIuirs me far,
And false practiciens lyks my presens var;
The lustie luifer dois me als dispyis,
And euill laborius men dois me debar;
No liar vyll Nor theif behold me dar,
Nor ȝit the glosing lawers subtile wyis;
In land so monie lourking louries lyis
Vith ewill Inuentions for to virk me noy,
That I my self may skairslie suir conwoy.


“In prudent peuple I lyk best to ring,
Quho luifs thair God, thair honor, And thair king,
And constantlie keips veill thair promeis suir.
As plantit trie be riwar dois vpspring
fresche flurist fair, Quhilk vill in Sesone bring
The fruite aboundant, So sall thay Induir
And euerie thing sall prosper in thair cuir;
Bot fenȝeit sauls sall failȝie at assay,
As pullit girs dois suddanlie decay.”
“Madam,” said I, “vith licence of ȝour grace,
Ȝe neid nocht duell in this dishantit place.
Ane habitatione apt in euerie thing
for ȝow I knaw, Rycht cum of royall race,
Quho blythlie vill ȝour beutie brycht Imbrace.
He is My luifing Maister And My king,
In to quhois peirles personage dois spring
Mo vertews rair than I may plaine expone,
Quhilk hiche renowns him in his Sacred trone.
“Bot now, O Nymphs, to my supplie Inclyne,
Sen that I hawe sum purpois to defyne
Of sutch ane hich And mychtie potent king.
Distell sum douceur in this dyt of myne
To corespond for mateir so deuyne.
And thow, my Muse, I pray the sueitlie sing
This Royall subiect trew in euerie thing,
Vpmonting me quhair Source poetick springs
Be nymble suyftnes of thy pucell vings.”
Sayis Veritie, “I grant his grace in deid
Be linall progress Iustlie dois succeid,
My awne most speciall palice of repair,
To Regall race, Quhom of he hes done breid;
I hecht to scheine in thair supernall seid,
Because thay scherst me vith thair bonteis rair;
So this thair Imp, Sone of Minerua fair,
I nurist hawe as my awne natiwe chyld,
To be my mundan mancione vndefyld.


“Vnto his hienes laitlie did I send
Tuo cumlie dams of excellent commend:
The one is clipit Conscience maist cleine,
Quho me to pleis at pouer dois pretend;
The vther ladie vill his brest vpbend
Till vnderstand exactlie quhat I meine,
To name Scho hecht Sueit Sapience Sereine;
Thir tuo prepairis this Imperiall prence
To be my buluark, fortres, And defence.
“I do remaine, attending nowels bak
Quhow his ȝoung ȝeirs vith me delys to tak,
And syn sall dres me as I ansuir find.”
As arow schot maist suddane, vith ane clak
fame heir arrywed, Quhan veritie so spak.
Hir vingis suifter than the thudding vind
Throche perst the air, And erth about ws dind.
Vith schillest voce, loud clinkand as ane bell,
So scho began this sequell for to tell;
“O Veritie, my lustie ladie cleir,
To the great God beluiffit dochter deir,
The king of scots Saluts ȝow vith his hart.
Vyd far ourall he vishis ȝow appeir,
lyk as ȝour bems hes perst his brest inteir.
He for ȝour sorrow treulie suffers smart.
Nane of ȝour ladies vill he lat depart,
Both in his bosom closit vp thay byd
for luif of ȝow, quho cheiflie dois him gyd.
“His grace elects ȝow for his ladie vyis,
for ȝour outset his maiestie ay cryis.
Repouse heirfoir all flatterers abak,
Befoir ȝour face no forgit teill lat ryis,
In haist awance his gloir abowe the skyis,
And all the vorld abaishit of him mak.
Go to, Madam, concluid the auld contrak,
Quhilk his precelling parents vith ȝow band,
Subscryuit and sealit vith thair hardie hand.”


fair veritie, vith ane maist guidlie grace,
Meik audience did rander all this space,
And, raweishit vith inwart ȝaill and ioy,
The lywelie bluid vpsprinklit in hir face.
“O villinglie,” Sayis scho, “vill I Imbrace
That Mychtie Monarck, quho sall suir distroy
All curssit catiwes, virkers to me noy.
He is discend of Godlie Iacobs seid,
for we Iacobus may for Iacob reid;
“So Iacobs blissing in him sall abound;
from dew of heawen And fatnes of the ground
God sall him giwe velth of all vorldlie thing,
The peuple als And trybis sall refound
To him thair seruice, And his praise outsound.
Quho curssis him Sall cursitlie maling,
Quho blissis him Sall ampill blissing bring
Vnto thair self. And as the dustie mow
This kingis seid sall all the erth ourflow.
“His prencelie spreit Sall pitie ay the puir,
And to the widow be defendar suir,
The fatherles of him sall fauor find,
All causis Iust his grace sall tak in cuir,
firm trew Religion stabill sall induir
Quhair he dois Regne, And no contrarius vind
Sall chainge his godlie thochts, quhilks I vill bind
Vith kinglie reull of reson so perfyt
That God And guid men in him sall delyt.
“I sall his suir protector stabill stand,
And leid his vayis derectlie throch the land,
In all his lyf I neuir vill him lawe,
Bot sall accompliss this my promeist band:
In signe heirof I lift my trewthfull hand.”
fame at this vord the firmament throch clawe
Vith blast of trumpet, Quhill the rockis rawe
Be hiddious noyes of the loftie sound,
Quhilk all the vorld meed hawtelie rebound.


Syn hichlie vp Scho montit in the air,
And Veritie did vnto me declair
Quhow curssit vyce vas lourkand nar my vay,
Quham to resist Scho did vpone me spair
Of rychtiousnes ane breistplait formit fair,
And mychtelie my heed but moir delay
Vith helme of hich saluation did array;
Syn in my hand ane sourd gawe of the spreit,
And vith the gospell schod my feibill feit.
Of faithfulnes Scho randrit me ane scheild,
And teitchit me the vay rycht to my beild;
Vith belt of treuth then girdit me about,
And said thairbie I vold ourcum the feild,
Quhairin Scho me commandit nocht to Ȝeild,
Bot stronglie stand vith stabill sthomack stout
In contrar vyce And all hir vickit rout,
Quham certanlie Scho said vold me persew,
And gif neid var hecht to send moir reskew.
This ladie than in all the heist scho docht
Vnto My king maist speidelie thence socht,
Quhair scho did hecht to be my firm defence,
And that synceirnes of my secreit thocht
In hir sould to his maiestie be brocht,
Quhairof I thankit oft hir excellence,
And tuik my liwe: So vas scho raueist thence
In persone of his hienes to repair,
As Iust Elias clacht abowe the air.
And I in path vith diligence me drest,
Quhilk gydit rycht vnto the place of rest.
Bot I persauit, as I blinkit by,
At end of the left vay, quhilk thair decrest,
Ane temple standing lyk ane filthie nest,
Quhair vglie vyce auancit did I spy:
And all hir subiects, praising hir, did cry,
“O lat ws vorschip this our goddes deir,
Quha dois content our fleschlie lustis heir.”


All thois, quho in that peruers path haid past,
Our craig and cleuch than catchit cam agast,
Ay feiring for to find sum mortall fall,
So strict and strainge that vay becam at last,
Quhill heir and thair it did tham heedlings cast;
Quhilk till eschew thay ferslie tendit all
To foirsaid nest, Quhilk I the tempill call,
As from mylfa suift vater doune dois rout
To break it self And quhirle the quheill about.
fraud in this tempill valkit vp and doune,
Vith subtile luik low louring lyk ane loune,
And flatterie be him stuid narrest by,
Vith flyring face ay at his bidding boune;
foull gluttonie belt in ane furrit goune
Vas gredie cock to sessoine, rost, and fry;
And yidilnes maist sluggislie did ly,
Vnto the sone holding hir fingar out;
Vyce lykit veill of hir vnseimlie snout.
Ire and Inwy heir reild vith crewall eine,
Sum band of freindschip bund vas tham betueine,
And blasphemie did schout and bittir byt,
As tygar veyld replinissit vith teine,
Quhom ladie liar vith hir lips vncleine
Did kyndlie kiss, And leirnit him to flyt;
Vith sourd oppression aigarlie did smyt
for Auarice, quho vatit on discorde;
And pryd among tham passit as ane lord.
Heir sueirness sleipit slaw as onie snaill,
And raschnes ruidlie on the rout did raill;
Louss lecherie to quenche hir fyrie low
Throch euerie dobe hir blaidit rob did traill,
Vith ane lang rumple bucklit till hir taill,
And all about meed vith hir monie mow;
The moir scho drank, the moir hir drouth did grow;
Me thocht scho souckand vas ane lickerus ruit,
Quhairof repentance onlie is the fruit.


Amyds the rest Idolatrie did duell,
Cheif courtisane to lucefer of hell,
And sorcerie vas sittand hir besyd,
Sad and seueir as Cilla schouttand snell,
Quha of the farie fantaseis did tell;
Bakbytting bittir boldlie thair did byd,
Vith dame derisione buskit lyk ane bryd,
Als schamles Sleuthe And drousie dull dispair
Both harbrit heir, As catiwes full of cair.
Ane diwelische dame, most vyle of all the rest,
Did keip the keyis of this mischiwous nest;
As vasp Or viper laidlie vas hir lyre,
Both God and man scho hawelie molest;
Vith Belgebub hir bellie vas possest,
furth spouting venime feller than the fyre
for Recompans of veill deseruit hyre;
To name Scho hecht Ingratitude But grace.
I rew the sycht of hir deformit face.
And following hir, quha lucefer vas lyk,
The litill vinche lycht fickilnes did fyk,
And Indiscretione valkit hir befoir;
Vaine vousting barkit lyk ane currisch tyk
In bailfull bosom of this bittir byk,
Quhilks loudlie all did curssit vyce adoir,
Quha seruing hir haid mignons mo in stoir
Than I may tarie Instantlie to tell;
I nocht suppost so monie out of hell.
Quhan gredie vyce beheld me going by,
Scho than on fraud hir consilor did cry
for till arreist me vith hir vickit rout.
Soone he my persone Subtilie did spy,
And causit sueirnes In my passage ly,
Syn to confound me Send thrie Chiftans out.
first flatterie did compass me about,
Than Glottonnie cam Ryding on ane Sow,
And Auarice vith bend about hir brow.


At vtter mycht thay did me all alluir
for to Submit me in thair cankert cuir;
Bot Glottonnie he vas so filthie fy,
I vggit vith the discheis quhilk he buir;
My sthomack mycht Nawayis thair taist Induir:
Soone pousit I that Gredie gormand by.
Than Auarice vith gould began to try
My Inwart hart, And hecht to mak me ritche,
Bot bouw I vold nocht to that blindit bitche.
Syn fenȝeit flattrie vith hir fasson fair
Sueit Subtill speitche did slilie on me spair;
“O Sir,” Sayis scho, “Quhy do ȝe so gainstand
Dame Auarice? Sen that ȝour purse is bair,
Of fynnest Gould scho hes aboundance mair
Than Suffice may To fill ȝour emptiwe hand.
Scho vill ȝow leirne to liwe and conques land,
And veill aggreis to sie ane Sempill eg
Content ȝour Sthomack, Or ane leuerok leg.
“It is hir vill that Glottonnie reteir.
Ve meine navayis for till offend ȝow heir,
Bot for ȝour proffeit gifs ȝow consill plaine,
Quhilk ȝe hawe slippit lang, as dois appeir.
Veill sould ȝe luif this glittous ladie deir,
Gif ȝe in court be myndfull to remaine,
Quhair gredie sute obtenis greattest gaine.
Sic velth of vigor in hir vorschip lyis,
That till estate Scho maks hir subiects ryis.
“To Glansing Gould this ladie may ȝow bring,
And now ȝe knaw the gouldin vorld dois ring.
Gould ganis gloir, Gould makis freinds to fald,
Gould flemis fois, Gould causith glaidnes spring,
Gould cowers vyce, Gould byis all erdlie thing,
Gould pullith doune, Gould buildith as we vald,
Gould findith fuid, Gould cloithis ȝoung and ald,
Gould placith vp the fol abowe the vyis,
Gould maks the puir aloft in gloir to ryis,


“for Gould the subtill Schaws thair curious skill,
for Gould the murdrer dois the saikles kill,
for Gould the souldior keinlie fechts in feild,
for Gould the vickit dois obteine thair vill,
for Gould the vorld hes ay contendit still,
for Gould the Mychtie duels in sempill beild,
for Gould the Nobils hes thair tenants peild,
for Gould Dame Iustice oft at dur dois stand,
Quhair velthie Cresus cums vith Gould in hand.
“So than acquent ȝow vith my ladie now,
And I my self to serwe ȝow vill awow:
I am no Raskall, Bot at Prencis aeir
I do frequent als teime as onie dow.
Gif heirtofoir I courtit heir for ȝow,
Ȝe haid beine better boddin in ȝour gaeir,
Bot Auarice and I we sall ȝow laeir
Ȝit till obteine sum notabill propyn,
Gif ȝe vnto ws meiklie vill Inclyn.”
“Hence, Slawe, to Sathan,” Said I, “vith thy slycht.
Tempt me no moir, for Veritie hes dycht
My cleinlie hart from coustumabill cair
Of vretchit vorldlings for this mundan mycht.
No gaine of gould sall blind me from the rycht:
My Gratious God vill for my neid prepair,
Quho feids the feibill foullis in the air.
Althocht thow vaunt to be vith prencis so,
Thow art ane perrelus freind And priwie fo.
“I leirne be lustie lilies of the feild,
That dois sic cumlie smell and luisteur ȝeild,
And labors nocht vith onie vorldlie cair,
Nor ȝit vith trauell of the pleuch is teild.
God alway for thame is sic blisfull beild,
That Solomon vas nocht decoird so fair
In all his Royall rytche arrayment rair.
Sen God for herbis than dois so prouyd,
Mutche moir he vill for me, that dois confyd.


“I crawe nocht be ȝour moyen for to ryis,
O Subtill mignon for the vorldlie vyis.
As profound Goulf, so is ȝour vglie throt,
Beneth ȝour lips the asspick venime lyis,
Ȝour vickit toung dicetfullie bevryis,
Vith curssitnes ȝour bittir mouth is blot,
And all ȝour vayis vith vickit vyce is spot,
Ȝour fenȝeit hart distels the suggurit gall;
Quho dois beliwe ȝow catchis suddan fall.
“Thocht Gould ȝe praise, ȝit Gould dois great Iniuir;
Gould maks debait; Gould dois oppress the puir;
The Gouldin vorld nocht rings be gouldis glance;
Quhan Gouldles men of Gould tuik litill cuir,
The Gouldin vorld But Gould than did Induir;
As Gould abounds, Gould dois to vyce auance;
Gould bringis cair; Gould cums and gois be chance;
Thocht Gould sett vp the fol abowe the vyis,
Gould nothing helpith to his daft dewyis.
“for Gould Midas Did die for laik of fuid;
for Gould oft tyms is sched the huirders bluid;
Of Gould proceids Insatiat desyre;
Be Gould the humyll vexis proud and ruid;
Ane vretchis Gould Ȝit did him neuir guid.
Ȝour gredie ladie, quha gifs gould for hyre,
Gyds nocht the gould; Gould ower hir dois Impyre.
for Gould hir slawes all dois suffer smart,
Ȝit Gould may nocht content thair Glittons hart.
“for thocht that Gould vnto the vretche incres,
His deip desyre to Gould is nocht the les,
Bot gredie vill agments vith gouldin pois,
And moir and moir for Gould he dois him dres,
Nocht knawing syn quho sall his Gould posses,
Nor ȝit quhow suddan he his Gould may lois.
Than Gould we sould nocht for our varrand chois,
for thocht that Chresus cam vith gould in hand,
Cyrus did him And all his Gould command.


“I nakit cam as vthers monie mo
In to this vorld, And nakit thence most go.
Quhy sould I than my mynd for Gould molest,
Quhilk is so slipprie, flowing to and fro,
Obteind in trawell, And outspend vith vo,
And keipit be suspitione and vnrest?
O quhow difficill is the heawen possest
Be velthie men. Moir esie is to sie
Ane Camell pas throch smallest niddill ie.
“The greatter sort dois sute for vorldlie gaine,
Bot I vill fair felicitie attaine,
Quharbie my Ȝelous hart sall moir reiois
Than thay quho of thair vyne and cornie graine
Hes fouth of fruite. Heirfoir I do desdaine
Ȝour naturs both, Esteming ȝow my fois.
In quiet pace I vill my spreit repois
And forduart pas vnto my blissit beild.
To nether of ȝow vill my helmet ȝeild.”
To me againe replyit flattrie Syn,
“Gif ȝe vill nocht to Auarice Inclyn,
Sum vther of this companie elect:
So lecherie, maist lustie of our tryn,
To recreat that cairfull corps of thyn
Rycht ferdie is, And freindlie in effect.
Sen tym occurs, do nocht thy tym neglect
To tak thy plesour of hir sportsum play,
Befoir that eild consum thy strenth away.
“Or leirne at vousting crouslie for to crak,
His vindie vords vill the redouttit mak.
Ire And Inwy Gif thow accept for gyd,
The till InIuir than few dar vndertak.
Quho laiks ane gall Now in this vorld vill vrak.
The potent prence heirfoir, proud primping pryd,
Or ells Discord may for thy neid prouyd;
I consill the in tham to put thy trust,
for humyll men ar trampit in the dust.


“Als ladie liar vill the leirne to schaw
Sic things at lenth as thow did neuir knaw,
As trauelit man abaishing all dois heir
The curious carots quhilk thy breath sall blaw.
And till affirm quhat thow dois flist and flaw
Esteme Blasphemie to the tender deir,
Quhois purpois pert vill mak it plaine appeir.
Great gaine Oppression to the sall support,
Cheif gyder is he of the mychtie sort.
“fraud vill instruct ȝow monie precepts fyn
Be subtill knawledge of his hich Ingyn,
Vith velie vayis to virk ȝour awne effect,
Quhartill almaist this vorld dois now inclyn.
Ruid raschnes vill acquent ȝow vith our tryn,
And Indiscretion gif ȝe vill elect,
Vith ws ȝe sall ane Chiftane be erect.
The Dame Ingrate also vill teitche ȝow plaine
To find sum gaine But paine to quyt againe.
“Or gif ȝe vold vith bourdis myrthfull bie,
Than vith our bryd Derisione aggrie:
Hir Iolie nature is so quick and fyn
To turne in sports all thingis scho dois sie,
That heiring hir ȝe neid no dolor drie.
Heirfoir vnto hir gif ȝe list Inclyn,
Vith tricks to pleis ȝow scho no tym vill tyn,
for nane so vyislie sall thair lyf derect
Bot scho sall chak tham vith ane tanting gect.
“O gif ȝe list Idolatrie elect,
Ȝe sall ws find all serwe to ȝour effect.
Be sleuthe ȝe sall eschew all thochtfull cair,
for it is faschrie to be circumspect.
Dame Sorcerie also vill nocht neglect
Anewch of cunnyng on ȝow for to spair;
Rycht monie things scho vill to ȝow declair
Conserning greatlie velth of ȝowr estait:
Heirfoir cum on And of hir knawledge gait.


“At bauld Bakbytting gif ȝe consill tak,
He vill ȝow leirne Rycht priwelie to lak
As plesis ȝow all creature on lywe.
And Dame Dispair, quham ȝe sie clad in blak,
Ȝour thochtfull hart vill schortlie setlit mak;
far best it is that ȝe to hir arrywe,
for vaine ȝe ar agains the streame to strywe
In schersing out vith dalie sorrow so
The Daintie dame quhair ȝe intend to go.
“Be fickilnes ȝe sall so slipprie bie,
That nane deteine may stabill grips of the.
And ydilness vill rander the also
Bothe eis and lyking, gif thow vill aggrie
To serwe hir sister Sueirnes, quham ȝe sie
Lothe that ȝe sould in trauell longer go.
Quhy do ȝe than presum to flie ws fro,
Sen that ȝe may No litill guerdon gaine
In euerie ane that dois vith vyce remaine?
“Vnto the luir the lustie falcone fair
Vill be reclamit from the hautie air;
The aufull lyon leirnit is to ȝeild;
No thing so Rammage Bot vill teime repair
Be douce Intreitment And thair keipers cair.
So wish I ȝow to cum in till our beild
In kyndlie vayis, Quytting to me the feild,
for ȝe most be submittit till our cuir
Be force, Gif fauor may ȝow nocht alluir.”
“No false Intysment from that toung of thyn
Sall me persuad to onie of ȝour tryn,”
Say I againe, “for certainlie ȝe all
from Godis law expreslie dois declyn.
And be exempils als I mycht defyn
Quhow euerie ane obtenis mortall fall,
Quho to thois filthie vyces dois tham thrall,
Quhilks now I vill nocht tarie to declair,
for I am Irkit of my heir repair.


“Betuix the blind And thois quho cleirlie sie
In spying things No litill differ bie.
To me heirfoir so full ȝe all appeir
Of filthines that far thairfra I flie.
Christ may Nawayis vith Beliall aggrie.
Quhow may dim darknes and the lycht most cleir
Accord in one? So Godis childrine deir
Vith vitious sort vill nocht consent to band.
Quho tuitchis pick vith it vill fyll thair hand.”
Quhan I so stoutlie spak for my defence,
As smuk or fume flattrie euanist hence.
Bot vofull vyce, than rageing for dispyt
That I repousit pertlie hir pretence,
Vith vilfull vickit vill and violence
Send all her subiects speidelie to smyt
My corps seueirlie, So vith suddan syt
Thay vmbeset me Scharplie in my vay,
As pirats proud persewing for thair pray.
Ire And Inwy cam crewallie vith speid
Vith birnist brands to mak my bodie bleid:
Than rawellit vousting And ruid raschnes ran:
Daft Indiscretion meed me greatlie dreid:
Vppuft cam pryd Pricking on statlie steid:
Blasphemie did me bittir byt and ban:
Discord cryde, “fy! Oppression, tak the man.”
Quod ydilnes, “soone hang him be the halse,
for ladie liar Sayis that he is false.”
Than lecherie vith venime did me stang,
Quhilk almaist meed my feibill bodie mang,
Agains quhois boudin baill I did rebell.
So in debait I vas molestit lang,
Beset about vith this mischiwous thrang.
fraud present vas him self at this pelmell,
Quho at vnvars Ay gawe me dintis snell,
And be all moyens craftelie assayed
To circumweine me vith his vrinkis vrayed.


Als Sorcerie for till Inchant me Schew
false friwoll formes of Illusions new.
Balkbytting bald did at me bark and flyt,
Quhois tuskit teith vpone my bodie gnew;
The rage of his great rancor ȝit I rew,
Of Beistis veyld maist bittir is his byt.
Syn Dam Derisione, Plinist vith dispyt,
Scharp dartis keine maist ferslie at me slang,
And glaidlie leuch to sie me suffer vrang.
Deip deedlie dainger dred I of Dispair,
Quha hecht to vrapt me in continewall cair,
And sleuth also, that sluggis slummerie slawe,
Vith hawie Sueirnes to me meed repair,
Quhois bodies gross from me abstractit air,
for to resist assaut of all the lawe.
Maist tyrranlyk Idolatrie did crawe
To sacrifice me in ane flame of fyre
for nocht regarding hir peruerst Impyre.
Dam fickilnes vas Nymblest of the rout,
Vith hir persute Scho pat me in great dout.
That graceles Dame Ingratitude, maist fell,
Meed me to Schrink, so egar did scho schout,
Quham fast I fled, And wold nocht turne about:
Vith ackwart vult than did scho to me tell,
“Sen Instantlie I may nocht vith the mell,
Tak thair ane quheiss ȝit vith my skoullon clout,”
Quhilk dint vnluikit for meed me to lout.
Dame Auarice againe cam heir derect
My nobill helmet doune for to deiect,
And flattrie false blew vind into my face,
first smelling sueit, Syn venimit Infect.
foull Glottonie vith monie tanting gect
Did birll the vyne vpon me all the space,
And offrit me full monie lairdit mace,
for he vas Navayis fierie for the feild,
Bot be alluirments villit me to ȝeild.


Vith greif perturbit than on euerie syd
I Birstit out so to my God and gyd;
“O Lord of hosts, in this extremaist neid
for me thy humyll Seruiteur prouyd:
perfyt my steps and lat me navayis slyd,
Bot vondruslie be thy maist dochtie deid
Doune cast my fois, And send me help vith speid:
My spreit mak strong as stiffest bow of steill,
And teitch my hart till end this battell veill.
“My vofull lyf is compast round about
Be furious fois, as lyons fearce and stout,
Quhois teith be lyk vnto scharpe poyntit speirs,
And as ane schairing sourd thair vords cums out.
Quho sall defend me in this deedlie dout
Bot onlie thow, quho all my burding beirs,
Quhois mycht the heawen, the erth, and hell, all feirs?
far from my face thair fors sall schortlie flie,
Quhowsoon thay sall vith the rebukit bie.
“The litill Dauid Stoutlie did gainstand
Great gross Goliathe be thy mychtie hand,
And Gedeon vith nummer vonder small
Be thy supplie hich victorie, Lord, fand.
Apollo stabill stuid at thy command,
Quhill Iosua his ennemeis meed fall.
The Sempill Iudith till Bethulia vall
Be thy support brocht Holofernus heed,
And Ionas straingelie Saifit thow from deed.
“The humyll Hester vith hir vaeik Impyre
Thow did preserwe, And grantit hir desyre.
Thy Isralits thow saifit in the sie,
Quhair furious Pharo gat deseruit hyre.
Thois thrie, quho valkit in the flame of fyre,
And Moyses, flottand in ane cribe of trie,
Vith confort, Lord, dois lairge Incourage me
To be protectit frie from vickit men,
As Daniell vas vithin the lyons den.


“The Congregation of the Nochtie sort,
Nocht feiring the, persews to do me tort.
Thay say no help is for my saull in God,
Of me thay mak thair gesting and thair sport,
My saull is vexit vith thair proud report.
for thy releif I streitche my hands abrod,
Derect my saull in to thy rychtious rod,
for lo, my saull, Lord, longith eftir the,
As hountit hart to fontans fair dois flie.
“for as ane outcast from the vorld, Ewen so
I am Inwoluit vith continewall vo.
To the, O Lord, I lift my stressit hart,
And in thy presence pours my plaint also.
Remit my sins, Turne nocht thy face me fro,
Bot hawe compassion of my Instant smart.
Thow onlie art my beild in euerie part,
And sen my hoip all in thy hienes hings,
Saif me in Schaddow of thy heawenlie vings.
“Than sall I both in hart, in toung, and deid
Thy Glorious godheed humyllie praise and dreid;
Than sall thy pouer plainlie, Lord, be knawne
Be the suppleing of my present neid;
Than in my Iournay sall I rycht proceid,
As thy renounit Veritie hes Schawne;
Than sall thy Glorie cum to me thy awne,
Quho rather lyks to keip thy vtmeist port
Than duell in palice vith vngodlie sort.”
Soone be I haid this foirsaid prayer end,
Ane Statlie Dam from Veritie vas send,
Vith croune of Gould vpon hir stabill front,
In corslet cled, And hir victorious bend
Agains the vind hich vauit vith commend:
Hir persone pert did pallas far surmont.
Scho schortlie setlit all my sensis blont,
And vith hir holie hand vpheissit me,
As Christ did Petir, Sinking in the sie.


This barbarus sort, dismayd vith deedlie dreid,
As feiblit fols than past abak vith speid.
The lywelie luisteur of hir vult deuyn
Doune dang all dainger, quhilk be thame did breid.
So being suir And harmles of thair deid,
As me becam, I lowlie did Inclyn.
“Immortall thanks,” Quod I, “O ladie myn,
Be to ȝour cumlie celest beutie brycht,
Quhilk far from me hes set my fois at flycht.
“for as Neptunus, lifting vp his heed
To saif Eneas Nauie from the deed,
Rebuking Euras, Nothus, And the rest,
So hes thy sycht extinguissit the feed,
Quhilk all my Aduerse partie vith me meed.
O Gif I knew thy name, my ladie trest,
That I mycht vorschip, quhill my lyf doith lest,
In priwie corner of my hart synceir
Thy plesand persone so arryuit heir.”
“I am,” Sayis scho, “that ladie of renoune,
Quha stronglie stands at my first purpois boune.
I nether chainge for velth of veill or vo;
All dout I do maist dochtelie ding doune.
The choisin Gem, cheif of Imperiall croune,
I comptit am, nixt Veritie to Go.
But me all vertews skairs awails ane stro;
I bind tham vp to Guuern suir and veill.
My name is Constance, firmer than the steill.
“Dame Veritie hes hither me derect
The to preserwe from all this sort Infect,
for Scho and I consociat dois duell
In thy Guid king, quho dois ws nocht neglect,
And ws betuix vpsittis rycht erect
fair Ladie Iustice in that prencelie sell,
Quhair Great Iehoua dois all grace distell
To nuris ws thair in aboundant blis:
Ve neuir fand ane harbrie lyk to this.”


Vith Iofull hart than I began to sing,
“O happie thryse And blissit is My king.
Be force alone of Gods eternall mycht
His maiestie most prosperuslie dois ring.
O vehementlie abowe all vther thing
Dois he Reiois in Christ, his saluior rycht.
This peirles prence, be Veritie cleine dycht,
Obtenit hes his holie harts desyre,
And God sall grant all things he dois requyre.
“The Lord vith blissings dois his grace preueine,
The Lord sall ay his rychtious cause susteine,
The Lord hes set vpon his kinglie heed
Ane croune of gould vith pretious stons to scheine,
The Lord ane lyf hes giwen him chast and cleine,
The Lord his vayis dois maist derectlie leed,
The Lord hes euir beine his strong remeed,
The Lord sall giwe him lyf both long and suir,
Ȝea, sutche ane lyf as euir sall Induir.
“Be gift of God his gloir is great alway,
Quho grace and honor lairge dois on him lay
And sall him grant felicitie to sie,
Quhilk from his hienes neuir sall decay.
The Glorious vult of God for euir and ay
Sall both his confort and protectione bie.
for quhy, My king maist stronglie dois aggrie
In God alon perpetuall to confyd,
Quhois mycht and mercie vill nocht lat him slyd.
“The king of kings vith his maist puissant hand
Confound all fois that dois my king gainstand.
Great God Scherse out all thois that beirs him feed,
And bruise tham vith correction of his vand.
Refuis of fruit be giwen tham from the land,
And all thair seid out ruittit but remeed
from sons of men to the extremeist deed.
Ȝea, as ane birning owen, God in his yre
Consume tham soon vith flamme of feruent fyre.”


“Amen,” Sayd Constance, “for his constant mynd
Veill corresponds his Royall constant kynd.
Thois blissings all sall amplie on him byd,
Quhilk thy vnfenȝeit lippis hes defynd.
And sen thow hes so luifinglie Inclynd
Me till accept for thy assuirit gyd,
The vickit troupe thow sall sie schortlie slyd,
That to perdition vold hawe drawne the in.”
Ane horribill noyes than straingelie did begin,
for doune cam Iris in ane thundrus blast
from Mychtie Iowe, And meed tham all agast,
lyk Pandors buist beiring ane plinist purs
Vith cursing fell, Quhairvith scho suiftlie past
Amongs this sort, And opning it did cast
On euerie ane thair awne particular curs.
first Pryd, quho hich his hautie heed did turs,
Doune Snapprit on ane stok and break his nek,
for loftie luiks meed him his steps neglek.
Inwy deceist for melancolious teine,
My veilfair so perturbit both his eine,
And Ire did suelt for greif and great annoy.
Dame Auarice be hir most gredie meine
Obteind the pest, vpcatching gaine vncleine.
The ewill Quheirll vind did vousting hence conwoy.
false ladie liar held hir self than coy,
And lykit nocht apertlie to be seine,
Outrottit vas hir toung be canker keine.
foull Glottonnie drew on his propir deed
Vith lifting oft his hands vp to his heed.
And raschnes ruid, louping or he did luik,
Bruist all his bons And could find no remeed.
Discord vas stikit vith ane birnist bleed,
And lecherie lay duyning in ane nuik,
Both in the goir, the ripils, And the bruik.
Deiect vas flattrie vith great schame and lak.
fraud fell in Goulf quhilk he for me did mak.


The diwelische dame Ingratitude most fell
Of Belgebub did suffer dintis snell,
Quhom in hir bellie scho befoir possest;
So hir awnie birth agains hir did rebell.
Bauld bittir beists meed Blasphemie to quell,
for he vas beitin, druggit, and euill drest.
Sad Sueirnes sat vith crepill feit molest,
And fickilnes from part to part did flit;
Scho gat the fyk, And knew nocht quhair to sit.
Curst Sorcerie lay linkit lyk ane slawe
Be slycht of Sathan, quho did hir dissawe.
Dispair doung doune in doungeon duill did drie,
Quhair meschantlie scho vrakit vith the lawe.
Sleuth vilsum vas And no defence could hawe,
Ane sourd him clawe, Or he vas var to flie.
Maist suddanlie Idolatrie did die,
forquhy the Idoll that Scho did adoir
Vpon hir fell And schortlie did hir smoir.
Nane did eschew of this vnhappie rout,
Bot euerie ane sustenit baill about,
Quhilk on tham cam maist suiftlie vith ane suak,
Quhan thay did leist of onie dainger dout.
Glaid vas my hart to heir Bakbytting schout
for vofull vengeance, that did him betak;
Vith deedlie dint he gat ane broikin bak.
The Dame also, quha ofbefoir did tant,
Scho lost hir speitche And mycht no moir bot mant.
Me thocht Oppression forcit vas to fauld
His persone till ane Aufull lyon bauld,
Daft Indiscretion in ane rage did die,
And ydilnes for hounger, thrist, and cauld,
In vo did vander vith ane nakit spauld.
Syn Sooner than the tuynkling of ane ie
Most suddan consumation did I sie
Of vyce hir temple, And hir troup also.
Doune sank thay all, And we did forduart go.


I nocht reuertit thence my face abak,
In caice sic chance haid done me thair betak
As cam vpon the vofull vyf of Lot,
Quhan the fywe sinfull citeis suffert vrak
Be force of fyre, quhilk God did on tham suak.
Bot, following Constance from that part, did trot,
Quha me remembrit of the nobill not,
That nane in hand the pithie pleuch sould tak,
Syn eftir luik againe behind thair bak.
To path pethmentit all vith siluer fyn,
Quhilk semit navay erdlie bot deuyn,
Led be my ladie Cumlie Constance cleir,
Vith Iofull cheir I rycht arrywit syn.
Ane notabill most requisit propyn
Scho of hir Gratious bontie gawe me heir,
Quhilk vas ane chengie fret vith rubeis deir,
Quhairbe Scho said that suir in euerie part
Hir vordie vertew sould Guuerne my hart.
Than forduart Strecht scho me commandit gang
In to that path, quhair I vold find na vrang,
Syn tuik hir liwe, returning to my king,
Hir heritabill Domicill most strang.
On euerie syd the birdis blythlie sang
In this my vay, Quhilk did me schortlie bring
Quhair I persawed ane holin fair vpspring,
And thair beneth amyds the flouris sit
Ane aget man replinissit vith vit.
His habit vas of color Saphir blew,
And quhyt as snow his horie haris schew,
Maist seimlie sparplit on his schoulders bak;
The quartar lang also his beird doune grew.
The sam vas he than I perfytlie knew
Vith quhom at lenth Sir Dauid Lyndsay spak.
No litill confort trewlie did I tak
In the beholding of his visage meik,
And ȝelus vas I for till heir him speik.


“O father myn, Experience preclair,
Renoune and vorschip to ȝour visdom rair,”
Said I, And lowlie did my self inclyne.
“Sen happelie I hawe done heir repair,
Sum prudent purpois, Sir, vpon me spair
To help my ȝoung and Ignorant Ingyn,
So I for euir sall be oblist thyn.”
Vith that he tuik me hartlie be the hand,
And radelie obeyit my demand.
In pithie plesand speitche perfyt and schort
To me he did substanciouslie report
The first creatione be Great God of all:
Syn quhow the curssit Serpent be his tort
Did vnto syn maist Subtelie exhort
Our parents both, And thair vnhappie fall,
To death and dolor Suddanlie meed thrall:
Than of the promeist Sacred vomans seid,
Quho sould reliwe ws be his dochtie deid.
The homiceid fraternell did he tell
Commit be Cain on the Iust Abell:
And Quhow guid Enoch valkit vith the Lord:
And syn for syn Quhow rageing sies did suell,
And drounit all that in the erth did duell,
Except so monie as the Ark restord:
Quhow Cham vas curssit als he did record
for nocht regard of his fathers defame,
And Sem And Iaphet blist, quho cled his schame.
Of Babilon, that Doungeon of renoune,
And langage in diuerseteis send doune,
And Quhow that Habram did Import the gloir
Vith hardie hart for Lot his Newew boune,
Quhom he reliuit, And brocht saif to toune
Vith men and vyfs and substance lost befoir,
Quhom king of Salem meting did decoir
Than hichest preist of the Almychtie God,
And blissit him: Thus he declaird abrod,


And schew at lenthe all the subuersion syn
Of Sodomits, Quho did to syn Inclyn,
And Quhow that Isaac vith paternell hand
Vas laeid on Altar, veill he did defyn,
And quhow that Iacob meed his father dyn,
Quhan he in habit of Esaw did stand,
Quhomfra birthrycht he coft, And blissing fand.
He schew me als Quhow Iosephs great distres
Vas all conuertit till ane guid succes.
The hawie thraldome and prolixit paine
Of Israell he did to me explaine,
Be tyrrannie of creuall Pharo fell,
Of thair releif, And fourtie ȝeirs remaine
In vildernes, Quhair God did on tham raine
fuid celicall, And meed the rock distell
fresche vatir cleir thair drouth for till expell,
And ay alyk thair cloithing lastand new,
Quhill thay var heir, He also to me schew.
Of Iosua the monie battels bauld,
Quhois force meed threttie faithles kings to fauld,
Of Samgar, And Othoniell Synceir,
Of Baruc, Ruth, And Delbora he tauld,
And quhow that Gentill Iephtie firm did hauld
His solemne vow tuitching his dochter deir,
Quha sacrificit vas ane virgin cleir:
Of Gedeon redouttit stout and strang,
And Quhow his fois to death the Angill dang
He did declair: And quhow Duck Sangor keine
Sex hundreth slew vith ane pleuch sok in teine.
Of Strongest Sampsons Strenth he schew also,
And quhow that varior be decetfull meine
Did lois the sycht of boith his aufull eine,
Syn quhow he did vnto the tempill go,
And be his force the sam doune pullit tho,
Quhairin him self thair vith his fois he smord.
Of Samuell lykuayis he did record,


And quhow king Saull vas vofullie deiect,
Because he did the vill of God neglect,
And mychtie Dauid, Godlie, vyss, and stout,
The holie Chiftan of the lord elect,
Vp in his tron triumphantlie erect,
Quhom God defendit dochtelie in dout
And force of all his fois ay ruittit out.
He schew me als quhow Absolon did die,
Link be the haire hich vawing on ane trie.
The Gloir, the substance, And the hich Ingyn
Of Salomon he deulie did defyn,
And all the curius costlie building fair
Of his magnific Royall tempill syn.
The lyfs of all the kingis, lyn be lyn,
Of Israell he did to me declair,
And quhow that Impyr captiwe past in cair
To Babilon, be keine Caldeans strang,
And fred again, quhan valiant Cirus rang.
He nocht forȝeit lykuayis at lenth to tell
Quhow Guid Elias in dissert did duell,
Quhom Eliseus vith his ies beheld
Viwe reft till heawen: And quhow the bores fell
Vith tuskit teithe most suddanlie meed quell
The curssit tanting Childreine crying, “beld!”
Of Ieroboam be Abia expeld
Exprimit he: And all the buiks perfyt,
Quhilk Esdras And Nehemie did dyt.
Of Blind Tobias than he schew also,
And quhow his sone to ved ane vyf did go,
Be Raphaell led, The Archangell of gloir,
Quho spoussit him on lustie Sara tho,
And forst the diwell thair mariage bed flie fro,
Quhilk all hir sewen first husbands did deuoir:
Syn Quhow this Angill did againe restoir
The auld Tobias till his former sycht,
Quho hichlie praisit than the lord of mycht.


Of ladie Iudith the maist dochtie deid,
Vrocht vith hir vorthie hardie hand at neid,
from end till end he rychtlie did declair:
Syn quhow Queine Hester in hir cumlie veid
To King Assuerus tron did vp proceid,
Quho so confortit all hir thochtfull cair,
That he nocht onlie did hir peuple spair,
Bot stranglit als hir fo vnto the deed,
And Mardochey cheif of his consill meed.
Of Iob the patience he exprimit plaine,
Quhom lois of Childreine, helth, Nor vorldlie gaine
from God eternall meed navayis declyn,
Quhois grace at last appaisit all his paine,
And him restoird the doubill till attaine
Of things possest befoir. He did defyn
The holie versis of the psalter syn,
Quhairin for euerie Accident may fall
pertinent purpois is on God to call.
The prouerbs vyse, Quhilk Salomon did dyt,
Maist pithelie to me he did recyt:
And precepts all of Lamuell the king,
Quhairin his mother teitchit him perfyt.
He passit nocht Ecclisiastes quyt,
Quhar In schort saying sentence sad dois spring.
The Canticles maist sueitlie did he sing,
Syn did the Buik of Sapience expone,
And Sone of Cyrachs sayings euerie one.
Of all the holie prophets veill he knew,
Thair propheces also at lenth he schew,
And nocht omittit of Susane to tell,
Quham God reliwed And hir accusers slew.
“Men,” said he than, “sould nocht blame ladies trew,
Bot rather do As did Guid daniell.”
The Great destruction of the Idoll Bell
He did dilate, And of the childreine thrie,
Quhilk from the fyrie flamme escapit frie.


Quhow Alexander of this vorld vas heed,
Quho in tuelf ȝeiris all his conques meed,
And of Antiochus the tyrran syn,
Quho cruciat and creuallie caust leed
The vyf vith hir sewen sones to the deed,
Because thay vold nocht to his vill Inclyn
By Godis law to eit the flesche of suyne,
He schew: And than of Machabeus stout,
Quho Iourie fred, And meed all Grece to dout.
He did approwe be calculation rycht
Quhow our assuirit Saluior of mycht
from Habraham maist Iustlie vas discend,
And quhow his glorious holie godheed brycht
Did in the vndefylit virgin lycht,
Quhan vnto hir Guid Gabriell vas send.
His blissit birth, And quhow the vyse men kend
His ster, he schew, Syn cam him till adoir
Vith sauorus Incens, Myrrhe, and gould in stoir:
Quhow Angils than in vorschip of this king
Did Gloria in excelsis deo sing.
And Iofull Nouels brocht of Godis grace:
Syn quhow thay did him to the tempill bring,
Quhair Simeon Said, “O Lord, quho hich dois ring,
Permit thy Seruant now depart in pace,
for both my ies persauis in this place
Thy offrit helth all peuple to restoir,
The Gentils lycht, And Israels great gloir:”
His sacred baptime at fluid Iordan syn,
Quhartill Sanct Ioanne most humylie did Inclyn,
Than quhow from opnit heawenis did appeir,
Lyk till ane dow, the spreit of God deuyn
On him discending, veill he did defyn:
And of that voce celestiall most cleir
Quhilk said, “this is My Sone, beluiffit deir,
In quhom I am veill pleissit. ”O report,
Most confortabill to the faithfull sort.


Than of his fasting fourtie dayis but fuid,
Quhow he vas tempit, And his ansuers guid,
Of mirackils quhilk mychtelie he vrocht,
Quhow he the scrybs And phareseis gainstuid,
Quhow he Apostils meed of peuple ruid,
Quhow he contentit euerie ȝelus thocht,
Quhow mercie And nocht sacrifice he socht,
His pithie prudent parabols perfyt,
And quhow he praist the vidow vith hir myt,
His holie lyf And doctrine maist synceir,
And quhow his face on Thabor mont scheind cleir
As purifeit Apollo, birning brycht,
At tym of his transfiguration heir,
Quhan all his cloths did quhyt as snow appeir,
Ȝea, quhytter than the quhyttest glansing lycht,
All this Experience amplie schew me rycht:
Syn quhow vnto Ierusalem he past,
Quhair peuple palms did in his passage cast,
And cumlie garments spred befoir his face,
All crying loud, “Hosanna,” all the space,
“O thow, that in the hiest heawens dois ring,
To holie sone of blissit Dauids race;
In name of God now cums vnto this place
The Godlie kingdome of This Sacred king,
Be quhom ane pace perpetuall sall ring
Hich in the heawenis vith continewall gloir.”
Than eftir this my teitchir schew me moir.
Quhow Magdelene, vith ane repentant spreit,
Out pourd on him the pretious oyntment sueit,
And humylie vith the hairis of hir heed
Did veip his godlie venerabill feit
In decoration of his buriall meit,
This my Instructor patent to me meed:
Than quhow the day cam of vnlewend breed,
Quhan he in tym of his last supper syn
Did institute the sacrament deuyn:


Last quhow that he our onlie ransone meed
Be his bluid scheidding And most bittir deed,
In purpour garment for derision drest,
Vith ane scharpe croune of thorns vpon his heed,
And all his bodie beatin bluidie reed,
His nakit brest And prencelie face celest
Vith straiks and spitting hawelie molest,
His tender arms both bruissit blew and van,
Quhan peruers Pilot said, “behold the man.”
His plesand toung, Inflamit than vith paine,
Did nocht pronunce outragious speitche againe:
His heawenlie hands repeld nocht ons abak
Thois vickit sort, quho band thame vith desdaine:
His gentill hart all tuik in patience plaine,
And humylie prayit for this offensiwe pak:
Him self maist meiklie did his croce vptak,
Quhairon This lambe Immaculat of God
Vas naeld and hichlie stretchit out abrod.
Betuix tuo theifs This holie one than hang,
Quhois pretious bluid aboundantlie out sprang,
Quharvith his cumlie corps vas all besprent.
On him out raillit all that curssit thrang:
Ane aigre drink, composit fell and strang,
To quenche his drouth thay did to him present.
His nerwes And synnows vas aschunder rent:
His members all vith agonie of deathe
Than vexit stif, And schort becam his breath:
Than deedlie dimd his amiabill sycht,
And sueitlie saying, “it is finist rycht,”
His godlie heed Inclynd: His semlie syd
Syn throch vas perst: Bot lustie titan brycht
Held all this tym obscuir his vontit lycht,
The vaill of the great temple did deuyd,
The bureit bodies from thair graifs did slyd,
The stonis clawe, The erth did quake for dreid.
Than monie thocht him Sone of god in deid.


To me heirof Experience meed report,
And syn of him quho boldlie did exhort
His bodie blist from Pilot till obteine,
Quhilk bureit vas in honorabill sort.
Bot O precelling peirles hich confort,
Quhan he againe most gloriouslie vas seine
Vpraissin viwe, our Iustifier cleine,
Quhilk Thomas hard of treuth vold nocht confyd,
Till he did graip his holie voundis vyd.
Both dreidfull death, all sin, And darkest hell
Now This victorious lyon dois refell,
Sprong of the godlie trybe of Iuda rycht.
O euirlasting sacrifice, quhois smell
Most sauorus sueit all terror dois expell,
This is the king of gloir, quhois onlie mycht
Confounds our fois: This is that Michaell vycht,
Quho vincust hes the furious Dragon strang,
And on the crewall Cocketrice dois gang,
Quhois lywelie breath out breatht that puissant spreit,
Quharwith his Churche catholick is repleit,
Syn vp ascendit to the heawenis hie
Plaine to prepair that passage patent meit
for all beliwers in his persone sueit,
Quhair he hes promeist aduocat to bie
for humyll sinners of his mercie frie,
Be quhom alone The father is veill pleast,
At quhois rycht hand he royallie is seast,
from quhence againe vith maiestie and mycht
In Glorious tron, conwoyed vith Angils brycht,
Most plesandlie his Godheed sall appeir,
And suddanlie befoir his heawenlie sycht
All peuple salbie gathert, Quhom vith rycht
He sall adIudge, And be his Iudgement cleir
To heawen sall pas thois gratious sort most deir
On his rycht hand, And thois vpon the left
To dolorous doungeon doune vith diwelis reft.


Quhan that Experience this haid done defyn,
Of the Apostils acts he schew me syn,
And quhow according to Christs promeis meed
The holie gost vpon thois Godlie tryn
Cam thudding doune In fyrie toungs deuyn,
Quho than restoird the seik, the laeme, And deed
In name of our blist Saluior and heed,
And pertlie preitchit plaine the gospell trew,
Quhilk moir and moir ay flurissit and grew.
Thocht Curssit Sathan vith his subtill slycht
Meed vickit men resist vith vorldlie mycht,
God of his prudent prouidence perfyt
Owrthrew thair force, And fred his awne at nycht,
Quhan thay var closit vp in presone vycht.
No troubill, trawell, torment, Nor dispyt
Mycht ons confound this Holie Gospell quyt:
Bot, lyk vnto the puissant Palme alwayis,
The moir Supprest, The moir it dois vprayis.
Quhow Prudent Petir pertlie did report
The vord of God, Quhom Christ did oft exhort
To feid his scheip; And of the feruent feed,
Quhilk he susteind vith martirdome and tort;
And quhow he to Cornelius did resort
At lenth Experience mention to me meed:
And quhow Guid Stephne vas stonit to the deed:
And the conuersion als of blissit paull,
Quho namit vas befoir most vickit saull,
Quhois pithie prompt epistols euerie one
from poynt to poynt he treulie did expone,
Quharin I leirnit monie lessons guid:
Of Iames And petirs vretings than anone
And all the luiffing letters of Sanct Iohne
Exprimit he: And schortlie did concluid
Vith the Catholique missiwe of Sanct Iuid:
Syn as ane falcone monting in the air
Th' apocalips he plainlie did declair.


Moir lairgelie far his knawledge did defyn,
Than I may compas vith my vaeik Ingyn.
I may nocht follow quhair he hich did flie
Most cunninglie throch euerie verse and lyn.
My Imitation of his vit deuyn
Resemblithe in this maiter meed be me
Vnto the fairest flour And litill bie,
fro quhilk quhan all is spulȝeit that scho may,
It lustie Springs And no thing mist away.
Last said he syn, “all that I hawe done schaw
Is till Instruct the rychtlie for to knaw
Thy Gratious God, quho meed all things of nocht,
Quhois Iustice dois the vickit sort ourthraw,
And tham elects quho luifs to keip his law,
Imploring for his spreit to reull thair thocht
In follouing Christ, quhois pretious bluid tham bocht;
In quhom keip firm thy faith for euir fixt.
This is the summe, thocht I hawe beine prolixt.
“Thow happie art, that hes done heir array
In passing first at strait and narrow vay,
for the brod entrie to perditione gois,
On thy left hand quhilk in thy Iournay lay.
The letter of pithagoras, I say,
Dois represent the pathis both of thois,
Quhilk I vill draw, And Instantlie disclois
The Epigram of Virgill on the sam,
To leirne all ȝouth heirbie thair lyf to fram.
“‘Litera pithagore discrimine secta bicorni,
Humane vite speciem praeferre videtur:
Nam via virtutis dextram petit ardua callem
Difficilemque aditum primum spectantibus offert,


Sed requiem prebet fessis in vertice summo.
Molle ostendit iter via lata, Sed vltima meta
Precipitat captos Voluitque per ardua saxa.
Quisquis enim duros casus virtutis amore
Vicerit, Ille sibi laudemque decusque parabit:
At qui desidiam luxumque sequetur Inertem
Dum fugit appositos incauta mente labores
Turpis inopsque simull miserabile transigit euum.’
“This letter of pithagoras, deuyd vith hornis tuo,
Of humaine lyf it dois furthschaw the form and vay also:
for the hard vay of vertew dois at the rycht rod Insew,
Difficill entrie offring first to thois that dois it vew,
Bot gifs repois in hichest part vnto the irkit sort:
The ampill vay ane passage soft dois schaw, Bot the last port
Doune heedlings casts all cacht thairin, and be dour rocks tham rols.
for luif of vertew quho so than hard chancis vins and thols,
Both laud and honor to him self he sall prepair for gaine:
Bot he quho follows sluggisnes And luxurie so vaine,
Quhill he apposit trawels fleis vith ane Imprudent thocht,
His miserabill lyf he spends Both puir and schamfull brocht.”
Vith humyll thanks to his precelling loir,
Quhois speitche vith prudence did my spreit restoir,
To the conclusion of my course I past.
The plesand palice, plinissit vith gloir,
Stuid hich and seimlie situat me befoir,
Quhilk sutche ane glancing gleme of lycht did cast,
That all my sensis small becam agast
To spy the place preportionat but peir
Brycht Glistring fairer than the christell cleir.


The laborer long Impeschet vith distres
Lyks veill to raip the fruit of his Incres:
The souldior auld returning from the host
Thinks pace ane plesand portione to posses:
Vith Ioy the irkit pilgrim hame dois dres
far hawing compast monie cairfull cost:
The bruisit Barque vith stormie raidge betost
Glaid cums to schoir: So finding perrels past
My self reioist to sie the port at last,
Quhair Esperance, my ladie fair and frie,
Vith blyth vpcast did hartlie velcum me
And said, “I kyndlie sall vpon the spair,
As thow hes lipnit ay be me, supplie,
for thow sall firm felicitie now sie,
My chosin maistres, cheiffest but compair,
And all the priweis of hir palice fair:
Bot first in to this Glorious garding go
The to refresche.” And I obeyit so.
Quhat plesand plantis, And quhat curious knots,
Quhat holsome herbs quhois blossoms neuir rots,
Quhat fruitfull treis in to this herber grew,
Quhair blisfull birds out from thair suggurit throts
Ten thousand vayis did chainge thair cheirfull nots,
I vold discrywe, Gif eloquence I knew,
And quhow from fragrant flours of dywers hew
Ane celest smell aboundit sauorus sueit,
Quharvith the temperat air vas all repleit.
Lyk plesand part, quhair phenix maks repair,
Or as the peirles paradice preclair
To me resemblit so this Garding greine,
for ay alyk heirin the heawenlie air
Maist purifeit Indurit suawe and fair,
And be ane famus flowing fontan cleine
The tender sproutis fresche arrousit beine,
Quhois siluer strems maist moderatlie out spred,
And all this bounds vith balmie liquor cled;


In myds quharof fair growing did I sie
Ane peirles fruit vpon ane pretious trie,
Quhois lustie luisteur dewlie did decoir
The lawe about, quhilks heir appeird to me.
for as the seimlie Ceder springing hie
Surmonts the viddrit Rammall, so in gloir
This trie preceld the rest and meikill moir.
No thing thair vas, me thocht, mycht be compair
To fruit thairof far fairest of all fair.
Sayis Esperance, “this is the Iewall best
That is, salbie, or euir hes increst.
Sutche ampill profound vertew is repleit
In fruite heirof Immortall maist celest,
That quho so taists the same vith cair distrest
Sall find his sour translatit soone in sueit;
His corps, his sensis, And his troublit spreit,
Quhilk ofbefoir vith vo all viddrit beine,
Salbie againe fair beutifeit and cleine.”
Than on my kne I lowlie did Inclyn,
And humylie crauit of this fruite deuyn,
The quhilk this lustie ladie randert me.
No toung thair is that may at lenth defyn
My Ioy, my blis, my veill, and confort syn,
for be my meik doune bowing I did sie
Auld Iesse sleiping at ruit of this trie:
Than knew I veill it vas the blissit fruite
Of hir, Quhom Gabriell humylie did saluite.
This is the fruite most excellent of grace,
This is the fruite of euirlasting pace,
This is the fruit of solas and delyt,
This is the fruite quhilk dois our fois deface;
This fragrant fruit ve blythlie sould Imbrace,
for lyk as fruite meed men be banist quyt
from paradice, So in this fruite perfyt
We ar againe restorit vnto blis,
And findith velth of euerie veill at vis.


All that in me decayit vas befoir
Becam reuert vith vigor meikill moir;
My spreit and corps, quhilk long haid vexit beine,
This heawenlie fruite so viwelie did restoir,
That apt for fair feliciteis great Gloir
I vas ane veschell netifeit and cleine,
Quhom ȝeluslie I langit till hawe seine.
Ane Garitor namd Grace than hich did schout,
“The Godlie Dame to meit the Ischis out.”
Vith glorious glance in lemand fresche array
Out thickit fast ane companie most gay
from that supernall palice plesand pycht.
king dauids harp amongs this troupe did play,
Hich toynit vp in Godis praise alway,
And tham abowe apperit in my sycht
Ane fleing bird vith siluer vingis brycht,
Quhilk to the holie harping sueitlie sang
Thir sequent verse, and held the missour lang;
“Perfytlie blissit ar the puir in spreit,
for tham the heawenlie kingdom is most meit.
Perfytlie blist ar thois quho veip in vo,
for thay vith confort veill salbie repleit.
Perfytlie blissit ar the meik and sueit,
for thay Inherit sall the erth. Also
Perfytlie blissit ar all thois that go
for rychtiousnes in hounger and great thrist,
for thay salbe veill fillit as thay list.
“Perfytlie blist ar thay quhois harts ar cleine,
for God be tham salbe perfytlie seine.
Perfytlie blist ar makers all of pace,
for thay the Childreine of the hiest beine.
Perfytlie blist ar thois quho dois susteine
for rychtiousnes persute in one place,
for thay posses sall the Impyre of grace.
The mercifull is hichlie blist alway,
for thay obteine sall mercie but delay.


“Perfytlie blissit ar all sort of thois,
Quho nocht vith consill of the vickit gois.
Perfytlie blist ar thay quho helps the puir,
for thay sall suir reliwe find from thair vois.
Perfytlie blist ar thay And may Reiois,
Quho dois temptation dochtelie Induir,
Be victorie quharof thay sall procuir
Vnto thair self Nocht onlie hich renoune,
Bot als ane Glorious euirlasting croune.”
I may nocht follow vith my vrigling verse
This plesand birdis peirles douce reherse,
Quharvith all fillit vas the fragrant air.
Ȝit it so deiplie in my hart did perse,
That vith my sempill cunning I did scherse
Till Imitat thois heawenlie vordis fair,
Quhartill no metir mondan may compair,
for quhy, the bird that sang tham soundlie sueit
Vas the precelling puissant Holie spreit,
Vnto quhois gratious mychtie Godheed brycht
Vith ȝoldin hart I did addres me rycht,
And humylie bowing doune this corps of myn
Out pourd this speitche befoir his heawenlie sycht;
“O persone thred in Deitie and mycht,
Quho gifs all guid gifts be thy grace deuyn,
Vnto my sute thy holie aeir Inclyn,
And on me now thy Seruiteur hawe reuth,
Quhom in, lord, plant ane knawledge of thy treuth.
“O thou, quho namd is paracletus fair,
The lywelie fontane of all grace preclair,
The fingar of God, The hoip of celest Ioy,
The feruent fyre of Charitie but compair,
Thy blissit breath vpon my branis spair,
for till expell all things may the annoy.
Be my Instructor, Saiffer, and conwoy,
And be thy power grant me to fulfill
In all my actions thy most Godlie vill.


“O thow, the gyd of Godis Childreine all,
God, vith the father And the Sone equall,
from that proceding full of euerie mycht,
Sewinfold disposer of gifts celicall,
for Christis cause thy gifts lat on me fall,
And purifie me vith thy bemes brycht;
Renew my mynd, And opin vp my sycht,
That I may thy felicitie persawe,
The quhilk my hart most ȝeluslie dois crawe.”
Quhan I synceirlie so haid done Imploir,
My sensis all vas hich exaltit moir
Than vith my langage ruid I may defyn.
About me cam ane companie of gloir,
Of quhom the lyk I neuir knew befoir,
All singing thus in Godis praise deuyn;
“Gloir, visdome, reull, And pouer, all is thyn,
O holie, holie lord of Saboth hie,
Quho vas, And is, And euirmoir salbie.
“Thois in thy Godlie tabernacle still
Sall duell, resauit in thy holie hill,
Quhois lyfs ar blamles, And quhois vorks ar rycht,
Quho vith deceit dois nocht thair langage spill,
Bot thinkith treuth, And treulie doith fulfill
Thair promeis suir, But onie fraud or slycht;
Quho harmis none, Bot at thair vtter mycht
Guid men extols, And euill dois doune deiect,
And of thair Nychbor heirs no teils Infect.
“Quho for thair monie dois no occour tak,
Nor brybs accepts the Innocent to vrak,
Bot heirs the vord of God and keips it suir,
Sall nocht from ws repousit be abak.
Blist be The lord, quho dois sutche confort mak
Be the rediming of his peuple puir,
Quhom he has viseit vith ane ȝelus cuir,
And rasit vp to ws the horne of grace,
Sprong of his seruant Blissit dauids race.


“O ȝe beluiffit of the lewing lord,
Behold and praise him all vith one accord,
Quho in his house heir permanent dois duell.
lift vp ȝour hands till him hes ȝow restord.
Extoll, ȝour harts, The death he nocht abhord
for to redeme ȝour sauls from Sin and hell.
O praise him hich, quho dois all praise excell,
O praise him in his sanctuarie now,
Quho hes declaird his glorie vnto ȝow.
“Praise him in his most mychtie acts alway,
Praise him conforme to his great gloir for ay,
In his magnifick praise be neuir mute,
Vith sound of trumpets praise him nycht and day,
Both violl, harp, And virginals essay
Hich in his praise, And vith veill sounding lute,
Toyne vp the Timbrell, Cymbals loud, and flute,
Vith organs great all in his potent praise,
And vith ȝour blissit mouths the sam outblaise, ‘Halleluia.’”
Amyds this troupe apperit to my sycht
The famus fair felicitie most brycht
But peir perfyt in the suprem degrie,
Quhom to discrywe it lyis nocht in my mycht.
Moir cleir scho vas, me thocht, than cleirest lycht,
And vith hir lycht so far abaisit me,
That I hir self mycht nocht perfytlie sie,
Bot all astonist stuid in to that place
Ewen as the bak befoir lord phebus face.
from me alhaill scho raueissit my spreit
Be hir most seimlie sembelans so sueit.
As patient, quho long hes vexit beine
Vith monie hawie maladies repleit,
Syn vith ane fyne mediciner dois meit,
Quho veill remeeds him of all former teine,
So onlie Glister of hir beutie scheine
from euerie greif did compas me vith gloir,
And ay my mirth agmentit moir and moir.


The moir I starit on hir beutie cleir,
The moir to me scho plesand did appeir,
And moir and moir my fauor feruent grew,
Quhill all in flamme my amorus hart synceir
Mycht nocht be satiat of hir cumlie cheir.
Out throch the same hir percing bems so threw,
That onlie hir I ȝarnit to persew.
As man Idropick drouth for till expell
The moir he drinks, The moir is soir dois suell.
Vith reuerence dew than did I me prepair
low to salute hir maiestie preclair,
for quhois regarde I did sutch trawell tak.
Thus I began; “O peirles ladie fair,
Quho dois posses all blissit beuteis rair,
The quhilk sutch confort Infineit dois mak,
No baill thair vas that mycht me hold abak
from the persawing of this plesand place,
And heawenlie luisteur of ȝour luiflie face,
“Vpon the quhilk I euir still vas bent,
So deip ȝe bein in to my mynd Imprent
from first vpsprutting of my ȝeiris greine,
That no thing els, Madam, mycht me content
Bot full Inspectione of ȝour persone gent,
Quhilk most of all I langit till hawe seine.
The Gouldine branche of proud Proserpine queine
I hawe refuisd, And onlie meed me boune
To spy the palmes of ȝour cumlie croune.
“Accept me than for Seruiteur of thyn,
I the beseik, O lustie ladie myn,
And fill me vith the greatnes of thy gloir.
Most luifinglie vnto my sute Inclyn,
And lat me cleirlie sie thy vult deuyn;
Of the I crawe no vther Guerdone moir.
O thow, quho may all miserie restoir,
Considder veill quhow I esteme the deir
In place profoundest of my hart synceir.”


This bontius dame, me heiring all the space,
And syn persawing that I held my pace,
In plesand speitche But onie proces mair
Ane heawenlie harrang in the samming place
To me againe, of hir most guidlie grace,
Pronuncit scho vith desert voce preclair,
Quhilk I at lenth laiks langage to declair.
Ȝit in my dyt heir sall I brewelie draw
The summe quharof scho did vnto me schaw.
Scho sueitlie sayis, “O my beluiffit deir,
I am contentit to persawe the heir.
Thy trawels taine dois mak the ane of myne,
To quhom my plesand presence sould appeir,
Quhilk represents, Bot ȝit nocht throchlie cleir
May thow behold me in my gloir deuyne,
for quhy, that terrene caduct corps of thyne
Thy saull deteins As in ane presoune thrall
for to consawe my beuteis celicall.
“Bot quhan thow sall thairfro dissoluit be,
At fredome than thow viwelie sall me sie
Vith glorious croune of gould vpon thy heed,
Quhilk for thy guerdon I sall rander frie
Vith ane quhyt garment for till honor the
At the rycht hand of him quho vincust deed,
Quhair lyk the Angils brycht thow salbe meed
And eit the pretious heawenlie Manna fyn
Moir daintie far than Nectar most deuyn.
“Sutche tresours than thow treulie sall obteine
As neuir ȝit vas seine vith mortall eine;
Ȝea, moir than aeir is habill for till heir
Of Ioy and bliss both in the sall conweine.
The hart of man may nocht consawe, I meine,
Thois pleasours great, quhilk to the sall appeir,
Prepaird for all quho plaine dois perseuir
In luiffing first thair God abowe all thing,
Thair Nychbour nixt, And veill obeyis thair king.


“To mundan sort I do me nocht disclois,
Quho me to find be ritchis dois suppois,
In entring first at ampill passage plaine,
Quharbie at last both lyf and saull thay lois.
for brod and eisie is the vay that gois,
As Christ dois schaw, to euirlasting paine,
from quhilk, helas, is few that dois refraine
for to cum in at strict difficill rod,
Obeying the commandements of God:
“Quhartill sen thow hes borne sutche ȝelus vill,
Thy lesome chairge now sall I suir fulfill,
Resawing the for Seruiteur of myn,
And Instantlie I vill conduct the till
My peirles palice on ȝon holie hill,
The gloir quharof thocht thow may nocht defyn
Vith carnall ies, Ȝit synceir spreit of thyn
To spy that part vill think ane speciall grace,
Quhilk ons salbe thy dalie duelling place,
“Quhair Sum thing of my priwie I sall schaw
To confort the, as thow sall schortlie knaw.”
And so scho tuik me be hir tender hand,
The quhilk I kissit, and Inclynit law
Vith humyll thanks, syn did deuotlie draw
My paissis stretcht to pas at hir command,
Be quhom sutche solas Infineit I fand
In spying hir celestiall resort,
And for to heir this subsequent report,
Vith heawenlie voce quhilk from the palice spak;
“Behold I do vith men my duelling mak,
My tabernacle vith tham dois remaine:
for my awne peuple now I vill tham tak
And be thair God, tham saiffing all from vrak:
No moir of sorrow, crying, death, or paine
Sall thay susteine, quho to me may attaine,
Bot I sall vip all tairis from thair eine,
for the first things ar gon and purgit cleine.


“I am both Alpha And Omega trew,
Quho be my mycht sall mak all thingis new.
Of lywelie vell I frelie rander vill
To thristie sauls quho dois this place persew.
He that owrcumith, doing vyce eschew,
His harts desyr my presence sall fulfill,
And he Inherit sall all thingis still,
And I vilbe his God eternall heir,
And he againe my sone beluiffit deir.
“Bot fant Incredull curshit catifs vyle,
loud liars als, And vitchis that begyle,
Mischiwous murdrers maculat vith bluid,
All huirmongers, And thois quho dois defyle
Tham selfs in serwing Idols, I exyle
far from this place to the Infernall fluid
for to be vexit vith all torments ruid,
Quhair thay in deedlie dolor ay sall drie
The secund death, And ȝit sall neuir die.”
Be this vas said, than ve approtchit neir
The plesand place, quhilk peirles did appeir,
Vith vallis vyd all meed of pretious stone,
Quhilk be degreis vphich did perseueir.
The first vas Iasper as the christall cleir,
The Secund Saphir, The thred Chalcedone,
The fourt vas formd of Emerauld alone,
Of Sardonix the fyft vas polist cleine,
The Sext of Sardius Syn did semlie scheine,
The Sewent vas all of Chrisolit rycht rair,
The Aucht Berill, The nynt of Topas fair,
Of Chrysoprasus vas the tent degrie,
The lewent ane Iacinck glancing but compair,
The tuelt of purpour Amatist preclair.
And portis tuell till entir did I sie,
Quhilks all of perll apperit vnto me:
Of puirest Gould vas formit euerie streit,
Quhilk as the cleirest scheining glass did gleit.


Me thocht this semlie Situatione schew
lyk till ane citie formit of the new.
The nams of the Apostols one be one
Vpon the vals I did perfytlie vew,
Depaint vith monie curious costlie hew.
In at the port I ȝarnit till hawe gone,
Quhill scho, quha quhyter is than Iwire bone,
The gratious fair felicitie, did say,
“Ane litill space heir outvart most thow stay.
“Tym is nocht cum that thow may entir heir,
Bot sen thow art my Seruiteur so deir,
Thow sall approtching to this part abyd,
Quhair as transparant to the sall appeir
My priwie throch this vall of Iasper cleir,
Quhill pleasis God thy Ingress to prouyd.
So in this tour of strenth remaine besyd,
Most stronglie beildit on ane stabill rock,
for conseruation of the faithfull flock.”
So in scho past vith hir most royall rout,
And In the tour approtching I stuid out,
Quhair I mycht sie be speculation cleir
Gloir, quhilk the vallis compast round about,
Throch Iasper brycht. So lowlie did I lout
for to behold that Ioy vithin but peir,
Bot all my sensis so vas raweist heir,
That thocht and langage laik I till expone
The state trivmphall of that trinfold trone,
Quharon Ane God omnipotent deuyne
Vas hichlie set, And as the Rainbow syne
Ane holie schaddow circuat the place,
Quhilk dimmit so thir Daȝed ies of myne
That I mycht nocht his deitie defyne.
Great thundring lychts and voces at all space
Procedit from that heawenlie trone of grace,
And four and tuentie elders cled in quhyt
Sat thair about vith Gouldine crouns perfyt;


In myds of quhom vithin the trone preclair
On the rycht hand Immaculat and fair
Ane Holie lambe triumpantlie did ring,
Quhois douce regarde most meik and debonair
Meed Great Iehoua all his vraith to spair.
And cleir thencefro The vell of lyf did spring
To euerie one that thocht this lambe thair king,
Ȝea, ewene The lambe of quhom Ihon Baptist spak,
Quho sins of all the vorld away dois tak.
Vith Angils brycht this citie vas repleit,
And of all Nations peuple Infineit
Vith palms victorious Stuide the trone befoir
In long quhyt garments couering to thair feit,
Pronuncing loud vith celest voces sueit,
“from Our Guid God Saluation euirmoir
Dois glaidlie cum, And from His lambe of gloir.”
Than all the Elders fell vpon thair face,
And vorschippit deuotlie in that place.
My muse, Go low And nocht So hich pretend,
In this Carib Do nocht thy saeill vpbend.
Hold bak, Hold bak, thow laiks the sycht to sie
Quhat Goulf of glorie heir dois flow but end.
My litill Mignone, prese nocht till ascend
Moir hicher than thow saif may carie me;
Thy vings ar vaeik And laikith force to flie
for to discrywe at lenth this blist repair,
Quhilk no man mortall dewlie may declair,
Quharin no neid vas of the sone to scheine,
for gloir of God did clarifie most cleine
This heawenlie habitation But compair,
Quharof The lambe brycht luminator beine,
To quhom also did onlie apperteine
Till opin vp the buik of lyf preclair
Contining all Gods chosin Childreine fair;
Quhilk blissit buik for to disclois he tuik,
And gawe me liwe thairin ane space to luik.


Bot now vith mirth I may my versis sing,
for Iofull nowels glaidlie do I bring,
Throch Albion apertlie to be knawne.
Vithin this buik I red ane priwie thing,
Quhilk appertenis to My Natiwe king,
And throch the vorld I wish it to be schawne.
Vith gouldin letters cleir thairin vas drawne
As phebus brycht quhilk gawe ane fair reflex,
Iacobvs Sextvs hic scotorvm rex.
Quhan I haid sein thir heawenlie visions fair,
far Raueist vas I from all vorldlie cair,
Auating tym till entir euerie hour
Vithin this New Ierusalem preclair,
The onlie peirles and celest Repair.
Quhilk Space Induring I to God sall poure
My prayers, Duelling in the foirsaid toure,
Quhair grawin vas abowe the port abrod,
“This is the trew Catholick churche of God.”
Quhilk Holie Churche, lord, of thy mercie gyd,
And for the ȝeall of thy Great gloir prowyd
That euerie one quho vold the same confound
May be conwertit, Or els schortlie slyd.
Sects, hereseis, And scismes Rycht decyd,
faith, Charitie, And concord cause abound,
That all our vorks may to thy praise redound.
So thow in ws thy Glorie scheine sall sie,
And we in the againe sall saiffit bie.
Last, of thy mercie mychtelie protect
Thy awne Anoyntit veschell, cheif elect
Abowe this yle Imperiallie to ring.
from him expell all persons ewill infect,
And vith thy spreit his purposis derect.
Thy blissings, lord, aboundantlie lat spring
from tym to tym on this our kyndlie king,
To quhom most humyllie At his prencelie feit
I Represent this metir myn onmeit.