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Away with you, ye musty tomes!
I'll read no more this morning!
The wildwood rose unlesson'd grows—
I'm off—your sermons scorning!
I found a problem, yester eve,
In wondering where the brook led,
More pleasant far for me to solve
Than any one in Euclid.
I heard a bird sing, sweet and low,
A truer lay than Tasso—
A lay of love—ah! let me go,
And fly from Learning's lasso!
I saw a golden missal, too,
'Twas writ in ancient ages,
And stars—immortal words of light—
Illumined all its pages!


The hand of God unclasp'd the book,
And oped its leaves of glory;
I read, with awed and reverent look,
Creation's wondrous story.
I will not waste these summer hours,
The gift that He has given;
I'll find philosophy in flowers,
Astronomy in heaven!
Yon morning-glory shuts its leaves,
A worm creeps out from under;
Ye volumes, take the hint she gives,
And let the book-worm wander!
I'll scan no more old Virgil's verse,
I'd rather scan the heavens;
I'll leave the puzzling Rule-of-Three
At sixes and at sevens;
The only sum I'll cipher out
Shall be the “summum bonum;”
My only lines shall fish for trout,
Till Virgil wouldn't own 'em!


A costly cover has my book,
Rich blue, where light is winding;
How poor, beside its beauty, look
Your calf and cotton binding.
Away! the balmy air—the birds—
Can teach me music better
Than all your hard, high-sounding words,
That still my fancy fetter.
The waves will tell me how to play
That waltz of Weber's rightly;
And I shall learn, from every spray,
To dance with grace, and lightly.
Hush! hark! I heard a far-off bird,
I'll read no more this morning;
The jasmine glows—the woodbine blows!
I'm off—your sermons scorning!