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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. LXIIII.

The Argument.

Heare Dauid blamth: hys foes attempt,
and telth how dye they shall:
So Christ reprouth: the Iewes contempt,
and prophecieth theyr fall.

Exaudi Domine.


O heare my Lord: my voyce and cry,
in tellyng thus my woes:
And kepe my life: in suertie,
from feare of all my foes.



And hyde me Lord: from all the trayne,
of cursed men in close:
From all theyr rowte: conspired agayne,
in wycked lyfe so lose.


Which wheth theyr tonges: as sword so sharpe
and poyson dartes they shoote:
Euen bitter wordes: in tonge they carpe,
to bring me vnder foote.


To shoote at hym: in stelth they lye,
who lyfe intiere doth beare:
On hym vnwares: theyr dartes they wry,
and haue therin no feare.


They strength themselfes in wycked pryde,
theyr crafty fetch to ply:
They do conferre: theyr snares to hyde,
they say who them can spy?


They searche all spite: and do it round,
that is by search comprisd:
What hartes most depe: or wit profound,
can fynde, is hye deuisde.


But God shall shoote: at them agayne,
hys arrowes sodenly:
Wyth sundry woundes: he them shall payne,
all vnbewares to spye.


He then shall make: theyr proper tonge,
theyr owne confusion:
That who them see: how they be wrunge,
shall shake as wo begone.



All men shall see: thys worke ryght well,
and much commend this acte:
As wrought by God: they shall it tell,
and wisely note the facte.


The ryghteous man: shall ioy in God,
in hym to put his trust:
Yea all true hartes: shall ioy abrode,
that God kept me so iust,