University of Virginia Library



Come, love! the sun has risen long,
And hedge and tree
Are all alive with tremulous song;
Awake! and come with me.
The grass is pearled with gleaming dew,
The larks are thrilling in the sky,
And all the world's awaiting you—
And I—my darling—I!
Look from above, that those dear eyes
May dawn on me!
My love, my life, my light, arise!
That I the morning see.
There 's ne'er a cloud to mar the day,
The air is soft and fresh and sweet;
But all the world is dull and gray
Till thy dear face I greet.
Sweetest of all that live and move,
Arise! Arise!
The day is short, too short for love,
The swift hour fleets and flies.
The moments ne'er will come again
That heedlessly you waste,
And joy deferred is half a pain.
Then haste! my darling, haste!