University of Virginia Library


Several doors, from inner apartments, opening into the hall. In the front folding doors, Count Cilley coming forward through them; a couch seen in the inner apartment, from which he rises as the curtain draws up. Rodolpho following him.
It mocks belief. Huniades arriv'd?
His fleet in sight, engaging with the Turk's?
Demons of air, in whirlwinds scatter both!
Thou roaring Danube whelm them in thy flood!
Destroy Huniades, though, he destroy'd,
Plumed victory should forsake the Christian banner,
And give to Mahomet unbounded empire.


This passionate deportment tends to ruin;
Your bounty has allur'd the people's hearts,
Because they see no motive, but their interest,
Which stimulates your ardour to relieve them;
The mine you dig, should they suspect your purpose,
Would be blown up with danger to yourself.
Let circumspection guard what art has won;
Opposeless is a foe new-crown'd by victory;
Huniades now reigns in every heart.
These succours, swiftly rais'd, and timely come
To their relief, have chang'd the people's murmurings
To joy and gratitude. Should you exclaim
Against their idol, you excite suspicion.
Still in the people's interest seem absorb'd,
Seem joyful that Huniades is come
With fresh supplies to feed their wives and children.
This if he bring them not sows discontent.

Curse on his coming! for it gives the lie
To all I prophesy'd of his delay,
And drooping courage. Long has he been seen?

Three hours.

Why instantly was I not told,
When the fleet came in sight? Art thou too leagu'd


With fortune, and my foes, against my wishes?
My favours merit better service from thee;
Thy too late warning leaves me now no power
To form such plans, as should have foil'd his speed.

Vain, fruitless thought! thy passion warps thy judgment.
Thou might'st as well hope to arrest yon Sun
In mid career, as stop this gallant chief,
When ardent in his country's cause he comes.
Yet had I known, my Lord, you would have thank'd
The man who told you that your foe was near,
I could have summon'd you from needed sleep
To see a grateful people mad with joy;
To hear one voice of praise ascend the skies,
That great Huniades, their guardian genius,
Their tutelary God, was come to save them.

Peace! for my ill-placed anger taunt me not.
Huniades, the man I fear and envy,
Whom I with deadly hate detest—he comes.
Unsated vengeance fires my soul to phrenzy.
Gods, he triumphant comes! Give me some hope,
Contrive some means, that he may fall my victim!

Be calm! and opportune event may aid you;
Without supplies the city must surrender.


If now Huniades relieve Belgrade,
The frighted King will strait return to celebrate
His sister's marriage with the Servian prince.
The Princess gone, the Regent's power is sapp'd;
The guardianship of such a peerless gem,
As your fair niece, gives power to rise still higher.
'Tis rumour'd, that his son Corvinus dar'd
To ask her hand—

How! my niece wed Corvinus?
By heaven she never shall, whilst I have life;
I first would give Belgrade, although the key
Of the Hungarian realm, to Mahomet;
And he would rid me both of son and father.
Huniades! his blood commix with mine?
Corvinus and Agmunda then would mount
My coward nephew's throne, supplanting me.
Accursed scheme! rise every fiend to blast it.

The Regent has himself that danger warded;
Glory, and not ambition, is his God:
He made the Princess, at the altar, swear
Never to wed his son. But other cares
Demand your present thoughts. A hasty council
Has been conven'd; which soon broke up, commanding
Such troops to muster in Saint Julian's Square,
As can be spar'd from duty on the walls.


These, from the western gate, led by Corvinus,
In one vast column, through the Turkish camp,
Must fight their way against redoubling foes;
Whilst with his troops, and hoped supplies, Huniades
Shall disembark. In this their purpos'd sally,
A thousand of your Austrian troops they ask
To march with the rear-guard, and flank the river,
The ground maintaining which the van shall gain,
And their retreat back to Belgrade secure.

Ask me to aid the triumph of Huniades?
Bid the wreck'd seaman quit the plank he clings to!
Bid the parch'd wretch, when fever fires his blood,
Part with the cooling beverage from his lip!
'Tis a gross insult to demand my troops;
Not one shall march beneath Corvinus' standard.

Think of the consequence of this refusal.
'Twould sound unpopular, and most suspicious,
That Austria's Regent, the King's guardian,
And his great Uncle too, refus'd his aid
Stores to convey into a town besieged,
Where every citizen eats scanty bread.
Without these succours famine will ensue,
Belgrade must yield, and with it falls a kingdom.
Your aid is not of service to your foe,
But to yourself; worded the people's friend,
You lose their confidence, if in this misery


Your deeds desert them. Let not fury blind you,
Weigh, with your wonted policy, your interest.
Revenge and hate must wait a riper hour.

I know not that; their hour perhaps is now.
My spirits feel a prescience which prolaims
The balance of my fate aloft is pois'd;
And shall I make the adverse scale preponderate?
Gods! give me empire, let me reign or die!
I would command my fate, nor owe to chance
My envy'd height. Huniades destroy'd,
The Regency of Hungary is mine;
Then, this Boy King, the people will depose:
Huniades, whilst Regent, more defends him
Than could embattled legions arm'd to save him.

My Lord! the exigence demands despatch,
Zilugo urged me for a speedy answer;
Resolve, lest your delay excite suspicion,
And make him penetrate your secret motive.
I know he views your conduct with distrust,
And lynx-eyed jealousy may view it right;
Unless you warily avoid its ken.

Be thine the craft t'elude his penetration,
Smoothing my answer to a courteous form.


This Governour I fain would win: so tell him,
My troops should in this enterprise take part,
To the last man; but, that I fear the Sultan,
When we shall sally to convoy the succours,
Will try to force the eastern gate by storm.
This and the wall adjacent I must guard.
To draught my troops, should an assault be given,
Would be most certain danger to Belgrade.
I but withhold them for important service,
More perilous far than that which I decline.
Grace this with all the artifice of speech,
And speak me such as he would wish to find me.
To my Lieutenant then the order give,
That Cosmo shall the eastern gate command;
And Hernan's regiment surround the palace.
Report my fears that the Turks mean to storm.
And instantly to arms my Austrians call.

Is this parade meant but to blind the council?
Or have these preparations other motives?
Instruct me, lest I fail to aid your purpose.

This palace I will seize. My niece the Princess,
Leagu'd with my foes or not, shall be my prisoner
Till I succeed; and, if I fail, my victim.
I must harangue the crowd, distribute money,
Accuse Huniades of breach of faith,
That he has plann'd his son should wed the Princess.


Dethrone my nephew, and usurp his crown.
If this inflame the people, as I wish,
Corvinus and Huniades return'd
(spoken with insidious meaning.)
Shall be for treason seiz'd, and thou their guard,
As thou wast Elsinger's. The Monk Campestran,
Fanatic priest, shall writhe beneath my vengeance.
I'll seize the Sword his insolence refus'd me:
Bless'd by the Pope, the people hold it sacred,
Thinking miraculous power attends the wearer.
Campestran shall repent his proud defiance:
Without his aid, sole Regent of this realm
Belgrade shall hail me, and ere long its King.
With thy accustom'd zeal my orders execute.

Exit Rodolpho.