University of Virginia Library


How hard to bear is military pride!
Should their commander as in real valour,
In haughtiness surpass them ... 'Tis not so;
Scipio is known to me: within my palace,


At Cirta, he was formerly my guest:
Most gentle and humane he then appear'd ...
Credulous Syphax, dost thou speak in earnest?
Then Scipio came to thee to ask for aid;
Nor was he then thy conqueror.—Vanquish'd king!
Taken in fight, and bound in fetters, dragg'd
Within the enemy's camp, dost thou yet live? ...
Oh Sophonisba! to what obloquy
Hast thou reduced me? Now, when I no more
Ought, or design to live, I am so fall'n,
That e'en the power of voluntary death
No more is mine? ... But hark, the trumpet's sound
Scipio's approach announces. See. He comes.