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THESAURO-PHULAKION[Greek]: or, A treasury of divine raptures

Consisting of Serious Observations, Pious Ejaculations, Select Epigrams. Alphabetically rank'd and fil'd by a Private Chaplain to the Illustrious and Renowned Lady Urania The Divine and Heavenly Muse. The first part [by Nicholas Billingsley]

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78. On an Ark.

When the rebellious world for sin was drownd
Just Noah was preserved safe and sound.
O wonderful! the wave-supported Ark,
Him, his, and some of all kinds did imbark.
Christ is the Ark, and such as are in him,
They shall (when others sink) be sure to swim:
The Ark is Gods Church, who out of it are found
Shall not be saved, but ingulfd and drown'd
In his wraths deluge; the Pitch represents
Love, which the Members of the Church cements
And knits together; as without, within
The Ark was pitch'd; so open and unseen
Is every Christians love, to let us know
Their love is true, as well as love in show.
Blest Pitch! which not defileth, but the more
Tis touch'd, it makes more Holy than before:
The Ark had divers rooms, the Churches borders
Hath men of divers gifts, degrees, and orders.
The Ark held Beasts unclean, as well as clean,
Some that are in the true Church live in sin:
The Gospel is the window in the Ark,
Preaching the light, enlightening the dark


And shady understanding, that imparts
So bright a lustre as revives mens hearts.
Christ is the door that appertains thereto,
See thou do not in at a wrong door go.
The Church (as was the Ark) is very large,
Where of Christ (as the head) takes special charge
The Flood doth the Baptismal water shew,
Which kills the old man, and preserves the new;
In fine, the Ark was tossed to and fro,
By the cariering Flouds, now sinks as low
As Hells profunditude, but by and by
It seems to kiss the Star-embroidered skie;
Ev'n so th'militant Church which Christ doth own
With justling waves is tumbled up & down
Yea ev'ry Saint is this, and that way hurld,
Toss'd like a foot-ball by the mad-cap World
Toss'd by the pamper'd flesh, toss'd by the Devil
That grand Tartarian Counselor to evil,
Toss'd by enchanting sin which soon would rend us
In pieces, if our God did not defend us;
But guided and preserv'd through Gods good grace
We spit defiance in our enemies face.
Ark-like the Church, rising by falls, out-braves
The churlish threats of the insulting Waves.
The more the Flouds of persecution rise,
They drive the Ark the nearer to the Skies,
And when the raging Tide shall cease to roar,
And waters ebb, this Ark shall land on shore:


This Ark which storms could never ruinate,
Shall rest on the Cælestial Ararat.
This Ark by the Almighties guidance driven,
Shall land ev'n in that peaceful haven, Heaven.
The Ark toss'd Saints shall one day be possest
Of lasting glory, and eternal rest,
Eternal rest; a rest that doth remain
For them, by them expected not in vain.
O blessed rest! by which we shall be freed
From woes and foes, O there's a rest indeed!
To which Heav'n bring us, who by Faith partake
Of Christ his merits, for his own names sake.