University of Virginia Library

To Alphenus.

Alphenus say can you a Friend deceive,
And him, tho true, without Reluctance leave?
Tell me, perfidious Man, Alphenus say,
Can you a Friend forsake, and then betray?
Have not the Pangs of Guilt your Bosom seiz'd?
Think not with impious Acts the Gods are pleas'd;
But these are Thoughts which never plagu'd thy Breast,
Who basely left me, and when much distress'd.
What can we do amidst a Race unjust,
Where find a Man regardful of his Trust?


The Heart of Friendship you seduc'd from me,
As if no Danger could arise from thee;
But now, a Traytor to the social Ty,
Your Actions give your former Vows the Ly;
Nor Words, nor Deeds, retracted longer bind,
Your Words retracted, and your Deeds, are Wind.
You may forget, and live a Wretch abhor'd,
But know the Gods remember, and record;
Faith well remembers, rev'rend Deity,
Who will exact due Penitence from thee.