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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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[Ovr brother let vs put in graue]

[Ovr brother let vs put in graue]

Ovr brother let vs put in graue,
And na dout thairof let vs haue
Bot he sall ryse on Domisday
And haue immortall lyfe for ay.
He is of eird, and of eird maid,
And mon returne to eird throw deid
Syne ryse sall fra the eird and ground,
Quhen that the last Trumpet sall sound,
The Saull regnis with God in gloir,
And he sall suffer paine no moir
For caus his faith was constantlie
In Christis blude allanerlie.
His painefull pilgramage is past
And till ane end cummin at the last.
Deand in Christis ȝock full sweit
Bot ȝit is leuand in his Spreit.
The Saull leuis with God I say,


The body sleipis quhill Domisday,
Then Christ sall bring them baith to gloir
To Ring with him for euer moir.
In eird he hes vexatioun
Bot now he hes Saluatioun:
Ringand in gloir and blis but weir,
And schynis as the Sone sa cleir.
Ȝe faithfull thairfoir let him sleip,
And nocht lyke Hethin for him weip:
Bot deiply prent into ȝour breist,
That deid to vs approchis neist.
Quhen cummin is our hour and tyme.
Then we mon turnit be in slyme:
And thair is nane vther defence
Bot die in hope with pacience.
Thocht Pest or sword, wald vs preuent.
Befoir our hour to slay vs clene,
Thay can nocht pluke ane lytill hair
Furth of our heid, nor do vs deir.
Quhen fra this warld to Christ we wend,
Our wretchit schort lyfe mon haue end
Changeit fra paine and miserie,
To lestand gloir Eternallie.
And sall our dayis schort and vaine,
And sin quhilk we culd not refraine,
Endit salbe our pilgramage,
And brocht hame to our heritage.


Christ for thy micht and celsitude,
That for our sinnis sched thy blude,
Grant vs in Faith, to leue and die,
And syne ressaue our Saulis to the.