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Sweet Jessie was young and simple,
And mirth beam'd in her eye,
And her smile made a rosy dimple
Where love might wish to lie;
But when lovers were sighing after,
And vowed she was matchless fair,
Her silver-sounding laughter
Said, love had not been there.
The summer had seen her smiling
'Mong flowers as fair as she,
But autumn beheld her sighing,
When the leaves fell from the tree;
And the light of her eye was shaded,
And her brow had a cast of care,
And the rose on her cheek was faded,
For oh! love had been there.
When winter winds were blowing,
She roved by the stormy shore,
And looked o'er the angry ocean,
And shrunk at the breakers' roar;


And her sighs, and her tearful wonder,
At the perils that sailors dare
In the storm and the battle's thunder,
Show'd love was trembling there.
No ring is upon her finger,
And the raven locks are gray,
Yet traces of beauty linger—
Like the light of the parting day;
She looks, with a glance so tender,
On a locket of golden hair,
And a tear to his ship's defender
Show'd love still dwelling there.