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He that for feare hys mayster dyd denye,
And at a mayden's voyce amazed stoode,
The myghtyest monarche of the earth withstoode,
And on his mayster's crosse rejoyc'd to dye.
He whose blynde zeale dyd rage with crueltye,
And helpt to shedd the fyrst of martyrs' bloode,
By lyght from heaven hys blyndenesse understoode,
And with the cheife Apostle slayne doth lye.
O three tymes happy twoe; O golden payre!
Who with your bloode dyd lay the church's grounde
Within the fatall towne which twynnes did founde,
And setled there the Hebrew fisher's chayre,
Where fyrst the Latyn sheepehyrd rais'd his throne,
And synce the world & church were rul'd by one.