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EUCLIO driving out STAPHILA.
Out of my house, I say;—out of my house;
Nay, but you must and shall;—out of my doors,
Good gossip Pry-about,—poking your eyes,
And peering, here and there, in ev'ry corner.


Why do you beat me, a poor wretch?

To make you
A poor wretch;—you shall lead a sorry life on't.

Why have you thrust me out o'doors?

You jade!
Give you a reason?—Get you from the door,—
There,—there.—See how she crawls!—Do you know what?
If I but take a stick in hand, I'll quicken
That tortoise-pace of yours.

Would I were hang'd
Rather than serve you at this rate.

The beldam!
See how she grumbles to herself!—You jade,
I'll tear your eyes out; I'll prevent your watching,
Peeping and prying into all I do.
Get farther off there,—farther,—farther still,—
Farther.—So,—stand there.—If you dare to budge
A finger or a nail's breadth from that place,
Or if you turn your head once till I bid you,
I'll send you for a schooling to the gallows.—
Was ever such a beldam!—I'm afraid,

She'll catch me unawares, and smell the place out
Where I have hid my money.—The curs'd jade!
Why, she has eyes too in her pole.—I'll go,
And see whether my gold is as I lodg'd it,—
My gold, which gives me so much pain and trouble.

[Goes in.