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From Sunset Ridge

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Then uprose the tender wailing of a child
Which a maiden-mother, merciful and mild,
With a sudden joy caressed,
Shielded soft upon her breast,
Unto Israel's God devoted, undefiled.


“What of thee, O mother, born in lowlihood?
Are those veins of thine enriched with royal blood?
Shall this tiny infant hand
Give the law to every land?
Hast thou brought to light the everlasting good?”
As they listen, lo! a wondrous prophecy
Of the glorious deliverance yet to be
With the infant's tones did blend;
And their seeking was at end—
They had found the monarch they were fain to see.
“Whoso struggles for his life mid grief and wrong,
Let him come to me, with all who labor long;
In my heart their woes have place
And my love shall give them grace—
I will comfort them with saying and with song.
“I will bargain their redemption with my blood,
Heirs of Heav'n are we in holy brotherhood.
To the ages I bequeath
But the measure of the breath
That God breathed on me, renewing and renewed.”