University of Virginia Library

Scene I

An old Gothic Chamber in the Council House at Pilsen, decorated with Colours and other War Insignia.
Illo with Butler and Isolani.
Ye have come late—but ye are come! The distance,
Count Isolan, excuses your delay.

Add this too, that we come not empty-handed.
At Donauwert it was reported to us,
A Swedish caravan was on its way
Transporting a rich cargo of provision,


Almost six hundred waggons. This my Croats
Plunged down upon and seized, this weighty prize!—
We bring it hither—

Just in time to banquet
The illustrious company assembled here.

'Tis all alive! a stirring scene here!

The very churches are all full of soldiers.
And in the Council-house, too, I observe,
You're settled, quite at home! Well, well! we soldiers
Must shift and suit us in what way we can.

We have the Colonels here of thirty regiments.
You'll find Count Tertsky here, and Tiefenbach,
Kolatto, Goetz, Maradas, Hinnersam,
The Piccolomini, both son and father—
You'll meet with many an unexpected greeting
From many an old friend and acquaintance. Only
Galas is wanting still, and Altringer.

Expect not Galas.

How so? Do you know—

Max Piccolomini here?—O bring me to him.
I see him yet, ('tis now ten years ago,
We were engaged with Mansfeld hard by Dessau)
I see the youth, in my mind's eye I see him,
Leap his black war-horse from the bridge adown,
And t'ward his father, then in extreme peril,
Beat up against the strong tide of the Elbe.
The down was scarce upon his chin! I hear
He has made good the promise of his youth,
And the full hero now is finished in him.

You'll see him yet ere evening. He conducts
The Duchess Friedland hither, and the Princess
From Carnthen. We expect them here at noon.

Both wife and daughter does the Duke call hither?
He crowds in visitants from all sides.

So much the better! I had framed my mind


To hear of nought but warlike circumstance,
Of marches, and attacks, and batteries:
And lo! the Duke provides, that something too
Of gentler sort, and lovely, should be present
To feast our eyes.

(aside to Butler).
And how came you to know
That the Count Galas joins us not?

He importuned me to remain behind.

And you?—You hold out firmly?
Noble Butler!

After the obligation which the Duke
Had laid so newly on me—

I had forgotten
A pleasant duty—Major-General,
I wish you joy!

What, you mean, of his regiment?
I hear, too, that to make the gift still sweeter,
The Duke has given him the very same
In which he first saw service, and since then,
Worked himself, step by step, through each preferment,
From the ranks upwards. And verily, it gives
A precedent of hope, a spur of action
To the whole corps, if once in their remembrance
An old deserving soldier makes his way.

I am perplexed and doubtful, whether or no
I dare accept this your congratulation.
The Emperor has not yet confirmed the appointment.

Seize it, friend! Seize it! The hand which in that post
Placed you, is strong enough to keep you there,
Spite of the Emperor and his Ministers!

Ay, if we would but so consider it!—
If we would all of us consider it so!
The Emperor gives us nothing; from the Duke
Comes all—whate'er we hope, whate'er we have.

(to Illo).
My noble brother! did I tell you how
The Duke will satisfy my creditors?
Will be himself my banker for the future,


Make me once more a creditable man!—
And this is now the third time, think of that!
This kingly-minded man has rescued me
From absolute ruin, and restored my honour.

O that his power but kept pace with his wishes!
Why, friend! he'd give the whole world to his soldiers.
But at Vienna, brother! here's the grievance!—
What politic schemes do they not lay to shorten
His arm, and, where they can, to clip his pinions.
Then these new dainty requisitions! these,
Which this same Questenberg brings hither!—

These requisitions of the Emperor,—
I too have heard about them; but I hope
The Duke will not draw back a single inch!

Not from his right most surely, unless first
—From office!

Know you aught then? You alarm me.

(at the same time with Butler, and in a hurrying voice).
We should be ruined, every one of us!

No more!
Yonder I see our worthy friend approaching
With the Lieutenant-General, Piccolomini.

I fear we shall not go hence as we came.