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The Gracious.
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The Gracious.

O Name all names excelling!
Jehovah! secret name!
Thou hast Thy wondrous dwelling
Above the midday flame.
When I behold Thy wonders,
The marvels of Thy hands,
The temple of Thy thunders,
The moon and starry bands,
Lo, what is man, the human,
That Thou dost grant him grace?
Yea, man the son of woman,
That Thou dost turn Thy face?
Yet Thou hast made him master
Of air and earth and sea,
And crowned his head with lustre,
Viceregal under Thee.
In honor and in station
Scarce less than seraphim,
He ruleth Thy creation
Because Thou lovest him.
O God all gods excelling,
How vast Thy mercies are!
Thy power is past all telling,
Thy grace is greater far.