University of Virginia Library



A slender crescent in the opal west,
Low-hung above a mountain's darkening crest—
A silent dream above a world at rest.
The bending curve of the horizon bar—
A silver boat moored high in depths afar,
Cradling in tender arms one lone bright star!
An orchard close where wandering moonbeams strayed,
Weaving weird tapestries of light and shade,
And fairy paths for fairy footsteps made.
A great white harvest moon, divinely fair,
Slow sailing through resplendent seas of air,
Over dark pine-trees, and a garden rare.


A broad street flooded with the silver flow
Of the white moonbeams on new-fallen snow,
While, overhead, cloud shapes swept to and fro;
A curtained window and a casement low,
And a fair woman in the radiant glow
On whom the king smiled, passing, long ago!