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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Tercio propter representandam hodiernam processionem.

The thrid cause is, in gode fay,
to represent in gode maner
processioun that was made þis day
Aȝayn Crist, as ȝe shyn her.
ffor his moder hym thider broȝt,
Symeon & Anne come hom aȝayne
And presentide hym that al has wroȝt
In temple to quich he was bayn.


So make we now processioun
with serges liȝt deuoutly,
to quych serge by gode resoun
likken I may Ihesu skilfully.
ffor in a serge thre thingys bene,
wax & weke & fuyr also,
to quych thre, with-outen wene,
Crist liknet is to alle tho.
ffor wax is Cristes flesch & blode,
that taken was of a clene may,
bout corrupcioun & alle gode,
bout wem of syn, als soth to say.
ffor riȝt as bees of herbes clene
worchyng wax bout engendryng,
so broȝt Mary forth, as I mene,
Ihesu Crist our heuen kyng.
The weke, þat in þe wax hid is,
to Cristes saule may liknet be
In flesch & blode hid wel i-wys,
that God toke of a maiden fre.
The fuyr also or ellis liȝt
tokenys godhede bout lesyng,
for, as þe boke sais, God almyȝt
is a fuyr al swolowyng.

Deus noster ignis est consumens.

Quidam metricus de cereo sic ait:
Hanc in honore pie candelam porto Marie,
Accipe per ceram carnem de virgine veram.
Per lumen numen maiestatisque cacumen.