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I leave my wreath half-twined;—its blossoms lie
Unbound and withering, in the wayside dust,
Crushed by the rude feet of the passers by,—
And gird me to fulfil a loftier trust.
I leave my Eden,—my enchanted land,—
The pleasant ways which I have loved to tread,
And kneel while Duty's stern untrembling hand
Places her thorny crown upon my head.
I leave my early hopes, my morning dreams,
My high aspirings, all, all unfulfilled,
And follow Destiny's far guiding beams,
With tearless eyes, and steady heart unchilled.
I leave thy grave, oh, best beloved one!
The home to which my heart turns yearningly;—
The hope so long and fondly nursed is done,
I shall not claim the vacant place by thee!


And yet I leave thee not;—thou art not dead
To me, although thou sleepest cold and low,—
Thy love illumes the rugged way I tread,
And thy dear voice hath softly bid me,—“Go!”
For thou art always with me; though unseen,
I feel thy presence ever,—trustingly
On thee, in weakness and in woe I lean,
Hearing the sweet words—“I am still with thee!”
I turn my lips from Love's detaining kiss,
I break the grasp of Friendship's clasping hand,
And pleading words, and tones of tenderness
Fall on my ear like rain on desert-sand.
I say no farewell word,—I drop no tear,—
I tremble not, whatever doom may wait
Upon my future;—I but breathe one prayer,
And go forth quietly to meet my fate.