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A Tragedy

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A wild mountainous Country.
Enter Cortez, Velasquez and Soldiers.
Thus far, in spite of all surrounding perils,
Our daring enterprize hath well advanc'd.
To-morrow's sun shall lead us on to conquest:
Proud Mexico, which o'er her subject lake
In tow'ring majesty exalts her head,
Shall vail her glories and confess our sway.
What say'st thou now, Velasquez? Dost thou now
Regret the navy, which on yonder shore
With minds determin'd we consign'd to flames?

Cortez! when first thou spok'st of thy resolve
To bar all transit from this western world,
I scann'd alone the risk which might attend
A plan so bold and daring; now I feel
Thy better wisdom, and pursue thy fortunes.


Doubt not their issue. Hath not Zempoalla,
With all her tribes, our victor standards join'd?
Some fav'ring spirit seems to guide our march,
And point the way to empire, wealth and fame.
Enter Salceda.
Salceda! welcome. Say, from Tlascala
What tidings bear'st thou? Do her chiefs refuse
Our proffer'd friendship, or, impress'd with awe,
Submit they like the rest, and grace our triumph?

I know not which, but shortly thou wilt learn.
To meet thee here, Telasco, their cacique,
Advances with his host.

Soft ye awhile—
Was it not he, of whom in Zempoalla
Of late we heard?

The same.

Who sought the hand
Of Montezuma's sister, and who since,
His suit rejected by her haughty brother,
Th' imperial court had sullenly relinquish'd?


So said our new allies.

Comes he to meet us?
Let him—'tis well—if in his soul still lodge
The ranc'rous feelings which he lately nourish'd,
They haply may be turn'd to our advantage.
'Tis worth experiment.—Marches he quickly?

He bad me hasten hither, to announce
His speedy coming.

Here then we'll await him.
These civil broils promote our great design.
Is this Telasco like those other chieftains,
On whose unpractis'd minds we have prevail'd?

Expect not so to find him. He appears
Cast in a rougher mould. A bolder savage,
Or one on whom the hand of nature stamps
A character more firm, I have not seen.

'Tis well—but hark! O'er yonder rugged hills
Already bursts his uncouth minstrelsy—
And see, descending from their beetling summits,
In rude array his forces bend their march.


Throughout our host immediate orders issue
To hold themselves prepar'd.—That must be he—
He bears indeed a brave and gallant aspect—

Enter Telasco and Soldiers.
Arrest your march!—Are these the wond'rous strangers,
Who, borne on flying castles o'er the main,
And arm'd with thunder, are arriv'd among us?
Where is the daring leader of your host?

Renown'd cacique! I hail thy welcome presence.
Behold in me the messenger of good,
Who 'cross the foaming waves have held my course,
To plant amid your tribes our holy faith,
And spread among you Europe's arts and knowledge.

Thy faith we heed not, and thy arts we scorn.
What can'st thou teach us?—Can'st thou make us stronger?
Can'st thou instruct us how to face the tiger,
To twang the bow—to hurl the spear—to dare
Our foes, or bravely vindicate our rights?
These are our arts, and these we know already.

As yet we're strangers to thee. More acquaintance


Will prove what are our faculties. I'll shew thee,
Ere thou depart'st, the wonders of our pow'r,
How at our will around us light'nings fly,
How we can rouse the thunder's pealing voice,
And with death-dealing energy o'erthrow
Whole legions of our foes array'd in arms.

Art thou a god, and these thy ministers?
Lo! if thou art, and if propitious be
Thy purposes, I'll bring thee store of gold,
Perfumes and gems. If thou be mortal man,
I'll lay before thee fruits to nourish thee,
Garments to screen thee from the sun's fierce ray,
And plumage to adorn thee.

No, cacique!
We boast not godlike pow'r, but by heav'n's favour
We have those rights, and that pre-eminence,
Which thou wilt shortly learn to recognize.
We have no hostile purposes; our wish
Is to establish lasting friendship with you.

If then ye're men, and mercy be your nature,
What leads you thus 'gainst Mexico to march?

We come, by Europe's pow'rful monarch charg'd,


To seek th' alliance of your Indian prince.
Should he receive us courteously, we mean
As friends with equal courtesy to greet him:
Should he oppose us, then our king's command
With our good arms we doubt not to inforce.

What—with a force like thine, a handful merely,
T'encounter with his myriads?—Look to it well—
Think'st thou that he, before whose rule e'en I,
Aye I, Telasco, bend, will crouch to thee?
Away, away!—Like the thin rack that flits
O'er heav'n's expanse, and vanishes to nothing,
When from his chamber in the glowing east
The sun in radiant majesty bursts forth,
Thy puny armament will melt before him—

I value not his myriads. Let him draw them
From ev'ry quarter of his wide domain,
Unaw'd would I encounter him. I've pow'rs,
Which yet he knows not of, but soon will learn,
That render me invincible. Yet wish I
In milder guise my mission to perform,
'Bove all with thee. I ask thy friendship, chief.
I am no common man, nor is my proffer
Of slight avail. I can redress the wrongs
Which thou from Montezuma hast sustain'd—


Where heard'st thou of my wrongs?

Thou'rt yet to learn
Our wond'rous faculties. Let those, who dar'd
Provoke our vengeance, tell thee of our prowess.
They witness'd and have felt it. Yet 'tis nothing
To the surpassing energies wherewith
We are by nature blest. The past, the future,
Alike are present to us; earth and sea
Confess our lordly sway; the elements
Of air and fire are to our voice obedient.
Far as the region, where with vivid ray
From the vast deep the sun his orb displays,
Our dwelling lies; yet not from us conceal'd
Thy wrongs remain'd.

Such pow'r is more than human!—
And wilt thou then employ such gifts for me?

I will, and shortly too. Let the proud tyrant,
Who scorn'd thy claims, exultingly display
His boasted forces, let him circle round
His splendid throne with millions of his vassals,
I'll lead thee, gallant friend, to fame and vengeance.


Vengeance! The very sound of it transports me.
Let me but fairly meet him face to face,
And fate may do its worst.—But tell me truly—
I would be sure—for deeply rankles here
Remembrance of the wrongs which I sustain'd
From that injurious despot—My Zelama,
Array'd in all her native loveliness,
By day, by night, still haunts my lab'ring fancy—
I see her as she was, when first her heart
Own'd me its lord—I hear her breathe fond vows
Of everlasting tenderness and love—
I see the pangs which rack'd her feeling bosom
When her proud brother tore her from my arms—
There's madness in the thought!—Canst thou feel for me?
Wil'st aid my just revenge?

Thou need'st not doubt me.
I am a Spaniard. 'Tis my nation's boast,
Honour and plighted faith to keep unstain'd.

I would confide in thee.—There's that about thee
Which bears a shew of honesty—I know not—

Dost doubt me then? 'Tis sign thou know'st me not.
He, who suspects my honour, is unworthy


Of sharing in my friendship.—Fare thee well—
I thought more nobly of thee.

Nay, thou wrong'st me.

'Tis thou wrong'st me. I doubted not thy faith,
But with a soldier's frankness proffer'd thee
My pow'rful aid to vindicate thy cause—

No more, no more! I will no longer doubt thee.
Swear that thou wilt maintain my injur'd rights,
That thou wilt never meet on peaceful terms
Our common foe, 'till all Telasco's wrongs
Shall be redress'd—swear this, and with my hand
Accept my friendship and the aid I bring thee.

Hear, oh ye heav'nly pow'rs! Record my vow,
While thus to Tlascala's brave prince I swear
Eternal friendship; hear, while I proclaim
Myself th' assertor of his love and glory!

Now, Montezuma! shalt thou own thy wrongs,
Now shall Telasco, like an angry spirit,
Appal thy soul, and force thee to be just!
Let us not lose a moment—Vengeance, love,
Call for immediate action. Lead thine host


To join my hardy Tlascalans. See, where
On yonder spreading heights they stand. Our clime
Boasts not of hearts more valiant or resolv'd.
Come—to our guardian gods we'll altars raise,
And in their presence ratify our vows.
