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Government B1: American Government: Not open to first-year students.
—This course is devoted to a descriptive and critical study of the Government
of the United States. First term: The National Government. Second term:
The Government of the States. Third term: Municipal and Local Government.
(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Gooch and Associate Professor Spicer.

Government B2: International Relations: Government B1 prerequisite.
A study of the political, legal, and economic factors in modern international
society followed by a study of international law, the League of Nations, and
the Permanent Court of International Justice. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Dillard.


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Government B3: Party Politics in the United States: Government B1
—A study of the history, organization, functions and procedure
of political parties and their relations to the policies of Government. (B.A.
or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Spicer.

Government B4: European Government: Government B1 prerequisite.
First term: The Government of England. Second term: The Government of
France. Third term: The Government of Germany, Switzerland and other
countries. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Gooch.

Government B5: Municipal Government: Government B1 prerequisite.
A study of the rise of cities and of the development of their governmental
structure and practices of administration. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Egger.

Government B1 and one other B course in Political Science are prerequisite
to any C course.

Note: The C courses listed are not all offered in any given year. Students
who are interested should consult those in charge of the several

Government C1: United States Constitutional Law: A study of the
American constitutional system through the case method.

Associate Professor Spicer.

Government C2: Political Theory: First term: The Theory of the
State and of Government. Second term: The History of Ancient and
Medieval Political Thought. Third term: Modern and Contemporary Political

Professor Gooch.

Government C3: Federalism: A study of the theory and practice of
federalism together with an examination of the problems of centralization
and decentralization.

Professor Gooch.

Government C4: The Principles of International and of Public Law.

Government C5: The Theory and Practice of Public Administration.

Associate Professor Spicer.

Government C8: Municipal Administration: A study of the theory and
principles of municipal organization, of departmentalization, of inter-departmental
relations and of intra-departmental structure and methods.

Associate Professor Egger.