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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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LXXV. Numbers, Chap. XIII.
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LXXV. Numbers, Chap. XIII.

The Spies and Bunch of Grapes.

In Canaans Southern Bounds glad Israel stand
And of their Rulers send to search the Land:
By ancient Hebrons Tow'rs they took their way
And those tall Hills which round proud Jebus lay;
Thence to delightful Jericho they came,
The City' of Palm-Trees, widely known to Fame:
O'r Kishon's Foords, near Tabor's Mount and Fields,
Kishon, which to fair Jordan only yields,
The sounding Shores of Cinnereth survey;
Their Journey thence to Jordan's Fountains lay,
Which under hoary Libanus arise,
Whose Ridges bound the Land, and threat the Skies.
Returning they to fruitful Eshcol came,
Thence Eshcol stil'd, before unknown to Fame:
'Twas now the Time when Nature in her Pride
That happy Land with gen'rous Fruits supply'd:
With Golden Cheeks the rich Pomgranates shine,
And tempting Grapes load each luxuriant Vine.


Of these they a vast Cluster with 'em bear,
Th'enormous weight Two of the Strongest share:
Brought on a knotty Staff with Sweat and Pain,
The knotty Staff cou'd scarce the the Load sustain,
Full Forty Days expir'd at length they come
In an unlucky Hour to Paran home.
The Land, they must confess, was rich and good
Exuberant every where with Fruit and Food,
And all the needs of Life; But still they must
In their Accounts impartial be, and just,
And not betray the Peoples weighty Trust:
They were not fond of War, nor wish'd to try
The Force of their unequal Enemy:
Their Garisons were strong, their Walls were high,
Their num'rous People Bold and Warlike were,
Anak the Great, with his fierce Sons were there:
Proud Amalek the Southern Border fills,
The Hittite and the Amorite the Hills,
Themselves as Tall; bold Jebus Sons the rest,
The Canaanite the Shore and Jordan's Coast possess'd.