University of Virginia Library



    Earl of Northampton,

  • Mr. Bridgwater.
  • Earl of Somerset,

  • Mr. Cibber, jun.
  • Sir Thomas Overbury,

  • Mr. Savage, the author.
  • Sir Gervas Elloways,

  • Mr. Keith.
  • Lady Frances Howard, niece to the Earl of Northampton, formerly wife of the Earl of Essex, divorced from him, and afterwards married to the Earl of Somerset,

  • Mrs. Campbell.
  • Isabella, an orphan, under the guardianship of the Earl of Somerset, in love with Sir Thomas Overbury,

  • Mrs. Bret.
  • Cleora, confident to the Countess of Somerset, secretly a friend to Isabella,

  • Mrs. Davison.
  • Officer, guards, and attendants.