University of Virginia Library

Stirred by his demon, thus, with look inflamed,
The doomed prince spake: and him the admiring sire
In low tone answered.
“Wisely, son beloved,
Hast thou given counsel. Yet, the nobler course,
Not to arrest, but to defy his power;
And so to prove it. If indeed his might
This Nile could turn to blood,—far easier 'twere,
Fetters of steel, and prison walls, to break.
That which he saith,—he can, or can not do:
Prove that he can,—and Israel must be loosed,
Or Egypt be a grave: prove that he fail,—
A pyramid of mocks will on him lie,
And Israel still be ours.”
Speaking aloud,
To Moses then he turned; and harshly thus.