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FEBRUARY Ye 22th [1619–20]:
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FEBRUARY Ye 22th [1619–20]:


mr Treasurer.  mr Rich: Tomlynℯ.  mr Ri: Wiseman. 
Sr Io: Dauers.  mr Samu: Wrote.  mr Fra: Meuerell. 
Sr Tho: Gates.  mr Keightley.  mr George Smith. 
Sr Nath: Rich.  mr Wheatley.  mr Abraham Chamberlyn. 
mr Iohn Wroth.  mrCranmer.  mr Henry Briggs. 
mr Iohn Ferrar.  mr Berblock.  mr Elias Robertℯ. 
mr Tho: Gibbes.  mr Robert Smith.  mr Nicho: Ferrar. 
mr Dr Anthony.  mr Richard Wiseman.  mr Thomas Mellinge.[196]  
mr Dr Winstone.  mr Crowe. 

And forasmuch as the Courte by the Gouernors letter is given to
vnderstand that the inhabitants are very desiorus to have Engineers
sent vnto them for the raysinge of ffortefycac̃ons for wch they are
content amongst themselves to beare the charge therof, vppon wch
Sr Tho: Gates is entreated to write his pryvate letters of dyrecc̃ons
both in regard of his skill therin, as allso of his knowledge of the
Country, as allso that hee together wth Sr Nath: Rich conferr wth
generall Cæsill therin, whose assistance in a former Courte touchinge
the same buisines was entreated wch they have p̳mised to doe. [82]

Sr Tho: Gates de-
syred to write pry-
uate ɫres of di

A Box standinge vppon the Table wth this direcc̃on, to Sr Edwin
Sandis the faithfull Treasurer for Virginia, hee acquainted them that
itt was brought vnto him by a man of good fashion who would nether
tell him his name nor from whence hee came, butt by the Subscripc̃on
beinge the same wth letter hee coniectured that itt might be the


550li promised therin. And itt beinge agreed that the Box should be
opened therwas a bagg of new golde conteyninge the said some of
CCCCCLli: whervppõ Docter Winstone reportinge what the Comittee
held requisite for the mannaginge therof and that itt should be wholly
in ye charge of Smiths hundred itt was desyred by some that the reso-
luc̃on should be p̢sented in writinge to the next Courte wch in regard
of the Ashwednesdays sermon was agreed to be vppon thursday after.
The Box of 550li
to be wholly in ye
charge of Smiths

Vppon good considerac̃on of the scarcetie of the Mynisters that is
this day remayninge in Virginia haveinge eleaven Burroughs and not
aboue five Mynisters: Mr Thr̃er now comended to be considered by
ye Courte the sendinge of one sufficient Deuine to each of those Bur-
roughs, for the Comfort of the soules of the inhabitants, by preachinge
and expoundinge the word of God vnto them: And for the drawinge
and encourragmt of such Preachers herevnto acquainted them of 100
Acres of Land accordinge to former order to be alotted them wch
they beinge vnable to mannage alone are vnwillinge to goe ouer,
therfore because itt may be p̢pared for them hee would that there
might be sentt six men as Tennãts to each of the 100 Acres of Gleabe
in the saide Burroughs, in doinge of wch a yearly maintenance wilbe
raysed vnto them of wch the Company to bear the whole charge of them
wch shalbe transported to the Colledge Land, the Gouernors, and the
Companies, and for those six that shalbe sent by p̱ticularr hundreths
the Company for their better provocac̃on therevnto shall furnish out
three to each, vppon condic̃on that the p̱ticular Plantac̃on make vp the
other three, wch being putt to the question was generally well allowed
of, whervppon itt was thought very expedient that my Lord of Lon-
don should be solicited for the helping them wth sufficient Mynisters,
as allso such of the Company as wth out favour or affeccon could
heare of any that were cinceire ∥sincere∥ and devoute in that callinge
and were desirous to goe, that they would acquainte the Courte there-
with that they may be entertayned.

The scarsity of
Mynisters Consid-
ered offe.
my Lord of Lon-
don to be solicited
for helping them
wth sufficient Myn-

Mr Thr̃er allso signifyinge yt all Indentures of Land wch yett have
been graunted to p̱ticuler Societies are to come vnder the Seale againe,


therfore moved yt a new Coveñnt might be incerted for their mayn-
tenance of a sufficient Mynister wch being done the Country wilbe
well planted therwth, wch was well approved of.

Hee allso signified vnto them of the Ballatinge Box standinge vppõ
the Table how itt was intended att first an other way as might
appeare [83] by the Armes vppon itt butt now mr Holloway had
given itt freely to this Company that therfore to gratefie him they
would entertaine him into there Societie by giveinge him a single
Share of Land in Virginia wch beinge putt to the question was rate-
fyed vnto him, whervppon mr Deputy was entreated to provide a Case
for the better preservinge of itt.

Mr Holloway made
free bygiueing him
a single share.
A Case for ye Bal-
latinge Box.

Vppon the request of Richard Francke esquire to have 200 Acres of
Land layd outt for 4 men wch are to be transported to Virginia and
are allredy paied for vnto two of his sonns, Wm: and Arthur Franke
there resydinge mr Thr̃er hath promised to write to the Gouernor for
the effectinge of his desire.

200 Acres of Land
to be layd out for Mr
Richard Francks
two Sonns.

A Comission beinge now presented for §the§ mr Richard Francks two
Sonnes of the Swan of Barnstaple for takinge the first op̱tunytie of
winde and wather for Virginia was allowed to be sealed.

The Comission for
ye Swan of Barn-
stable to be sealed.

Wheras some principall of ye Magazine Aduenturers for the better
putting of of the Tobacco had signed to certaine Articles for tak
inge halfe therof vppon Condic̃on that all the rest should be written
for by Certaine time, wch tyme beinge expired and nothinge p̱formed,
the Adventurers now present have agreed, and to that end tyed them-
selvs that if those wch have subscribed please to stand thervnto they
will not sell the rest att lower price wch if they doe then they to pay
no more then the rest shalbe so sould for.

Magazine Aduen-
turers signed to
Certaine Articles


A blank space of one-half page in the manuscript follows.