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Gij him seyd, ‘þou miseyst,
&, bi mine heued, þou it abeyst.’
Opon þe heued Gij him smot,
Vnto þe girdel stede þat swerd bot.
Anoþer he smot riȝt anon,
Spare nold [he] neuer on.
Of his hors he has him feld,
His heued he dede fleye in þe feld.
Wiþ þat come þe gode Hogoun,
Þe doukes nevou Otoun:
He smot Gij on þe scheld bifore,
Þat neye he haþ his swerd forlore.
For schame he hadde of þe stroke þare
Gij smot Hogoun, and nouȝt him for-bare:
Ouer-þuert þat swerd glod,
& to-clef him wiþouten abod.
Wharto schuld y make tale of nouȝt?
Alle he haþ hem to deþ y-brouȝt.


He nam Tirri in his armes anon,
& sett him his hors opon.
To þat hawe-þorn he is y-fare,
Þan fond he nouȝt þat maiden þare.