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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 85. Benedixisti Domine.

Ad Præstantem, filiis Choreh, Psalmus.


Now art thou gracious Lord become,
unto thy chosen Land:
Thou hast return'd thy Jacob home,
redeem'd from captive hand.


Thy peoples faults hast thou forgiven,
and covered all their sin:
Thy furious wrath away hast driven,
and call'd thine anger in.


O God of our salvation, see,
our former cares encrease:
Turne thou to us, turne us to thee,
thine indignation cease.


For ever wilt thou be displeas'd
with us, and never end?
Wilt thou, thine anger un-appeas'd,
to Age and Age extend?


Wilt thou not once returne againe,
and us to life restore;
That we, thy peoples poore remaine,
may joy in thee therefore?


Severely, Lord, as thou hast dealt,
to us thy mercy shew:
Thy heavie hand, as we have felt,
thy saving health bestow.



To heare what God the Lord will speake,
with heed will I attend:
Whose promise he will never breake,
but with performance end.
For he will cause our pressures cease,
and comfort such as mourne;
And to his gracious Saints speake peace,
lest they to folly turne.


His saving health, sure neere at hand,
shall they that feare him win:
That glory may in-dwell our land,
inglorious made by sin.


With Mercy, Truth in one did meet,
and hands together strike;
Where Justice, Peace with kisse did greet,
and peace return'd the like.


Truth, Heaven her place of birth forsooke,
out of the earth shall spring;
And Justice downe from Heaven shall looke,
a heav'n on earth to bring.


The Lord his goodnesse shall expresse,
so shall our Land not cease;
The Lord with blessings us to blesse,
our Laud with fruits encrease.


Before his face shall Justice goe,
and in the way respect,
To put her order'd footsteps so,
as he shall them direct.