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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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434. Beatitude. 3. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”
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434. Beatitude. 3. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”


The warrior twines his envied garlands;
The conqueror proudly waves his bays;
Are these their honours amaranthine,
That Haste suspends his march, to gaze;
And crowds around, through air extending,
The shout of gratulation raise?


Alas! the crowns so hardly fought for,
Are withered by the evening sun!
And those who wear them, like their laurels,
Have oft their race of glory run!
Then, what avail the loudest plaudits,
If they no higher prize have won!


The Meek are blessed! They inherit
The choicest favours earth can give;
A peaceful mind, the hope inspiring,
In heaven, for ever, soon to live!
This is their verdant wreath, unfading,
And this their high prerogative!


O, may the meek and gentle spirit
Which God approves, be our delight;
May we prepare our eagle pinion
To enter on our heaven-ward flight,
And bid adieu, like captives ransomed,
To bondage, and these realms of night.