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mr Ther̃rer.  Dr Winstone.  mr: Augu: Stewarde. 
Sr Io: Dauers.  mr Rich: Tomlynℯ.  mr Swinhowe. 
Sr Baptist Hickes.  mr Ro: Smith.  mr Bull. 
Sr Io: Wolstenholme.  mr Wm: Caninge.  mr Casswell. 
Sr Nath: Rich.  mr Cranmer.  mr George Smith. 
mr Io: Wroth.  mr Keightley.  mr Meuerell. 
mr Deputy.  mr Briggs.  mr Arundell. 
mr Tho: Gibbℯ.  mr Wm: Essington.  mr Baldwin. 
mr Sam: Wrote.  mr Bearblock.  mr Tho Mellinge. 

Wheras the last ordynary Court made choyce of three for the man-
aginge the remaynder of the Magazine buisines, and that then itt was
agreed that mr Essington should be entreated to p̳ceed wth the
Accompts hee being now p̢sent & desyred by the Adventurors to
vndertake itt againe assented to p̱forme itt. [84]

Mr Essington to
proceed with ye
Magazine Ac-

And for asmuch as mr Caswell signified that mr Alderman Iohnson
did not like the Coueñnt made by the Aduenturors in the last Courte
for the vnderwritters to take off the Tobacco they had vppon Condi-
c̃ons subscribed for as not beinge effectuall enough for their sattisfac-
c̃on and therfore desyred to have an other meetinge of ye Aduenturos
vppon satterday morninge to take itt againe into considerac̃on was
by the Adventurers present assented vnto and agreed to be att Sr
Thomas Smithℯ house vppon satterday next att ix of the Clocke, att
wch time the Courte have intreated mr Cranmer and mr Chambers to
be there for the Company.

The Coueñnt made
by the Magaz: Ad-
uenturers disliked
by Alder: Iohn-
Ye Aduenturers
desired to meete.

Sir Iohn Dauers and Dr Winstone repayringe to the Spanish Agent as
they were intreated and haveinge delivered their message accordinge
to the direcc̃on of the last Courte reported now that itt was very kindely

Sr Io: Dauers, and
Dr Winstonℯ re-
porte from ye Span-
ish Agent.


accepted by the said Agent promisinge to write vnto his Maister the
kinge of Spaine for to certifie him how Carefull the Company are to
holde all due Correspondency wth him, onely desyringe that if therby
hereafter they should finde themselves Dampnified and have occasion
to renue and prosecute the matter, that then this Company would
ioyne wth them for to procure sattisfacc̃on, which they in the behalfe
of the said Company promised to p̱forme.

And wheras allso in the last Court Sr Thomas Gates, and Sr Nath:
Rich were intreated to repaire to Generall Cæsill touchinge the desyre
of the Plantac̃on to be accomodated wth some Enginers att their owne
charges for Raysing of fforteficac̃on Itt pleased Sr Nath: Rich to
reporte that accordingly they were wth Generall Cæsill who found
him exceedinge redy and willinge to assist them wth his best further-
ance although for the present hee knoweth not how to furnish them
they beinge so exceedinge deare and hard to be gotten that they will
not worke vnder five or six shillings a day, butt acquainted them of a
ffrenchman who hath been longe in England very skillfull therin who
p̳mised to agree wth him for a certaine some of monny to goe ouer
and live there signefyinge of two sortes of ffortefycac̃ons, one for the
induringe of assaults and Battery, which is not as hee Accompts there
very needful butt rather the other of chusinge and takinge some place
of Advantage, and there to make some Pallysadoes wch hee conceiveth
the fittest, and for Wch this ffrenchman is singuler good.

Sr Tho: Gates, &
Sr Nath: Rich their
reporte from Gen-
erall Cæsill touch-
inge Engineers

Mr Thrr̃er signified that accedentally haveinge some Conferrence with
ye Right Honble͠: the Earle of Arrundell itt pleased his Lop: to demon-
strate the exceedinge much love hee beareth to the Acc̃on, insomuch
that hee could be content to come and sitt amongst them; Hee ther-
fore moved that the Court would admitt his Lop: into their Society,
wch beinge putt to ye question was ioyfully embraced by generall con-
sent, and referred according to order to a great Courte for electinge
of his Lop: to be one of the Counsell.[85]

My Lord of Ar-
rundell admitted a
fitt brother & re-
ferrd to be elected
one of ye Counsell.

Hee allso acquainted my Lord of London of the Companies intent for
the sendinge ouer Mynisters, and their request vnto his Lop: for his
good furtherance and assistance therin together wth what mainte-


nance they had there ordeyned for them, wch he very well approved
of, promisinge to his vttmost of his power to doe what lyeth in him
for the good of that Plantac̃on.
My Lord of London
made acquainted
of ye Compa: intent
to send Mynisters.

Sygnifyinge allso that the Corporac̃on of Smithℯ Hundred verie well
accepted of the Charge of the Infidles Children comended vnto them
by the Courte in regard of their good disposic̃on to doe good, butt
otherwise if the Courte shall please to take itt from them they will
willingly give 100li: And for their resoluc̃ons although they have not
yett sett them downe in writinge by reason some things are yett to
be considered off. they will so soone as may be p̱forme the same and
present itt.

Smithℯ hundred
content to giue
100li to be dis-
charged from ye
charge of ye Infi-
dles Children.

Wheras duringe the time of Sr Thomas Dales resydence in Virginia
therwas by his means sundry Saltworks sett vpp to the great good
and benefitt of the Plantac̃on, since wch time they are wholly gone to
wrack and lett fall in so much that by defect therof the inhabitants
are exceedingly distempred by eatinge porke and other things meats
fresh & vnseasoned therfore itt was referred to a Comittee to Consider
wth all speed for the settinge vpp againe of the said Saltworks, that is
to Sr Iohn Dauers Sr Nathaniell Rich, mr Iohn Wroth, mr Dr Winstone,
& mr Sam: Wrote to meet to morrow att two of the Clocke att mr
Thr̃ers house—Mr Baldwin is desyred to be there att the same time to
further the said Comittee wth his best advise.

A Comittee ap-
poynted for ye set-
tlinge of Salt-

Itt was allso moved by mr Treasuror that for asmuch as this yeare
there hath beene and are in preparinge to be sent to Virginia 1200:
personns or their aboute wherof 600: to the publique or for other
pious vses wherby a heavy burthen will be vppon Sr George Yeardley
for the disposinge of them all accordinge to direcc̃ons and instrucc̃ons
sent vnto him, that therfore for his better incoragment the Company
would please to send him a Present itt beinge no new thinge butt much
vsed by them heretofore whervppon itt was referred to the Committee
in ye preceding Order to consider and conclude what shalbe sent vnto
him. [86]

The sendinge of Sr
Geo: Yeardly a
present referrd to
the Comittee.


As likewise ∥that in reguard∥ a treaty is to be made wth Opachan-
kano touchinge the better keepinge of the Infidells Children wch are
to be brought vpp in Christianytie yt therfore they would authorize Sr
George Yeardley to take some such thinge as hee shall like best outt
of the Magazine and present itt vnto him for the better attayninge
their ends of him wch beinge putt to the question was well allowed.

Sr George Yeardly
authorized to take
some things out of
ye Magazine to
present itt to Opa-

Sr Thomas Gates, by his bill assigned five Shares of twelve pounds
tenn shillings the Share to Samuell Wrote esqr: wch the Auditors
haveinge formerly approved was allowed by this Courte.

Sr Tho: Gates 5
Shares to Sam:

Likewise mr Humphrey Reynoldℯ assigned five Shares to mr Humphry
Slaney wch beinge allso allowed by the Auditors was ratefyed by this

Mr Hum: Reigh-
noldℯ 5: shares to
mr Humfrey Sla-