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The Closet of Counsells

conteining The aduice of diuers wyse Philosophers, touchinge sundry morall matters, in Poesies, Preceptes, Prouerbes, and Parrables, translated, and collected out of diuers aucthors, into Englishe Verse: by Edmond Eluiden. Wherunto is anexed a pithy and pleasant discription of the abuses: and vanities of the vvorlde

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Of gentillnes.

Lyke as dysdainefull pryde doth tears
the twiste of vertues knot
And iustise doth confound, and realmes
and publike weales doth rot
And treadethe honore vnder foote
and cleane suppresseth downe,
The happye gayne of good roporte
and proffet of renowne.


So gentilnes and meekenes doth
beneuolense prouoke,
And sweete affection styreth vp

Alex seue.

and slayes by dedlye stroke:
The rage of hatred and disdayne
but kyndels whot desyre
To loue, and eche mans harte by force
of fauoure settes on fyre.