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Diana of George of Montemayor

Translated out of Spanish into English by Bartholomew Yong

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[If to my musickes skill]

If to my musickes skill
Apollo might his praises all resigne,
And if (vnto my will)
My speech were so diuine,
That Mercurie for greefe thereat might pine.
And if that eloquence
So famous of Minerua sweete, did seeme yet
but rude irreuerence
To mine, and each one deeme it
But harsh, and plac't with mine, but base esteeme it.
And if I were adorn'd
With hundred mouthes of iron, and like wit,
Or if I had bene borne
With Dimond toongs (admit)
Or sawe my selfe in euery part so fit:
The ruine, nor the fall
Of those, whom Ioue from scaled heauen did throwe,
Nor that great floud, when all
The drowned world did flowe,
I would not tell, nor time in them bestowe.
Onely by me thy praise
(O Chastitie) with honour should be told:
And with thy heauenly waies
I would no lesse vnfold
Those goodly partes, that thou dost still vphold.
Thou art a weeder out
Of vices, from the place of vertues graine:
And thou dost go about
Our honours to maintaine,
And dost our soules from cancred vice restraine.
The onely way and signe
Thou art, that doth the soule to vertue leade,
A captaine most diuine,
That vnder foote dost tread
Thy foes: Thy fort and tower no force doe dread.
Foule leacherie doth kill
Reason, if that it conquered hath the same,


And captiue to her will
Doth make it (to her shame:)
So to the maid the Mistresse subiect came.
Thou chastitie dost free
Reason (if to thy gate she bend her pace)
In more supreme degree:
And she in euery place
Is onely free, that doth thy lawe imbrace.
The soule with sweetest balme
Thou fillest, and the senses dost refine,
And therewithall, the palme
Of beautie most diuine
Thy figure beares, where brauely it doth shine.
The vaine thoughts of the minde,
Which reason cannot with her counsell tame,
Nor friendly discipline,
Thy wisedome doth reclame:
And apt to each good art the soule dost frame.
Being sincere, and pure,
Thou ioinest vs to things pure, and sincere,
And so thou dost assure
Those, that thy robe doe weare,
Friends vnto God, a conscience free from feare.
In vaine I heere doe waste
These wordes, wherewith thy praises I pretend:
Better it were (at last)
In action to commend
Thee, then with words; And so I make an end.