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Government B1: American Government and Parliamentary Gevernment:
(Not open to first-year students). The major part of this course is devoted to
a descriptive and critical study of the Government of the United States, National
and State. A survey of the Principles of Parliamentary Government is given
during the third term.

Professor Spicer and Associate Professor Maddox.

Government B2: International Relations: Government B1 prerequisite.
A study of the political, legal, and economic factors in modern international
society. The second-half year is devoted to the study of international law, the
League of Nations, and the Permanent Court of International Justice.

Associate Professor Maddox.

Government B3: The Principles and Problems of Government: Government
B1 prerequisite.
—The principles of Politics and their application to problems
arising in the operation of Government.

Professor Spicer.

Government B1 and one other B course in political science prerequisite to
any C course.

Government C1: United States Constitutional Law: A study of the
American constitutional system through the case method.

Professor Spicer.


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Government C2: The Principles of Public Law: A comparative study of
the modern theories of the State with special attention to the juristic concept
of the State.

Associate Professor Maddox.