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2 occurrences of Pavement
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2 occurrences of Pavement
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She wears no crown
Save her own flossy curls,
Rosiest, plumpest,
Of pet baby-girls;
Blue-eyed and dimpled
And dignified she,
Pouring out for us
Invisible tea;
Little Queen Maude.
Tiniest teacup
And saucer and spoon:
Baby, your banquet
Has ended too soon.
Fancy's full cupboard
Unlocks to your hand;
We, your true subjects,
Await your command,
Little Queen Maude.
Throned on the floor,
We must stoop to your state:
If a queen's little,
Can courtiers be great?
Now kiss us, dismiss us,
Red lips rosy-sweet,
For yonder 's a poet
Chained fast to your feet,
Little Queen Maude.