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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 74.

[O Lord we have a blessed grant]

Rom. 8. 16. The Spirit it self beareth Witness with our Spirit.

[The First Part.]

O Lord we have a blessed grant
Of an Inheritance,
And so hath every holy Saint;
And thy grace to advance,
Thou dost to us an Earnest give
Of it to make it sure,


And Sealed 'tis when we believe
Unto us too for ever:
But that we might by no means doubt
To make it firmer yet,
A Witness, Lord, thou hast found out,
Which thou saw'st requisite.
Sure 'tis some great and glorious thing
That purchas'd was so dear;
And 'twill eternal comfort bring
To have a title clear.
O let thy Spirit, Lord, come in,
We'll hear what he can say,
Before we dare once, Lord, attempt
A Claim unto it lay.
But since one Witness may not do,
And two required are,
Let Conscience with thy Spirit now
His witness also bear.

The Second Part.

Thy Spirit must, Lord, testifie
That we are born again;
Is all sin dead? Let Conscience speak
To put us out of pain.
Two Witnesses, nay such as these
We'll prize, for they are true;
Ah! they will free us from all fear,
VVhatever does insue.


If they together do agree,
The Controversie's gone;
If we new Creatures truly be,
VVe safe are ev'ry one.
They'll make us to lift up our head
VVith joy triumphantly;
All sorrow will be vanquished,
O then let's search and try
By thy own Law; for 'tis thy Word
The matter must decide;
Thy Spirit from thy Word, O Lord,
VVe never must divide.
O happy Soul, art thou sincere,
Upright in life and heart?
Do both these joyntly witness bear,
That thus also thou art?
Then sing the praise of God above,
VVho clears to thee this thing;
O with the Spirit fall in love,
And praise our glorious King.